Christian Octe @christianocte has given me not one but two great ideas within 24 hrs. This is number 2! ;)
He has taken the acronym for the ABC's of Curation for #newbieresteemday, which stand for @amariespeaks @beeyou @charisma777 and given it his own twist! Our founding sponsors @coolguy123 and @abh12345 would be impressed!!!

Both @amariespeaks and @beeyou immediately reacted and each relished their respective definition assigned to "their" letter! And of course, @amariespeaks associated with "Attitude" and @beeyou with "Brains"... and I'm sure @charisma777 would love "Connections"... So its very cool to see them react to how Christian defined the acronym.
Since we all like to have fun around here at #newbieresteemday, and all of you know well @amariespeaks @beeyou and @charisma777, I thought why don't we have a "Name Game" and see just how creative people can get!

What Words Would You Use To Describe The ABC's of Curation?

Simple Rules
1. Use 1 word beginning with the same letter to describe each of the ABC's of Curation
.....A is for @amariespeaks
.....B is for @beeyou
.....C is for @charisma777
2. Follow each of them if you aren't already
That's it, simple game... simple rules

Bonus Newbie Nickel Award*
Go to one of their blogs, find a post that you like, and paste the link in your comment. Every valid link will get a Newbie Nickel sponsored this week by #steemitcommentchallenge!

The Winner Will Be Selected By ABC's of Curation
Prize Offered Will Be A Choice Of...

A) A Steem Basic Income Membership for life?
B) A delegation to you if 50 SP for 2 weeks to help with bandwidth issues?

*This newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!

Hi! I’m pretty new here on Steemit and thought this looked like fun! I was already following Bee, but glad to find more great blogs to follow, thanks! Here are my newbie ABC’s and a link I couldn’t stop reading on Bee’s page.
A- Altruistic
B- Build
C- Community
Cheers to you! Thanks again,
Me 😄
Hey @pretty.dorky, its nice to meet you and I love the name!!! (me too btw) ;)
I think they are going to love it!!! I'm happy you come by and introduced yourself, now I won't forget you and we're connected! (see that's easy) ;)
I'm happy to give you a newbie nickel thanks to @danielasori :)
I’m adding Authentic to my A’s 😉 it’s an ongoing list right? 😋🙈
:P you can add as many now as you like... I think you can butter up the judges... they like that sort of thing (compliments) ;)
I wasn’t buttering anyone up... what a waste of good butter! Lol a popularity contest is the last thing I’m interested in here. I hope to build community by lifting others, not just myself. 😊
hahaha... I was just playing... But very funny comment!!! I love it :) ...
And I agree with you about a popularity contest, this is about lifting others and building a community! That's the key. All the people you will get to know, you will want to see them succeed and will do what you can to help them! I love the way this place is structured, I've met more friends in 3 months than the last 10 years.
So kudos to you @pretty.dorky with a great comment! I'm glad you said something too, because I was just joking about their vanity... (they are 3 of the most humble and selfless people you will meet)
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you many times in the future!!!
Thank you so much for the newbie nickel! I’ve learned quite a bit about steemit by participating in this. My learning curve is a lil steep, but I’m up to the challenge! Daring to suck right now.😄
You are always welcome and fit right in with us @pretty.dorky! It may seem like we've all been friends for years, but really is just weeks and days in some cases.
You have the key ingrediant and that is you are sincere. Authenticity is valued here so just be you and enjoy the many fascinating things happening!
If you need any help with anything, since we've all been there, then just ask any of us. We all want to help each other because that is how we grow deeper and stronger and also make this fun!
ahhh, I see the game.
huh??? lol... omgoshhh you're funny! hahaha
Hi @pretty.dorky thanks for joining in with the fun and welcome to Steemit! :-D Nice choices!
Did I misunderstand the assignment? Haha!
Not at all ! sorry I missed the upvote! I just added it! Too many things comments going on lol I'm jumping around too quickly - I'm so sorry @pretty.dorky! I definitely did not mean to offend you! :-D
Oh no, not offended 😉 you over estimate my understanding of voting! Ha!
ohh LOL - sometimes people do pay a lot of attention to the votes - so I just assumed !
Hi @pretty.dorky. Thanks for the follow and stopping by to engage. I checked your blog. LOL on the um, filthy soap. I can say that since I have a girl cat, hehe.
I'm glad you took the time to read the post by papapepper. I know you're new, but it's never too early to learn some of the happenings of this platform. Keep learning and join our contests. It's free and our way to help out our newbies. Check out the #newbiegames tag. There are bunches of them out there, but a good one to start is the comment challenge.
It was nice meeting you! So far my B factor is 'Booster, Brilliant, and Build'. Exciting to see what else is next. :)
Ha ha... yeahhhh I misunderstood the assignment! I knew it! 🙈 I thought I was making ABC’s of curating in general, not about you 3 specifically. Oopsie! Sorry! Guess that’s why it’s called newbiegames! I’ll figure it all out one day... maybe. Thank you again! 😋
No mistake! It could be either or. We're not ones to go by the rules. ;)
As long as you're participating and having fun. That's all that matters to us!
Oh good... cuz I’m a notorious rule bender. 😉
Me too!!! ;)
You should join our team! Lol, we are rule benders too. :)
How can i join you and help? I’m in. 😀
It's great to see that the @newbiegames are getting very engaging and simple to play for everyone! After getting stuck into the IFC posts, I am back here again with my entry:
A for angel because @amariespeaks is a bright and beautiful spirit that watches over #newbieresteemday. This is the first post that connected me to her:
B is for beacon, because @beeyou shines brightly to draw those who are feeling lost and need guidance to #newbieresteemday. Even though this is not strictly a post from the account, I feel like this post from @mudcat36 says all you need to know about @beeyou:
C for catalyst because @charisma777 and were connected by @davemccoy and since our brief conversation a little while back she has been that extra spark that has made many of the initiatives on #newbieresteemday come to life. This is just an example of what she does for the community in IFC:
Thank you @plushzilla, I don't feel I have done enough but i try me best! I am glad to see you are engaging in both of these awesome initiatives!
I think you have done so much since we last touched base, and not just on Steemit but in the Discord channels as well :) I am always interested in finding new connections and it was great to see you connect with @amariespeaks from another circle as well!
When we last really "spoke" i was like ok I have no connections really other than dave and tecnosgirl I didn't really engage in much and decided to get out there and do something about it. I am glad to have met amariespeaks as well, i believe our first connection was the newbieresteemday initiative and her winning the art contest. Then later noticed her in tarot so definitely cool we have been able to connect, she is an awesome individual!
You should really give yourself a lot of credit for getting out there and making a change/difference :) I think once you start looking for these connections then they just keep popping up everywhere! I am glad that you are involved in IFC because that was also another very interesting connection too.
I am glad I have gotten involved and hopefully, with this involvement, there will come an evolution! Mind, body, and spirit!
You have done more than enough! omgosh, you are amazing for all the help you do! And helping @apolymask is just like helping us because I consider him part of us too! We are all one big team and you shine very bright! So thank you for everything, I knew you were awesome the minute I met you!
I love to see the comments and since you can't enter this one yourself, you get a newbie nickle too courtesy of @danielsaori!!!
Thanks @davemccoy I appreciate the "newbie nickle" definitely feeling the newbie love today!! Thanks everyone for your awesome comments! It's made my day!
I'll be back with an upvote later because I need to power up a bit.
I am not religious as such, but the concept of angels to me is like a spiritual guardian/mentor who watches over you. It's great that you managed to connect with @charisma777 from the tarot readings because that's where we first crossed paths :)
yes- I totally agree with your concept of angels :-D and it is really cool that my tarot is a binding force between all of us! I love that!!
smooth, very smooth @plushzilla! I'm sure you put a smile on all their faces with that awesome answer! Here's your newbie nickel courtesy of @danielsaori!!!
The post was a really great way to give back to the people who have contributed so much to the movement. It is also nice to see so many people that they have influenced in more ways than one. I will have to go and check out the Comment Challenge after I am done with the IFC :)
What thoughtful ways to describe the ABC's @plushzilla. I do love angel for amariespeaks and catalyst for charisma777.
So far my B factor is 'Booster, Brilliant, and Build and Beacon'. Awesome!
I'm glad you chose @mudcat36's post to highlight from my blog. It was a wonderful gesture from mudcat36 and I would love more people to know what a kind and thoughtful person he is to send me such a gift.
Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to chat with you on here.
Technically it was outside of the rules, but I thought if I am going to pick a post it might as well be one that I think I like the best about you. And since everyone is too humble to sing their own praises, I am glad that I did one for davemccoy and mudcat36 wrote one for you :)
The one you wrote for Dave was great and I do love mine from mudcat36. We're not one to conform with rules. :)
Ok, maybe this stay-tuned isn't so bad. You amaze me with your ideas. Now I have to resteem another of your post. The secret will be out and everyone will now know I'm a fan of yours.
The selection from my blog are slim pickins. I've been meaning to write a post on the 'B factor of the ABC's of Curation'. Perhaps I'll start on that in case anyone does stop by. :)
Ohh don't worry they don't have to look far to see the magic of your work... And I'm glad this "stay tuned" turned out to be "not so bad", I thought you might like to hear all the words that people would describe you all with! I had a "hunch" ;)
Well you get a newbie nickel too for beeing a good sport (thanks to @danielsaori)... don't spend it all in one place! ;)
I love this too... I've sat back and let you all chime in, but I love the answers that they are coming up with!!! Its seems like you 3 have made a good impression.. :D
You get a newbie nickel for having a blast :)
I like the way she’s able to find promising newbies every week again.
A for @amariespeaks is for Attention.
B for @beeyou is for Being Real. I really like the honesty and open-hearted mentality of @beeyou
I think we didn’t see half of the creative potential yet... I believe there’s loads more to come
C for @charisma777 is for Creative.
long post. I appreciate the kind words about me. I love that we are on this journey with so many great friends.Hi @simplymike. Thanks for stopping by to read my
Adding one more to my B factor list: Booster, Brilliant, Build, Beacon and Being Real. Loving the list so far!
Thank you @simplymike I am just waiting on my camera to come in to share all of my talents with the rest of you. Stay tuned!
There you are... I just sent a message hoping you get better! I should've known to stop at this post first!!! :P
I hope you are recovering well and I think you're answers are awesome! I know they will all appreciate them, and I know I do!
Get well soon too so I can talk to you about joining the games group! You will add charm to the group! ;)
and I almost forgot, here's your newbie nickel courtesy of @danielasori!!!
Hi @davemccoy this is a heads up about a phishing scam that is going on, if you are able to please chack out the steemitabuse post and if you are of a mind to resteem it. I am trying to help someone locally that had $600 SBD stolen from his account.
please don't consider this as a spam.
Hi @signmanjestah! Of course I won't consider this spam! I checked on the link and saw what you are talking about. That is terrible. I did see the gtg thing a week or so ago and glad I didn't check it out. I think its a great service that you pointed out. I will be happy to spread the word, just not tonight because I have a few live post to keep in the spotlight.
I appreciate you helping your friend and I'm happy you let me know of this post!
Good to see you again and hope you've been good!!! Its been awhile, but always good to see you :)
hello@davemccoy ,I am a newbie and I just joined the newbieresteem family courtesy @annamighty. I hope you visit my blog. .nice contest and will be dropping my entry soon
my mentorHey @tariah, first welcome to steemit! I have something even better for you coming out very soon (and that is Dear Dawne)... I will be putting out my weekly post and in that post you will have access to @goldendawne. She is a professional mentor on steemit and she is amazing. Just check my blog in the next few hours and say "hi to @goldendawne" in the comment section and ask her to look at one of your posts. She will be glad to look at it and maybe even your whole blog.
Also she is available every week so if you learn things during the week then you can come back and talk to her again!
Congrats on joining the #newbieresteemday family and I'm very proud of @annamighty for introducing you :) Stay in touch and I hope to see you tomorrow!!! :)
hello@davemccoy ,I am a newbie and I just joined the newbieresteem family courtesy @annamighty. I hope you visit my blog. .nice contest and will be dropping my entry soon
this is the link