I'm trying to write a post for myself this morning, also I need to block out some time to work on my novel now that I'm not totally drugged up LOL but I can fit a quick post in before hand if everyone wants to start it for this week?I like this idea too @beeyou it is going to get a bit complicated when we get bigger to track active members but I think a weekly member highlight is awesome. I would do the write up no problem - I was thinking maybe have it on Saturdays so then I still have Sundays to put together my Minnow Mondays posts. Unless anyone has a different idea - @davemccoy? Should I aim to do one for today? I was thinking it may be nice to do one for mudcat ? idk!
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You and @beeyou have our permission to do whatever you think is best... You are more talented than us for sure! So if you have time and you think its good to do (with anything) then go for it... I could never be upset with people with a heart of gold like yours (both of you).
And glad that you got off the drugs... even though I appreciated "upvoter" @amariespeaks that helped me immensely! lol ;)
thanks! don't down-play your talents @davemccoy lol you're a pillar. we'll keep you in the loop with anything we come up with :)
awesome... as always... the teamwork and talent is amazing!!!
Hi @amariespeaks. I must have missed this one. I don't want to push the member highlight on you so last minute. Do you want to wait until next week to start with the member highlight? I do have someone in mind this week that I want to run by you. I know we keep missing each other on discord. The life of a mommy! Our time evolves around our kiddos. :)
Let me know when you're next on and we can chat.
@beeyou yes next week would be much better to start! that sounds great. I'll try to stay on discord for the afternoon in case you get a chance to jump on - we can talk more about it. :)
Ok @amariespeaks. I guess I’m idling in the chat room? Ping me if you get on.
I sent you a message :)
-are you on steemit chat or discord?
Discord @amariespeaks. I haven’t learned about Steemit chat yet. Are you there? No msg on discord.
sorry got sidetracked my youngest was begging for a bath LOL i must have sent the wrong beeyou a message then..uh oh. is there more than one beeyou in the newbie discord??
No idea really. Do you have to use the tag? Says my number is beeyou # 4417