Hello and welcome to my colorchallenge post for Indigo Saturday everyone, Today I have 3 pics to share with you I hope you like them!
Steem users I am most influenced by:
@scottdphoto @crypto @liliana @helmst @hub @jay @mal @iceblue @rossenpavlov @deobrands @krsber @millers @mauricemikkers @infinitemedia @boontjie @sponge @facer @norwegianviking @gentlesoul @martinrcox @lizik @hkcski @jasmi @saios @paulag @altccy @noelboensel @sassyminer @steeminator @mafeeva @adriansky @ozcap @bush @jacobts @allpass @trenz @brandonscalera @snooway @chance @puffin @meno @lexicon @badams @smasssh @tiffssteemit @inky @superstar @cakind @inphiknit @gamerveda @swam @yinyangboobookat @scottspaccount @mickealh @beajinsu @cnstlf @techblogger @jemmalypuff @dashpaymag @dbugeaud @berniesanders @elear @funkie @jamtaylor @wittemol @richardsever @scottnoe @slick @lovehm @mctoutaylali @svamiva @divraj @chunseungho @dudutaulois @tomber @mender @cryptomarket @ndnewell @slapbox @bunch @riscadox @zzalinor @errolhq @future @flyyou @siavach @patrice @sportsncoffee @heimindanger @worldsun @synapse @belloule @nepalipahad @emcreagh @mysteir @curthuff @jackmiller @steembusiness @justinian @chungjh @bigbryan @honusurf @mikeldavis @girina @wakeupnd @cryptob
Bad Steemian! Bad!@danpilkington you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons: