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RE: 🏆 CONTEST: Tell Us The Story Of Your Profile Picture & WIN!!

in #newbiegames7 years ago (edited)

Not only does my profile pic look dramatic, there actually is a dramatic element to the story...

I was doing a photoshoot for my website with a couple of wonderful new friends at a chateau nearby Košice, Slovakia. Odette is a fashion designer and Soňa a make up artist, I’m a singer/songwriter. They both volunteered to help me with the shoot and we were having loads of fun doing it...

The weather was nice and warm, although a little cloudy. Gradually, storm clouds started to form and the light was just amazing - with the sun shining from one side on my face, while behind me, there were dark clouds. Odette told me to go and stand in the middle of a small field, to have a nice background. The wind started to lift and you could feel the air get heavy with an approaching storm. The quiet before the storm. She took a few shots, being very happy with them, when suddenly a MASSIVE lightning struck right behind me! The sound straight out of an IMAX theater! We all screamed, none of us expecting it so suddenly, and we ran to the chateau as giant rain drops started to pour as if someone opened up the heavenly flood gates.

We opened the old door, finally feeling safe again, all laughing uncontrollably, triggered by fear and excitement. The lightning knocked out electricity in the entire chateau and so we sat there in the dark, waiting out the storm and telling each other stories and discussing the law of attraction, getting to know each other better and finding out many synchronicities between us. It was a magical moment.

I chose this picture as my profile pic and the website billboard since, like my music, it carries a lot of emotional element to it, and nicely expresses what my music is about...

I love telling the story of this pic so it was amazing when I found your post and this opportunity. Thanks for it and I hope you enjoyed it ;)



Very nice profile pic and its a great story about the lightening strike behind it! I can picture it in my mind now every time I see your picture. Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

My pleasure, thanks for the opportunity!

Amazing photo @petrajordan looks wild 😊