Hi Steemit, Welcome to my #colorchallenge submission for Indigo Saturday. In this post I have 3 pictures to share with you enjoy!
A few of of my favorite Steemian Influencers:
@spinbitz @churdtzu @neurosaurus @dab @gbd @jay @ska @wwf @wayneworld @kieranmacleod @steemitadventure @aiento @etartakovsky @blockchained @rymlen @ananuaremere @timbo @decayinjack @aleksandraz @agoric @richq @lisadang @jawnz @gabbans @indikapi @hopehuggs @aniestudio @mathworksheets @shawnsteemit @good @jeffrey @dlohreb @blue @jacobts @bcoman @trenz @segyepark @ozoo @victorier @underdog @meno @razorwave @leesongyi @coffee @ringelpiez @kodaxx @lovemetouchme @eveuncovered @inphiknit @supergoodliving @computer @yinyangboobookat @solidgold @kingbrianboru @landmine @michaelx @klimbim @vishious @acromott @dgiors @berniesanders @sagescrub @stalsobrook @jamtaylor @wittemol @joshuanboles @sandmans @idikuci @energy @rongosselin @michaellamden @eosphere @markedwr @feyee @mangou @dancingstar @cryptomarket @morten @jungs @stevescoins @pathfinder @dcshin @silentobserver @heart @watershed @perspective @michaelandgaby @mafkikker @jiujitsu @wewewe @mikemiziner @arshikhan @deshpanderajesh @voter @jacknbeanstalk @whaleofcrypto @norbu @mobbs @tfeldman @mindfreak @flauwy @awrelll @solar @montfortray @chaindynamics @cryptob
Bad Steemian! Bad!@frankholden you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
I like the pictures, but I see they are from the net.
Maybe cite the sources next time so you wont be in the abuser list? 😊
Good luck,