Every month I am going to pick out a great question that a newbie asks so that I can answer it and share the responses with my followers. Sometimes we forget that we grow quick here and what we take for granted as easy, is in fact very hard for others. I see too many times people (including me) say "just go back through my blog and I have answers for you". The problem is, how many people are going to sift through 30 days of blog posts just to hopefully find answers to questions that all of us have had at one time or another?
Simple Format And A Small Reward Too
So I will highlight the questions, and the post they came from, and reward the newbie author with at least a $1.00 upvote on her post. I also encourage anyone else to help give answers to the questions to this newbie directly (if they differ from mine or you just want to reinforce a point).
Remember you were a newbie steemian yourself at one time and don't forget how you felt as people gave you answers to your questions. I encourage all of you to also do what I am doing. Find a newbie and answer their questions and share the info and the habit with your own followers too!
This is the best newbie question I have run across this month. I'm answering it simply because you took the time to ask such thoughtful questions @millerava.
1.) What is a steem? steem is a currency that you can trade for other currencies.
2.)how will I get a steem? You get it by either buying it or earning it from steemit.
3.) What is steem power? SP is when you "locK up" your steem for up to 13 weeks and they give you the "power" to do things like upvote others and earn money. You don't have to power up, but if you plan on staying here awhile you might want to do so.
4.) What the meaning of power up or power down vote? don't worry about that at this time. It will just confuse you.
5.)What is SBD? This is steem dollars which is another currency that you earn on steemit. You get half SBD paid out on your posts. The rest of the payout is in STEEM.
6.)How much will I make per post? You can make between $0 and $1000s... it just depends on the post. I see that you are active and you will find that ONE good post a day is better than 7 so-so posts. If you get people that like you and follow you, and they want to encourage and appreciate you, then you will get higher payout. Also affecting you is whether or not you get seen (ie how many followers you have). If you have 10 followers, then you will be seen less that if you have 1000 followers. To get followers, you need to "engage" in conversations with people. People will like you in the beginning because you have a pretty face, but you also need to have a good personality and engage people in conversations too. That will help you get many more followers and make more money.
7.)what is reputation on Steemit? Reputation is important because it is a ranking of who has credibility. If you have a 34 and I have a 53, people will believe me more than you. So your reputation score will go up when you interact more with people and it all adds up and grows over time. (unless you engage in bad behaviour, which people above you can ruin it and make it go down)
8.)Does reputation means something on Steemit? yes, see above... very important
9.)Is there any sites accepting steem or SBD apart from blocktrades and bittrex? I believe, I don't know because I haven't tried to sell any. I do know people that do, so no worries about that. There are ways to convert to cash.
10.)How is Steemit making money from its user? Steemit doesn't make money. Steemit is just a social platform. The creators of steemit are making lots of money simply because what they have created has gottten really valuable. But everyone makes the same on this, but making high quality posts that people like to see, OR by interacting with others and people liking what you say. (hint: I have made more money on my comments than on my posts)
11.)Who is the owner of Steemit? Is it ned or blocktrades or bittrex? I think ned... but don't know.
12.)Is it good to copy a post from another websites? no it is not good. You can post some pictures or text if you link to the source, but it should not be the whole post. In fact it will cause you problems as you get a higher ranking if you ever do it. People tend to overlook a newbie doing something wrong, but if you get bigger and do it they can knock you down hard quickly. So it is always best to use your own stuff and own words. And frankly people would rather see that anyways. We rather see a picture of you making dinner or working out, rather than a model on the internet that is just a nameless face. So be yourself, you will do well.
13.) What is steemcleaners and cheetahbot? They are just one of the things that are imbedded into the system to make sure you don't cheat. If you cheat, they will catch you. And you don't really want to see either of them, because that means you probably did something wrong.
14.)How will someone make a good content post by himself? I don't know what you mean exactly. To make a good post, you need to make it interesting to you. If you think something is good, then share it with us. If you think it is stupid or trivial then don't make a post about it. But if it interests you, then it might interest others. The best advice I can give is to go into others posts and see what they are posting, this will help you to understand what is good quality and what is not.
15.) Is Steemit all about crypto? Because crypto post on Steemit make more money than any other post.why No, it is not all about crypto... We earn 2 different crypto currencies so we tend to get a lot of crytocurrency traders here to discuss things because they have that in common. But the cryptospace is just one of the many ways you can "be social". As far as earning money, that is probably because many early adopters were also early to the cryptospace, thus they have larger influence due to their success both here and in the outside world. I welcome them just like I welcome all aspects of life to be here.
16.What is voting power? Voting power is gauge that runs down with every vote, but also continually recharges... you can always check your voting power here https://www.steemworld.org/@millerava. It will tell you where your voting power is and it also tells you how long it will take to recharge to 100% (if you leave your votes alone). Most people will get about 10 votes a day... so try to keep your meter between 80 and 100.
17.)How will I have a good voting power? only vote 10 times a day and monitor you meter often.
18.)Can I buy steem or steempower and SBD? certainly, there are places to do this.
19.) Can I boost my post? yes you can do this too... there are many ways to do so, my favorite is with @bumper because it gives you a fixed 3x return on your SBD. But their are many other ways you will learn too.
20.) How will I calculate my post payout? 75%Author and 25%Curator yes. that is right. and then take that number and you will get half in sbd and the other half paid in STEEM based on the US$ exchange rate
21.)Is it good to save SBD? It depends on your strategy. And it depends on whether you think it is high or low, and also depends on what alternatives you have to invest it in. Many variables, join my discord channel and I will explain more in DM.
22.) Is there a limit to post daily? I don't think there is a limit, but people generally do 1 or 2 max posts a day. More than that and it is sort of being a hog. Yesterday you put out a lot and nobody minds because you're new. But in a week somebody would tell you to slow it down a little. They are much more interested in quality and relationships than they are in quantity. So I would give you advice to be seen once or twice a day in posts and then spend the rest of you time in other people's posts talking to them and making comments to get known. Your pretty face will get you noticed, but you need to follow that up with making the connections to the people that notice you.
23.) How many post can be posted daily? answered above
24.)Is there a time to post in order to make more money? not really, but you will find that you will have followers that tend to be in certain time zones. Usually the ones in which you are awake. So that is when you will get the most attention in your own time of day.
- What cryptocurrency is good for Steemit? none and all... they have no impact on the day to day activities here, but of course the movements and excitement that is created around crypto keep the need to chit chat and inform about it high. But the are all grouped together as far a sthe long term "good for steemit" question.
26.) I don't want to be left out on Steemit? Then you should realize that this is a very complex system that takes time and understanding. You can do really well here if you try hard and keep learning. Some things are easier than others, and each person has a set of skills or talents that gives them both weaknesses and strengths. I will be happy to help you and guide you, all you have to do is ask. ps.. there are also many others that will help you too, so while I am sincerely offering, you will find many that are like me. The key to success here is building good strong relationships and helping your own partners and followers to grow bigger. As that happens you gain strength and that strength is even better with stronger friends.
27.) Always give me latest update on steemit. lol... you will find out that this is up to you to learn where to go and who to listen to. There is no "centralized" dept called public relations or rules committee or anything like that. What happens is the bigger people (higher reputation) have a vested interest in keeping the community strong. So they reward those that improve it and punish those who destroy it. Part of the genius behind how this works is that anyone can say anything. It is up to the collective community to reward good information and punish bad information. So who you learn from makes all the difference in the world.
If I left out any info or gave an opinion that you disagree with, then I welcome you to correct me both in the comment box here and also in the post. I am not perfect and certainly have a lot to learn too. In fact today is only my 40th day. I do think it is important for steemians of all levels to engage, so I highly recommend encouraging the older members to meet the newer members (and vice-versa). We all say we want to develop the newbies, so this is just one way we can put actions behind the words!
As always be humble, and
Hi @davemccoy, one of my very early post was downvoted. The user who downvoted it did not comment the reason for the downvote; I figured maybe he did not like my photo (I shared a photo of a coffee) or he did not like my tags. So, my questions is: How does downvoting affect my:
I'm sure your received many comments. I still hope though you will notice this question. :)
Hi meme... lol ... (long name but it works bc I remember you) ;)
I understand completely about your feelings. I have had 2 downvotes myself. One was because I put a post in the comment section and a bigger player thought I was trying to spam her friend (which I wasn't of course) and the other was when I used a wrong tag.
Here is my advice.
#1 Never let one incident get you down. If you did something wrong, it is ok. Just learn from the mistake and move forward. This also applies in life too.
#2 Yes, if you want to try to clear your name (whether it comes off of your record or not), then you should reach out to the person who downvoted you. I suggest in these situations that you realize that the person was doing it for a reason and trying to send you a message. If you get the message, and won't do it again, then I always believe in contacting the person and telling them this. Just be honest. You can ask him if it is possible if he could remove it, but you can also tell him you want him to know what you have learned from it. (sometimes you can make a friend this way)
#3 As far as worrying about pissing him off, it depends on the person and what type of person you think he is. If he is someone like me that is approachable, then by all means ask in a respectful way to discuss it. If you don't think he is approachable, you can ask politely if he would "mind" discussing the issue with you. If he says "no" then move on. Of course yes proceed. I don't know of too many people that would get pissed off if you ask them if they would "mind" discussing something with you.
#4 I don't know about the rule on that, my guess it is history.
As far as your reputation, I completely agree it is a great metric to care about. I can help you to build your reputation and would be happy to work with you one on one if you want to message me in discord. If you are not on discord, let me know and I will send you a link. My username is davemccoy#2479.
There are many things you can do to improve your reputation score and I will be happy to show you how to do it right. Obviously it was a small setback, but honestly if you learned from it and move forward it will be a good thing. If I end up helping you to get to 45 in 2 or 3 weeks, then it was a good thing that you learned a lesson early.
Also I want to tell you that you are doing the right thing in asking questions. There are many people here that would love to help you. The way this works is you want your friends to get bigger. Its how you get bigger too. So because you did the right thing and asked for help here, I am willing to give you any advice I may have to help you.
As far as notice the comments, I will say sometimes its a challenge. But I try :) ...
I want to get to all of them and I want to help you to succeed and understand. Out of all of the lessons I've learned here and putting together all the things I've dealt with, I would say on a scale of 1 to 100 (1 being bad)... this problem you are having and the impact on your future here is so small it barely makes it to the 1 level. If you learn and go foward, you will have lost maybe a day or two of your time to recover it You seem relative young, so a day or two of going sideways (but learning in the process), is well worth the price to do it better in the future.
I firmly believe anyone can succeed here, and I will do my best to help you be one of them. So let me know if you have discord, if not I will send you the link and help you with anything you want!
Hi Dave :) sorry for the late reply. Life happened LOL. Was out of steem for 4 days. Really appreciate your advice. The downvote did bother me initially but I realized I should let it go and improve. I'm sure it can happen to anyone here. What you're doing here is great and I just want to say THANK YOU. I will look for you in discord :) see you there.
That is very good to hear. I was hoping that you would react that way. I could see it bothered you but I also know that it is completely irrelevant in the big scheme, because if you do this right you can get that back plus so much more. Good job!!!
Also I hope you do get me on discord because I can give you specific advice that can help you improve other aspects of your game here.
Btw, I understand life happens.. lol.. I will be here long term so we will be teammates whenever you have the time :)
Thank you for the information. That's a lot to take in.
haha.. take you time and if you have any questions let me know. I would be more than happy to help!
Hello Sir, how many post is allowed on ur blog in a day & how do I convert d steemit currency to my local currency Naira,thanks in anticipation to ur answer.
) Is there a limit to post daily? I don't think there is a limit, but people generally do 1 or 2 max posts a day. More than that and it is sort of being a hog. Yesterday you put out a lot and nobody minds because you're new. But in a week somebody would tell you to slow it down a little. They are much more interested in quality and relationships than they are in quantity. So I would give you advice to be seen once or twice a day in posts and then spend the rest of you time in other people's posts talking to them and making comments to get known. Your pretty face will get you noticed, but you need to follow that up with making the connections to the people that notice you.
Got ds from above, nearly skipped it.
I'm not sure if you found the answer but it is listed in your comment to yourself below. It is best to keep it to 1 or 2 a day. There is no rule, but other people won't like it if you just try to make money real fast by posting a lot. The quality of your posts is more important to making money rather than the quantitiy. Does that help you? Feel free to ask me anything else!
Thanks very much sir you are amazing
You are welcome... you are free to contact me anytime. And if you are on discord, you can add me as a friend at davemccoy#2479... if you aren't on discord, its easy...just click this link and you will be set up in minutes https://discord.gg/RSD88W
Hi @davemccoy. I've been encountering bandwidth issue. There were times I was not able to reply or upvote a post. So what is bandwidth on steemit and what is its limit?
it is happening all over the world. It usually happens here in the morning starting around 8am est and goes dark until around 4pm. I'm not sure if it rolls around the world, but basically it just means that they cut back about 1/3rd of the day to ration the bandwidth. This hits the small guys like us because you get bandwidth when you have SP. I deal with it by just doing other things when I see that it is down, like preparing my posts and things like that.
If you dont know where to check on our bandwidth, go to https://www.steemd.com/@leebaong and you can always see where your meter is. ps. that also shows your voting power too.
Let me know if it helped and if you have any more questions, just let me know!
The link wont let me in though. But thank you @davemccoy knowing that this happens to us all.
Frankly @davemccoy, youve been one of my favorite stop-overs whenever I need help.
Thanks a lot for your unending support. You really are my mentor.
try this link... that is steemgigs .. from there you can invite me or just tell me what your username and number are and I can invite you... here is that link
my id is davemccoy#2479
Another question @davemccoy. My apologies but my curiousity grows as I read post from here and there. For the benefit of the doubt, what are these post boster bot? I'd like to try but Im not quite sure how these works. I read their links for explanation however the more I tried to understand the more I get lost.
it is where you send in your sbd and they then upvote you. So if you send them $0.10 sbd, then the goal is to get 3x that in upvote on your posts. In the 0.10 example that would mean you get a $0.30 boost to your upvote on your post. I will copy an explanation to someone else that I just answered. It also applies to you.
Have you used @bumper? That is the best way to start because they guarantee you a 3x upvote of the sbd you send in.
On the auction bots I can also help you with that, but until you use up all the bumper submissions, I always go with bumper first... You can send up to 0.50 sbd a day 2x with your posts. Its the best daily deal out there. You can get a few more fixed bots that will give you more than that, but they are only one submission and one time a week.
just connect to me on discord and I will help you out in direct messages. Let me know if you aren't on it and I will send you a link... my username is davemccoy#2479
I can help you, I spend a lot of time on this.
Great. You are awesome @davemccoy. I'll try this bot today. Thank you so much for your help in giving us clear understanding.. I do really appreciate it. You are the best. 👍👍👍
great... the limit is $0.10 to $0.50 ... you can do up to 2 posts a day... and try to keep them at 3 days old or less. Its a good way to start then I can go over the other stuff later.
Also you should do your own contest. read my latest post on how to do it. Wait until tomorrow because we have some rules to help you with. You can do it though with that good personality
I am the "Tag-Lifter" and you have been resteemed because you tagged your post #newbieresteemday
Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more:
thanks for the information, very useful
You are welcome @rezachaisar... I appreciate you telling me that. If I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to ask. Also if you want to help us to help others (especially newbies) let me know and I will get you contributing in no time ;)...
Hello Sir please how do one monitor the voting metre what happens when u vote more than 10times a day?.
sure I will be happy to help you... and this tool that I am going to tell you about can also tell you many other things... here is where you go to check it out: https://www.steemworld.org/@eunireal1
Once you have gone there you will see the following (see pic below)
On the left with the arrow is your voting power meter. (note mine is at 81.6%)
In the 2 circles to the right and down a little, you will see the monitor that tells you when the voting power will be at 100% again (if you don't upvote at all during that time). In my case it says 22hrs. That is because I overvoted today and dropped my meter too low so I have to wait almost a whole day until it gets back up.
But if you vote around 10 times a day you should be fine. To watch how it works, bookmark the link and open it in your browser each day and just keep watching it. You will find that you can squeeze about 10 votes in a day on average. Of course you could also try 12 or 13 and then wait a little longer for it to recharge. That is what I am doing. Does this help?
Please let me know if it doesn't and also feel free to contact me anytime and I will be glad to help you! And stay in touch @eunireal1, I will remember you :)
@davemccoy thanks a lot for the information
You are welcome @bikashghimire :) ... its nice to meet you and I'm glad you commented here because now we are connected. If you have any more questions, I would be very happy to help you. just ask!
Everyone learns at their own pace and their own motivations, I am here to help any one that cares to learn and get better. So thank you for commenting and I hope you stay in touch!
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I have one more question: What are some good bots worth using? Like minnowsupport is one that I have seen. Also there is minnowbooster. Do you know any good which I can use to boost the content?
Have you used @bumper? That is the best way to start because they guarantee you a 3x upvote of the sbd you send in.
On the auction bots I can also help you with that, but until you use up all the bumper submissions, I always go with bumper first... You can send up to 0.50 sbd a day 2x with your posts. Its the best daily deal out there. You can get a few more fixed bots that will give you more than that, but they are only one submission and one time a week.
just connect to me on discord and I will help you out in direct messages. Let me know if you aren't on it and I will send you a link... my username is davemccoy#2479
I can help you, I spend a lot of time on this.
Thanks @davemccoy I am going to try bumper and will let you know how it worked :)
yes please let me know... it should be good for you, but I want to make sure you understand the full benefits!
great post! Even I found this helpful :) hadn't heard of @bumper ! thanks @davemccoy another great idea!
Thanks amariespeaks... :)
And on bumper, just make sure you only submit 2 posts a day and the limit is 0.10 to 0.50 sbd... they give at least a 3x upvote.
Let me know if you have any more questions ;)
Very useful article. Would like to suggest ur opinions for my blogs @davemccoy. This is @akhileshwari
I will be happy to look for you @akhileshwari... and I will do so right now!
Thanks for helping me alot, you are really a legend on steemit.
How i wish people on steemit are like you, this platform would have go viral or popular more than any social network and media.
You're welcome @millerava... I think you will see there are many here that are awesome and I know you are new and learning, but as you will find out soon, the key to doing well here is to engage and be honest with people and get to know them. The people who follow you will be the ones that make you successful and therefore you will also need to build them up. Its a win win.
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you and I think you can do really well here if you get out there and engage in conversation!!!
You are correct about what probably happened. Same thing happened to me when I subscribed to a different club. Its ok though, just stop it and let it recharge... Its actually good because it will force you to comment more and interact instead of just upvoting...
And as far as feeling guilty, don't. Everyone goes through this process and realizes that people only have 10 votes a day. there are many more than 10 things everyone would like to upvote. So the way to recognize something really good is to resteem or comment. I think both are equally valuable and I am very flattered when I see someone do that for me.
So no worries, just expand the ways you can show your respect and this experience will be a very important positive for you in the future!
You got dragonized with 24.45% upvote from @skydragon, courtesy of @davemccoy! See biddings: https://www.skydragon.me ; Delegate Steem Powers to @skydragon and Earn Profits (Details: https://steemit.com/profit/@skydragon/become-an-investor-of-skydragon-bot-service-and-earn-profits).
@bashadow resteemed my intro and suggested I check out your profile. Glad I did, great info here, thank you! Following.
awesome @scottshots... Its great to hear we connected, I am following you now too! And @bashadow is a fantastic guy to follow too. He is a veteran and knows the ropes.
I welcome you here and I will check out your profile right now. Its nice to meet you and feel free to ask me any questions at any time. I love to help and we all at #newbieresteemday want to help. So you have support anytime you need it! Cheers :)
That's great to hear, thank you! I'm only a week in but so far I'm really diggin' steemit. I'll let you know if I have any questions...
This post has received gratitude of 1.67 % from @appreciator thanks to: @davemccoy.
This post has received a 4.74 % upvote from @sleeplesswhale thanks to: @davemccoy.
7.74% @pushup from @davemccoy
You got a 2.25% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @davemccoy!
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Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 0.90% vote... I was summoned by @davemccoy! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh