Good evening everyone welcome to my daily post for Thursdays colorchallenge: I am sharing 3 pictures in this article. Hope you like them! users I am most influenced by:
@tabilim @taconator @cyoott @ahn @foo @liz @nhj @wwf @epoxy @plugyo @steemitpalm @buguela @etartakovsky @lovemyson @beemsterboer @ananuaremere @hmrosenfeld @decayinjack @abulabubu @simonjay @bulleth @lisadang @burnin @lilscottie @saziz @stacee @iansart @champagnecrypto @steeminator @arsenal @franz @btcswag @bush @michaelstobiersk @materia @atry @sailingtohappy @snooway @victorier @darthnava @woojumbs @jens @chickee @holm @ivan @dragonfly @superstar @them @foxxycat @smurrah @koreanguy @azuriteblue @rkcprimal @dmesquita @chroma @troutmaster @tjsoborn @sethlinson @granturismo @lostcity @claraking @elite @cheetah @steemitph @jassennessaj @vapourb @scottnoe @vincentcestone @kevincox @litrbooh @tipmra @damiancarson @omarb @beachsagebrush @reghunter @idyllwild @newmarket @margarita @lester @blockchainttmft @forexbrokr @zzalinor @nnnarvaez @cobalus @mddocmd @coinbitgold @betamusic @nolnocluap @etainclub @yoganarchista @german @aksinya @afrog @gkucmierz @jasonyoakam @lobotony @kiwiscanfly @mobbs @tfeldman @mindfreak @robak @twodollars @mikeldavis @antviewer @xxforeverxx @steemvoter
Bad Steemian! Bad!@morganbarnett you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons: