I find that more and more laws are passed based on the moral degradation of society as a whole. In the past people had a stronger moral compass that guided them and certain things were not done based on these beliefs. With the loss of morality, laws began to be passed ti try to force morality on the populace. When that was excepted, the next step was special interest groups getting laws passed based on their beliefs, which in my opinion is a perversion of the process. A prime example is the abortion debate. “Christian” extremists are trying to have the procedure out lawed. No one has any right to tell anyone else what to do arbitrarily. It is perfectly ok to lobby against someone getting the procedure, but it is completely inappropriate to take away the choice. Taking away the choice is an unacceptable infringement on personal liberties. I may not agree with having the procedure, but I will never preclude anyone else from making their own decisions. By the same token, I would never and believe it is completely inappropriate to burn the US flag, but I will defend a persons right to make their own decision to do so. I also believe that the state mandating car insurance is inappropriate; that should be the decision of individuals whether to carry it or not. When it comes to speed limits, lights and traffic laws I tacitly agree with them because they are based in public safety. We need to focus on education spending not defense spending so the necessity for some laws are rendered moot.
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I'm not sure that people had a stronger moral compass in the past! People did all sorts of heinous things and then got a free pass with a confession... On the other hand, the norms were different back then, so it is difficult to recast our current morality into the past!
The thing that caught my eye was the car insurance. Surely, that is the third party insurance that is mandated? So that it is certain that you can cover the damage you do to other people, whether you can cover the damage to yourself or not is your own problem. But if you can't cover the damage to someone else because you go bankrupt that is a problem for someone else?
In the case of insurance that is how they sell the mandate to the masses; to cover yourself against causing damage to yourself OR others. If I carry insurance on anything it is for damage that is done to it regardless of the source. The mandate to have coverage for doing damage not recieving it is an out for your insurance carrier to charge another insurance carrier instead if having to pay out themselves. Insurance in general is a scam but this particular instance shows how the populace is sold a line of goods to benefit the insurance company, that lobbies and pays off politicians to have laws passed to their benefit. The insurance that you choose to carry is supposed to cover any damage recieved, so if someone without insurance hits you, your company is supposed to cover you.
Interesting, maybe the laws are somewhat different in the United States (sorry, I'm assuming that's where you are from). As far as I understood over here, there are two parts.
The first party part (receiving damage) is optional as long as you own the car (you don't have to repay a loan if it is written off). The third party part is mandatory (liability), to cover the damage that you do to someone else. As I understand it, if both parties have both first and third party insurance, then the insurance companies will compare the difference and sort the claims that way, so one transaction rather than 4?
Apologies if that is what you were already saying! Also, I don't know how the laws work in the US! That said, maybe I should double check our own insurance to see if my understanding is correct or not...
You are correct in your assumption that I am from the US. We have a similar system were if you own the vehicle you can drop the portion that covera user caused damage and only keep the liability portion. However I am speaking in a more broad, conceptual sense that insurance should be a choice not compulsory. I am firm believer that individuals should be left to their own devices to make choices that they deem best for them without interference from government and with the full responsibility and consequences of their actions. Rights as citizens are infringed as government takes choice away in the guise of public safety. Regulations dont make us safer in the long run, having the faculties to make informed, educated and safe decisions on our own is the way. Education not regulation is the answer.
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