πŸ† CONTEST: Tell Us The Story Of Your Profile Picture & WIN!!

in #newbiegames β€’ 7 years ago

@newbiegames is back with another contest. Get to know each other and win!!


Success is empty if you arrive at the finish alone
-Howard Schultz


We won’t give you a chance to forget that SteemIt is a social platform. Posting quality content is not enough to grow your account. To succeed on SteemIt, you need to interact with others, engage in the community.

The SteemIt community is full of wonderful people, you’ll find out when you get to know them better.

And we here at @newbiegames are going to help you to do just that.


The Contest

A picture is worth a thousand words...

You can tell a lot from looking at a person’s profile picture: is he or she romantic? All about business? Or maybe all about fun?

This contest gives you the chance to tell the story behind your profile picture and allow others to get to know you a little better.

Photo Dan GIF-downsized.gif

So tell us about your profile picture. Why did you pick that one? What does it represent? Where was it taken? ...

We want to know everything there is to know about your profile picture.

And if you have a question about another contestant’s profile picture, feel free to ask. That’s the only way to get an answer... ;0)


The Prizes

@newbiegames is still a small account, so we can’t go around waving with loads of SBD.

money photo GIF-downsized_large.gif

But we can give you the opportunity to expand your network: to get to know each other better and to meet new people.

And we’ll be giving away 2 @steembasicincome memberships amongst all contestants. Winners will be randomly chosen after post-payout.

A membership of @steembasicincome will basically give you 1 share in the initiative, which will give you a small upvote on all your posts. The more shares you get, the more this upvote will be worth. You can read more about the @Steembasicincome initiative here.



There are no real requirements, but to have fun and build your network.

Of course, an upvote and/or a resteem would be appreciated, but is not required to enter this contest.

(Read: Most SteemIt Game And Contest Hosts Are Breaking The Rules! Are You?)

There is also no maximum nor minimum reputation level you need to be eligible to join. We do not discriminate: we are curious about EVERYONE!! ;0)

This is the time to get started! Tell us the story of your profile picture in the comments section below!

newbiegames big.jpg

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My photo was taken at my grandsons 6th birthday - It was of my daughter, grandson and myself but I have cropped it to just be me :)

It's very nice of you to join 'Play 4 a newbie', @andysantics48.
Thanks for joining the contest.

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

My profile photo was taken at a friend's service apartment when they visited Singapore. It was a series of candid shots and I picked this one to post.

In the light of dark times ahead (for me anyway), I thought a more happy and candid photo is in order for Steemit.

By the way, how does SteemBasicIncome work? I've sent and sponsored someone using 1 STEEM, then what happens? takes a few days?

About SBI: you will get a message in tour wallet about the enrollment. From then on they will upvote your created post once a day!
The registration is still a manual process. I do think that they area little overwhelmed by the success.

The casual look is a good one. Hopefully the light times come again soon. Thanks for sharing and for entering the contest!

As @fullcoverbetting said, they're still manually managing enrollment, so it may take a few days.

Ai hope u reading this cos would be like the most sincere stuff i write. My profile picture show a samurai with a katana in a forest. Laudable right ....how does it represent a person's personality. Thats my life and how i feel about stuff more like a man incapable of redemption and only hope he got is in himself, his sword nd his zeal to conquer no matter the circumstances. The picture represents my fears nd highlights my imaginations. The artist possibly will not know his arts means a lot.....but am just a man, maybe just another man. But if a picture is worth a thousand words it show the introvert , a narcissist with a god complex .....kamiikazer "the divine wind".
Thumbs up @newbiegames .....nd @simplymike for being the vessel.
Hope u proud of me @mirrors .

Its really nice to know what your profil pics means to you, its good that you trust and believe in yourself because with that you can achieve great things. Thanks for the insight

That looks like the character from Samurai Champloo, are you a fan? The character that the silhouette portrays is rather deep but an interesting reference :)

What do i know..? I never knew that....plus am a lover of the japanese culture nd art. Now i gatz to check out samurai champloo.. @plushzilla.

That's great that you've learned to rely on yourself and your talents even when things are difficult. Thank you for sharing with us and for entering the contest!

My profile picture is that of an origami crane made from a flower petal sitting on a finger (I don't know of anyone else that has managed to do this). Don't believe me? Here's a close up of the image:

That's really impressive. You have quite the talent! Thanks for entering the contest!

my son was simply amazed by this! he loves origami but he couldn't even comprehend how you made this one so tiny!! lol so cool :)

If you start with a normal piece of paper and keep reducing the size of the paper each time you finish a paper crane then eventually you will get there :) Once I couldn't make it any smaller without using tools, I decided to try other materials and found flower petals something that I wanted to try. The rest is history!

wow! that is so amazing! :-O

What a beautiful origami @plushzilla. However were you able to make such a small piece of art? That is some meticulous and detailed work!

It's great to be able to make something like this with a natural piece of material. It actually surprises me that I haven't been able to find anyone else that has done this before. If you can make an origami crane, then you can make a miniature origami crane, and then it's just a step to using flower petals instead of paper :)

First I love this game... Now my entry!

My profile pic was taken for my social media sites for my campaign for US Senate in 2016. Mainly facebook and twitter. As you can tell by my picture, I am not one who cares too much about having a professional slick marketing campaign. My focus was just to let people know that I am real, which I am.

Truth be told, I actually hate taking my own picture. I don't know why completely, but part of me is just a bit shy. So I did what I needed to do and that is it!

The picture is taken on the deck of my house and since I live on top of a mountain, you can see the many trees in the background!

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!


Hey @davemccoy are you on any discord channels so that I can chat with you?

You can find @davemccoy in the Newbie Resteem Discord channel: https://discord.gg/h9WfHrE

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

The story behind Dave McCoy. He is real! :)

I don't like taking pictures myself, but photos are a great way to memorialized a moment. You will have always have this photo to remember your political days.

I will enter this one and play for a newbie too, at least you can put me down for one game. ;) I can give you my first Newbie Nickel..one and only though, lol.

Would be great to see your photo in full size @beeyou 😊

It's on my intro post which I have linked to the about me section on top of my blog @happysmileyman. A more recent photo of me is posted below as my entry for this contest. :)

I eventually got to the post, its a long way down the page 😊


Such a great contest @newbiegames I've really enjoyed reading all the amazing entry's as each and every one is so thoughtful and unique!.
The only wish is that I could have seen all of the profile pictures full size along with their wonderful descriptions 😊

My photo was taken at the famous Glastonbury festival here in the UK
I'm a qualified laughter yoga teacher and one of my missions in life is to raise as many people's vibrational frequency through this happy medium.
The name @happysmileyman i have used for many years for an old blog at blogspot and my name is the same on Instagram and farcebook so naturally I wanted the same for my steem name.
I hope my picture brings happy smiles to people's faces when they see it on here, and people that follow me know I blog every day about my interesting off grid life, and original posts about unusual things.

Wishing you and anyone that takes the time to read this post a wonderful day filled with many smiles 😊


This picture was taken when my girlfriend, who I met online and in person for the first time in Paraguay, came to visit me in the Netherlands.
I was showing her around in Amsterdam and were having a great time just strolling around and stopping by some places to have something to drink and a bite to eat. I will be applying for her permanent visa at the end of the month.

Uploaded it in full size, I forgot where it and some other pictures were so, after reading your comment I felt triggered to look for it. Fortunately I managed to find it, and more!

This is a very nice picture... you can see what a happy day you both had for sure! Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

This is so much better to see your photo in the large format @wrath-of-grapes you both look so happy too 😊😊

lol... I've liked your profile pic ever since I first saw it... It really fits your username for sure ;) Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

The magic of happiness is working...Yay 😊😊

Very nice to meet your happy self @happysmileyman!

Very nice to meet you too @beeyou 😊
Wishing you a wonderful day

Hello, My profile picture is pretty simple. I was looking for a logo that would relate with my Tinkering Persona. It is a variation of the jolly rodger but with a white field a saw blade for the skull and a crossed spanner and soldering pencil.

The other logo that I use is one that I drew up for my firefighters tattoo. most firefighters have a St Florians Cross tattooed on them someplace.

Mine is a red St Florians cross, with a blue (Star of Life) and a green historical Mjolnir. With the red hair and my study of Nordic mythology they started calling me Thor in my first station house. That and it didnt hurt that I could swing a sledge and bust down a door usually in one stroke.

The TinkerGnome is stronk like bull

Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you're quite the character yourself. It's nice that your picture is so meaningful to who you are. You're entered in the contest!

Well my profile photo was taken on a planet call Earth. After joining this community and realizing that steemit had a under the sea theme, I wanted to join in the fun. Learning that in this steemit ocean swims whales, dolphins, minnow and plankton. I found some stuffed toys to represent the diffrent groups, knowing that I am not a whale and hating thinking of myself as a minnow or worst plankton. I wanted to find a sea creature that fit the image I have for myself. Also it is not so easy to find a lamprey plush so between the clown fish minnow and orca whale sits "me" a hand made cuttlefish. Thats the story of my picture, thank you for having this contest. Upvoted and resteemed to all 70 of my followers, haha.

nice one,,,hahah...

Wish we could see your profile photo full size @lordzugg 😊

@happysmileyman yup should of posted this at the start.

That’s such an original idea, @lordzugg. I think my stuffed animals just all fell in love with you... ;0)

This world needs more love so I take what I can get. Good thing I am a monster for love. Thanks, this is why I care about this community lots of ideas and great thinkers are here.

I can only second that :0)

That's more like it we can see them now 😊😊😊
Wishing you happy smiles

With a name like @lordzugg you must be unusual like me, I'm following you now πŸ˜‰

I saw a meme the other day that said somthing like "you have to be odd to be number one". I got the odd part down, thats for sure. Thank you so much.

Haha, touche!.
Looks like were in the same boat @lordzugg 😊
Wishing you a happy day 😊

Very cool @lordzugg!

That's a great story! It's very creative of you and fun that you were able to find so many stuffed animals that worked for your theme. Thanks for sharing and entering the contest!

My profile picture is of a little black cat, because.... I AM a little black cat!

Seriously, though, my Human got this really cool Tibetan cloth to hang over the drafty door in his office, next to my cat tower... and thought I looked great against the pale and deep red, so it became a photo op. This is the original photo the thumbnail portrait was created from.

Black cats are lucky @curatorcat 😊

Cool! I love black cats. Every cat has personality, but black cats... they are always just that little bit more human.
Thanks for joining the contest, @curatorcat

Ha, ha, ha @newbiegames! I was going to say my profile picture was taken on a beach in Dorset but then I noticed what I am wearing and realised it is not the picture I thought it was. πŸ˜‚

I had to go and find the photograph on the computer but I am still none the wiser. I think I can see some sea in the background but where it was actually taken I can't remember.

That's pretty par for the course with my Steemit experience so far. I post photographs but can't remember where I took them! πŸ˜‚

However, where ever it was taken it is fairly representative of me in that I adore being by the sea.

I love the water too @gillianpearce!

Something else we have in common @beeyou! 😁

That's quite the journey we got to go on with you as you searched for the photo. We'll mark you down as enjoying being in close proximity to the sea. Thanks for sharing and for entering!

It was fun @newbiegames. Thanks for the opportunity! 😊

Thank you for hosting another awesome contest @newbiegames!

My profile picture was taken at The Pena Palace in Sintra, Lisbon. This trip was my first journey in Europe and everything is foreign to me. I fell sick at that time because it was raining under super cold weather (~8 degrees). I was having high fever but I stayed until the end because I was too mesmerized by the beauty of The Pena Palace.

I chose this profile picture because it signifies my persistence in making the best out of the little time I have.

yes the same idea i have too

I chose this profile picture because it signifies my persistence in making the best out of the little time I have.

Wow really?? Your pic is you on a bike right?

Sintra is a very magical place @tifaong i even wrote a blog post about it a while back
The Pena palace is beautiful.
Will recommend a visit, what a shame you felt ill while you were visiting.

Hey @happysmileyman, I read your post about Pena Palace, I love your photographs. It seems there are so many other parts of Sintra that are waiting for me to discover. Too bad I only get to visit The Pena Palace, and I didn't get to enjoy the beauty because it was very foggy and I was freezing.

I wish I could visit it again, and everything in Sintra. Thank you for sharing @happysmileyman :)

It was a pleasure glad you liked the post, bet it bought back memories, you must go back again if ever you can 😊 The "Quinta da Regaleira" is very magical.

Sorry to hear that you were so sick while you were there, but the idea of being persistent in the face of difficult times is admirable. Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

Hey @newbiegames, thank you very much! I just didn't want to waste a day. Since I am already there, might as well make the most out of it even though I am sick. XD

Thank you for hosting!

What a positive outlook with life @tifaong! Europe, wow. It must have been an awesome trip.

Hey @beeyou, thanks for your kind words.
It would've been an awesome trip if I went with my boyfriend or my closer friends instead. But it's a good experience for me.

This picture was taken when my girlfriend, who I met online and in person for the first time in Paraguay, came to visit me in the Netherlands.
I was showing her around in Amsterdam and were having a great time just strolling around and stopping by some places to have something to drink and a bite to eat. I will be applying for her permanent visa at the end of the month.

That's sweet you were able to capture and remember such a foundational moment in your relationship. Hope all goes well with the visa application. Thanks for sharing and entering the contest!

I took my profile picture about a year ago not long after I met a beautiful young girl. We'd hit it off pretty good, amazing in fact, and I needed a good selfie to send to her. Selfies always make me self-conscious. I don't think I take a good one. I rummaged through the closet, found a shirt, and selected a spot in front of some trees. I guess it was a good selfie. That beautiful young girl and I are getting married this September. I'm 50 and she's 23. We've been living together now for almost a year. I don't have movie star looks by any means, but I sure don't think I look 50.

Reading your story @johnphoenix has given me some hope. I'm 47 and single and would love a happily ever after story to tell everyone on here like yours. Thank you for sharing with everyone 😊
Wishing you both Sincerest blessings 😊

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I would love to read of your happily ever after when that happens @happysmileyman. :)

I've seen you around @starjewel's posts too, so you must have a wicked sense of humor. I miss starjewel and her stories, will have to find time to say hi to her too.

Bless you for saying such kind words @beeyou that will be sensational post ❀😊❀
I love @starjewel posts too😊

It sounds like the selfie turned out well! It probably had a lot to do with the man in the picture. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Thanks for sharing and entering the contest!

Well, thank you very much. I'm the lucky one. She's an amazing gal.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding @johnphoenix. Isn't it beautiful how two souls can meet despite age and differences? I am sure it isn't your selfie that won her heart. There are many characteristics we see in a person that extends beyond all the obvious such as age,race, color, height, etc.

Wishing you both a beautiful life together!

Thank you so much! I agree. The differences don't matter when the right one comes along. Plus, she's an old soul for 23. Works hard, very grounded. I'm a lucky man.

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Ah, I love @newbiegames contest, such fun! My profile picture was taken at the hubby and mines wedding celebration, July 4th 2017. We had actually gotten married in March, just him and me and the judge. July 4th was special for us because its the day that Nana and Tata celebrated their anniversary. We rented a beach house and had our close friends and family come down for a wonderful day on the beach. It was a beautiful time. That is a picture of true happiness!

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!


That sounds like such a fun time. Congratulations on your marriage! Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

It would be wonderful to see your happy smiling face, could we see this photo full size @smiylie2005 btw what a nice blog name you have too 😊😊

Thank you! Yours is pretty nifty too! :D

This is such a nice photo too 😊
You both look very happy 😊

Why thank you!

What a beautiful story behind your profile picture @smylie2005. You two truly look happy in here and I am sure you had a beautiful ceremony!

Thank you @beeyou!!

Great contest
My profile picture sure has a story. It was taken by a photographer in one of my friends wedding. We were making fun of our friend for paying the photographer 10 times as much money for his wedding photo shoot. We even made fun while clicking the photograph saying let's get a million dollar click from a great artist and bla bla.
And when he processed the images, we were stunned. They were simply jaw dropping. You have to agree that my profile picture is perfectly edited to suit the lights and everything. And that's when we found his investment worth. I had to pay $10 to my friend to share this picture to me.
And ever since then, I am using the same image everywhere. May it be LinkedIn, Facebook, instagram, whatsapp, steemit, discord and literally everywhere.

With professionals like photographers, you generally get what you pay for. It seems like your friend got a great one. That's definitely the sort of photo that would work well as a headshot. It's probably worth the $10 you paid him! Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

Can we see your photo full size @blog-beginner 😊

There you go

Yep, i agree this is such a great shot @blog-beginner the contrast between thd light and the shading is just perfect. It brings the eye towards your face with casual but happy, content, relaxed look 😊

Thanks @happysmileyman. A click worth $10. May be more.

My clicks only worth $0.01 cent but you got it
Anyway 😊
Wishing you infinite blessings

great idea for a contest! My profile pic is the logo from my weekly meetup group. I had it made on Fivver almost 3 years ago and it took several iterations of it before I was happy - but they finally got it. Originally it was just a single character - but I added the circle ,, put a color fade into it and added the text that says FUNDS PARTNERS DEALS to represent what the group is about. We have been meeting once a week for the last 2 1/2 years - I am now scaling back to once every two weeks as my schedule has gotten much busier and I need the extra time to work on my other projects. I enjoyed making my logo and use it on all the marketing for the meetup group - I have not changed my profile pic since I started Steemit last August.

Nice to hear the story behind your picture @jorlauski!

Branding is such a key component of marketing. That's great you were able to get a logo that spoke about the group's purpose. Thanks for sharing your story and for entering the contest!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Not only does my profile pic look dramatic, there actually is a dramatic element to the story...

I was doing a photoshoot for my website with a couple of wonderful new friends at a chateau nearby KoΕ‘ice, Slovakia. Odette is a fashion designer and Soňa a make up artist, I’m a singer/songwriter. They both volunteered to help me with the shoot and we were having loads of fun doing it...

The weather was nice and warm, although a little cloudy. Gradually, storm clouds started to form and the light was just amazing - with the sun shining from one side on my face, while behind me, there were dark clouds. Odette told me to go and stand in the middle of a small field, to have a nice background. The wind started to lift and you could feel the air get heavy with an approaching storm. The quiet before the storm. She took a few shots, being very happy with them, when suddenly a MASSIVE lightning struck right behind me! The sound straight out of an IMAX theater! We all screamed, none of us expecting it so suddenly, and we ran to the chateau as giant rain drops started to pour as if someone opened up the heavenly flood gates.

We opened the old door, finally feeling safe again, all laughing uncontrollably, triggered by fear and excitement. The lightning knocked out electricity in the entire chateau and so we sat there in the dark, waiting out the storm and telling each other stories and discussing the law of attraction, getting to know each other better and finding out many synchronicities between us. It was a magical moment.

I chose this picture as my profile pic and the website billboard since, like my music, it carries a lot of emotional element to it, and nicely expresses what my music is about...

I love telling the story of this pic so it was amazing when I found your post and this opportunity. Thanks for it and I hope you enjoyed it ;)


Very nice profile pic and its a great story about the lightening strike behind it! I can picture it in my mind now every time I see your picture. Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

My pleasure, thanks for the opportunity!

Amazing photo @petrajordan looks wild 😊

like my name is. so yes a was on a bike ride in nordmarka close
Oslo Norway. last summer a was testing my new bike clothing for a bike club I just started with my old work back in Norway. a like the photo am not a selfiy kind of man. but this one wes good. and its like me am most happy when am on my bike. and a think is inporten the have me on the photo make my cause to be here more real. a want to help my self and
someone else brake the code and got out of depression and then a Ned to be real.

That's nice you're able to enjoy your passion and have pictures to remember it. Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!


My profile picture is a photo grid of old and recent picture of me at the same spot.
The old picture on the left hand side was taken in 2016 prior to my birthday date. Lol, one of the pictures that earn me a lot of likes and comment on facebook while the picture on the right hand side was taken earlier this year by the same person. The tree behind is an old palm tree that gives a special view of the cloud. The basic idea behind the photo grid of the two pictures was to compare the changes that has occur to me relatively to the tree behind, i noticed a whole lot has change about me but the tree seems to look the same. My conclusion is that, when you are not where you want to be strife to change for the best. Thanks @newbiegames for this awesome contest

How fun that you were able to go back and see how things had changed! Hopefully the changes that come with be positive ones. Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

My picture is not actually me, Just in case, anyone did not notice. It is a Toon. I am the one on the right, The male one.

The toon in the picture was not created by myself. But more the work of those I met playing a game called Secondlife. The height, body build, clothes, where all chosen by others. Even the picture was taken by someone else. So, I guess I can not take credit for the pic or the toon in the pic. Only that I am the voice behind the pic. (or in Steemit case, The Type).

Oh, @jan23com... I didn't want to know it was not you in the picture. You looked so strong, so cool, so macho... ;0)

If you saw my Real life pic, you would understand why I used that one.
I'm twice as good in real life. ;)

Hello @newbiegames!! Thank you for this great initiatived, for giving us an oppotunity to participate on this contest and this is my first time to join.

My picture all about was this photo is one of my favorite selfie photo, it was taken in our house. I picked this picture to be use as my profile because it represents a simple beautiful version of myself and this photo inspired me and started to trust myself that I could be better person not just inside but also outside image. It all started when it was my first time to use on an camera application. Since it is first time so I am very curious about how the application change my image then I took a selfie using the new application and it was really amazing It makes me jump into happiness seeing my face look beautiful although its only in photo but atleast I know that it could be posible to be pretty even just for a moment so I keep this picture to save my beautiful selfie version of myself not just for a moment but also for forever.

Thank you for letting me share about my simple me and be part of your initiative. Hope you appreciate this!! Goodluck to all and May God bless us all.

We're sure that you're beautiful in more than just one picture, but it is nice to have a reminder that we're good looking. That's great that you're focused on being beautiful on the inside as well. Thanks for sharing and for entering the contest!

Thank you so much for the appreciation!! I do believe being beautiful inside and out makes you a better person.

Godbless you and more power @newbiegames!!

My photo was taken at Greenwich baclaran, after church and after we buy things for my sister. I pick that photo because i think i'm beautiful in that look. Well i really love taking Selfie's. Thanks @newbiegames for this kind of contest i really love and enjoyed it, and thanks to @davemccoy for nominating me to do this playing games of yours. thank you so much :)26909552_1570848379672640_2132997145_o.jpg

You look very beautiful in that picture... but I'm sure you look beautiful in every picture.
Thanks for joining the contest, @jessicas

Thank you also for this.

My profile picture captured by my husband on the bank of jamuna river. there was a very pleasant atmosphere. my husband take the capture as he really love me and my eyes also. we enjoy the whole day & its a memoreable day for us.

Sounds like an amazing experience. Any chance we can see the bigger version of the pic?
Thanks for joining the contest, @steemlota.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I'll tell you the story of my Steemit Profile.
It's very simple, I was 19 years old at the time, and I was studying at the University of Γ‰vora, in Portugal. It turns out that I and a friend of mine were going to Lisbon by bus, and I was still going to get another one to my native land. When we sat on the last seat of the bus, there was a girl with her curly hair in front of me. I decided to play with her hair a little, without her mind, since at the time I liked a lot of curly hairs. I and my friend ended up laughing a lot, and I decided to take this picture. It turned out so well that after 7 years I still use it.

Hey @t-miles.
I keep wondering what you mean when you say snail hair...?

Edited: Curly hairs. The translated word of curly in portuguese can mean snail too. Sorry ahahah

My Profile picture was taken by my fiance on the 6th August, 2017 when we were planning to go out to have fun... We were about to go out on a date, then I tried to surprise her with my slightly corporate & partially raz dressing... I really don't know that it was amazing until she took a capture of it... It was taken in front of my residence...

I know Steemit is a social platform and a great one indeed, I have to upload a picture I admire & the one my followers and readers will like, so I came up with the idea of uploading this picture...

My love for this picture made me partake in this contest

Thanks to @newbiegames for this innovation....

Very fancy, @adekunlecharles7! Very nice look!
Thanks for joining the contest.

Thanks so much much....

So delighted

Hi! How are you?

My profile picture was taken of my friend's house. After years we decided to meet each other. My four friends and I went to our college premises to remind old memories. It was just sn amazing day for us. When we were in college, we used to have road side foods and gossip with each other and walked through the roads. That day we done the same thing.

It's really nice to see them again. We randomly took pictures of ours. The selfie of my profile picture was taken my friend's balcony. The balcony was nice to see outside scenario. We made lots of fun that day.

It's always fun to meet up with the people we shared good times with in the past.
Thanks for joining the contest, @farzanaafroze.

Hi! My photo is on a friends boat in Long Beach California. I take photo's everyday, everywhere i go so i was i taking shot's of him to use on social media and i thought hey i should get a couple of me with this beautiful water in the background. I usually forget to take photo's of me and whenever i ask someone to take a shot of me i end up looking like an awkward scarecrow. My favorite way of shooting people is just to go with them for a walk in a place they like and shoot candids. After a while people forget about the camera and that's when it gets good

Haha, I have the same thing going on: if I notice someone taking a photo of me, I always look like an awkward scarecrow too. The best photos are taken when people are not aware of the camera.
Thanks for joining the contest.

Very cool game @newbiegames. My entry is to go to the prize pool for play4newbie!

My profile picture was taken during a trip to Hawaii several years back, thus, the flower in the hair. It was a beautiful moment in my life. I love being near the ocean and as you can see, very happy to be there. Many photos taken there were professional photos but this one was taken with a phone so I think it's more 'real'. Although I don't wear that much makeup in reality.

I scrolled through my photos when I started Steemit for a profile pic and realized I didn't have any recent ones with just me. All the ones I have are selfies at home with my kids (with absolutely no makeup) or family ones which for obvious reasons I won't share.

I guess this is a more recent photo of me without all the makeup (and tired mommy). It was taken a couple months back during a trip to NY.


This is such a lovely photo @beeyou you look happy 😊

Both are lovely photos of a lovely lady, @beeyou.
Thanks for joining the contest.

No real story, I just think that he is the cutest damned little chihuahua that has ever lived.

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!

I had never noticed it was a chihuahua in your profile pic, @bashadow.
Isn't he the cutest??
Thanks for joining the contest.

Just trying to support the troopers.

My profile pic was taken in my home. Its my outift for various patio outings in the warmer weather, but im a younowbroadcaster as well and i also use the fedora and sunglasses for my southern noble charachter, pluse im canadian lol

Lol, @noblecanadian. I had to scroll all the way down your blog to a post that was 28 days ago to get a closer look at your profile pic.
Thanks for joining the contest.

lol, your more than welcome, i enjoy meeting people on here


My profile picture is a picture of me and my boyfriend. :)

Where did we took the picture? We took the pictures in our respective houses and then, my boyfriend edited it and put them together in one picture. As much as we would love to really have a picture together, but, we still can't do that right now since he is in Texas and I am from the Philippines. We haven't met each other in person yet.

Why did I choose this profile picture? I chose this because this is something that best describes our account. Because, this account is mine and my boyfriend's account. We joined steemit because we want to write and inspire other people. And also, this is one way for us to raise funds so we will be able to see each other in person. :) :)

That is so romantic, @creyestxsa94, you both sharing an account to make enough money to be able to meet in real life. I truly hope it works out for you!
Thanks for joining the contest.

Hehe, I guess it is working out well for us.. :) We just really need more time to be able to earn more too. Hehe :) :) Thank you so much for the appreciation by the way. :) :)

my profile was I cheat to the emoji. it is the quality of being amazed all the time because my profile represent my coolness and shy type. better to stay calm and not talking if i have a problem. \so i choose this emoji as my profile.

It's a cute emoji, @jie28.
Thanks for joining the contest.

My pleasure sir

I hope I'm not yet too late in joining.

My profile picture is actually part of my old website's banner. I pestered my husband to make me that banner for weeks and weeks and weeks until he relented. However, the said website is no longer alive because it's too high maintenance and I don't have enough time for it anymore. I didn't want to waste my husband's efforts so I'm now using it as my avatar instead.

It looks lovely. Any chance you can show us the bigger version, so we can get a better look at it?
Thanks for joining the contest, @chineyes.

My profile picture was taken at my elder sister's job site. Actually in her superior's office. I liked the office especially the boss' seat. Oh my it was so comfortable and when I sat on it I could feel power and authority gushing through my veins. I am a man of many big dreams and in that moment I knew I had to make it so that one day I will have something much better than the one I was looking at.
I chose the pic as my profile in most of my social media accounts because when I sat in that office it felt like I was on top of the world and I liked the view from there.

But I can see no profile picture, @hermannsol...

That is one of my problems..
Getting my profile pic uploaded here...
I have pasted the link already but still seem to get nothing

Where did you upload it?
Maybe you should try uploading it to https://imgbb.com/

Instagram, facebook, google drive link

Just asked around: linking go a Facebook profile pic should work - I just saw the proof.

It should look something like https://scontent.fdub2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1.,.. with a long series of numbers at the end

Ok thanks..
I think I will just try that again this time with my phone instead.

Plus @johndoer referred me to you.
He asked me to see you so that you could help me out with infos concerning my account password and posting password. I still don't get the difference

Your master passwotd is probably the first one you received, so you could log into SteemIt the firs time.
That’s the one you should keep at a safe place, preferrably offline.

The keys you need for SteemIt are your active keys. You can find them by going to your wallet. There you have a tab β€˜Permissions’.
If you click it, you will see your public keys (you will never need those - lol)

Depending on the device you’re using, there will be a little button next or below your keys that says β€˜show’ or β€˜login to show’


Click the button next to (or underneath) you private posting key. The series of numbers will change.

That’s the private posting key you need to use to log into steemIt every time.

Now when you want to send someone Steem or SBD, Steemit will ask you to log in again, because you are logged in with your posting key, which doen’t allow transactions.

Then you need your private Active key (the one underneath the posting key).
You then click the β€˜log in to show’ button, log in with your private posting key, and you will see the string of numbers of your active key change. Now you have your private active key, which should only be used to make a transaction or power up...

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thanks for helping us newbies and minnows! :)

The only reason I choose my current profile picture is that I seldom take a selfie and my current profile picture was 2 years back. I love looking at that angle because it just looks good on me and I like it very much and of course with a little of bit colour editing.

It's a nice profile picture of your profile. Thanks for sharing your story and for entering the contest!

My profile photo was taken this past October in Winslow, Arizona, yes you can start singing now, as I stood on the corner. I even waved people out of the way just to get myself alone with that dude! Music has been a strength in my life getting me through all things thrown at me and it's been, thankfully, passed down to my two children. When we decided to travel in our RV westward for the winter my only wish was, nope, not to see the Grand Canyon, but to stand on the corner in Winslow, Arizona!! "Take it Easy" by the Eagles. It's always an amazement what one can truly manifest!!!

Oops, guess I'm too late.

Very good a contest. I am sharing my profile picture story here. It is very interesting. I do not go out too much from the house, so whenever I want to photograph different sizes of photos. My Profile Picture is also one. Before going to sleep at night, I took a picture slit, lifted. Edited black eyes and edited dark lipstick on the lips. I have totally changed the look. It looked very nice that I shared with my hazbend and he started laughing very much. Editing is very nice. The black eyes were dark blue and the red color lipstick looked very colorful. So I used this as a profile picture.

Thanks lot newbiegames for profile contest,,,

The lips really stand out in the picture, @sampaakter.
Thanks for joining the contest.

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

hi how are you.this is asad from bangladesh.
well my profile picture was taken when i was sad.that time i was doing something in my home then my sister brought a t-shirt for me and she told me wore this.then when i wore this t-shirt then she requested me to take a picture because in this dress i was looking nice and then i took some snaps and one of best picture i put in my profile.but my sister was really happy to take snaps of mine......
i am being with steemit for a month.thanks @sherbanu to refer here.

The Story of my Profile Picture

I do believe in an old adage, β€œA picture is worth a thousand words”. That could be true especially when you create your blog or announce your business. Images can convey emotions and build an image.

So what does my profile picture tells you?

As you can see, I’m wearing color white shirt with a print β€œSTRONGER”, taken in LE REVE where our Company’s Thanks Giving Party was held.
I choose to upload it as my profile picture because I like the idea of my printed shirt β€œSTRONGER” and I feel beautiful. For me, attending in an occasion like this requires hair and make-up makeover to look well presentable. The word β€œSTRONGER” always reminds me to be it and my life experiences have proven that I really became stronger. People reading my post/blog will look into the username and picture beside it to acknowledge or to know better about the author. So I wanted to give the best impression through my profile picture.
I am strongly confident that my profile picture could tell you that I am a nice person, friendly and can be trusted. Why? There’s a banner behind my back stating the name, address and contact number of the place. I am not affiliated nor endorsing the said place but I am just telling to everyone that my life became public when I started to join steemit community. Moreover, my face and smile can tell you that I’m a nice and friendly person, isn’t it?

Thank you,

Hazel that is very beautiful picture and you so come across as a nice and friendly person! You did a wonderful job of selecting your photo and presenting yourself for sure! Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

My profile picture is ... you can see it, right?

What do you mean - you can't?

Look closer. It's right there. Right where it is supposed to be.

And it tells a story. It tells how it took a few posts before I learnt how to post pictures. It tells how the avatar I created on Portrait Illustration Maker and saved stubbornly refuses to yield to pleas that it come out of hiding. It tells of my slow but determined progress to learn more about Steemit and to explore how it can be used for social impact in the real world. If you look even closer, you will see my rising excitement about SMTs. And yes, you will notice that I still don't know much about Steemit, but that I am here to stay.

haha... love this one... Maybe the best! :) Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

Glad you enjoyed it, @newbiegames, and thank you for the interesting contest.

The story behind my profile picture is obvious but incase you don't know it is a portrait of Me wearing a kimono like "Maiko" an apprentice of "Geisha" taken 4 years ago at Kyoto Japan. Why I choose this as my profile picture at steemit, coz' at first I join at this platform I thought that this is like other site that scrap and vanish sooner or later. No one recognize me on that photo I said it to myself, but I'm wrong. A lot of friends on other apps recognize me still, so I decided not to change my profile photo. They know me for who I' am and what I' am. And the good thing I loved this photo is I always reminds me my daughter and grandchildren who live in there. In that way I can't miss them much.
That is the story behind my profile picture.😊

Great to hear the story about your profile picture, @sweetcha. I have always wondered...
It's funny people still recognize you in the photo, while you thought they wouldn't.
It's probably not easy to not have your daughter and grandchildren close by...
Thanks for joining the contest, @sweetcha.

my pleasure to participate at newbiegames as long as I could...you are much welcome @newbiegames...mote power😊

I am @WizarDave hence my profile pic of a wizard.

  • Wizard?
    • Yes, I am a pinball wizard!!!
      • Maybe you've heard the Who song about me? haha
    • Yes, I am an amateur magician.
      • I was Marco the Magnificent in my high school play Carnival.
      • In the Navy one of my roommates was a professional magician and he taught me a LOT of cool magic illusions. He was hired as the Burger King magician, but joined the Navy...
      • I used to do magic shows at pre-schools and kindergartens, so I could send a note home to their parents, then come by and sell them encyclopedias and/or a really cool game that taught phonics.
    • Yes, Wizard was my CB handle for 10 years while I was an over-the-road trucker logging a million+ accident free miles.
    • Yes, I like Gandalf from the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
      No, I'm not that kind of wizard...
  • Dave? yes, that's me.
    • WizarDave? yes, for 22 years here on the Internet.
      It was the big thing to combine 2 words back then for some reason?!?!?

I love pinball! Although I'm not good enough to have a song written about me... (Love the song btw)
Quite an explanation you give there... a magician: that must be fun.
It took me a while before I remembered there was no 'double d' in the middle of your name. You probably left it out on purpose, lol.
Thanks for joining the contest.

So tell us about your profile picture:
Well my profile picture is me.... In some of my glory-not all. Lol.... So I just got back from work, fagged out and all. After taking a quick shower and stuff, I decided to chill a bit. I'm chatting with the gf who happens to be in a different city (then), and she's like "what are you up
to, where are you"and so on. I'm like" in bed, just chilling" then she says..... "snap a pic" I'm like "I'm tired..... I'm...."
"take a pic", she says again. Incase I've forgotten the meaning of snap I guess.
Knowing it's dangerous to let the ladies repeat themselves twice......So I make the face you see, as a partial peace offering, and I go click click boom.

Being a cute one, one click is enough, unlike those that have to take 50, to get one good one.... Yeah!
I look at the pic.... Oh, I've still got it!
Send her the picture, and I got to save my head.
:D phew

Why did you pick that one?
I didn't want something that so serious. Looking all beezy (Business) I mean, I'm here to chill, goof, and have a swell time.

What does it represent?
It represents the greatest (haha)

Where was it taken?
In bed, with an LG G2 or HTC One.... Not sure. Location: Somewhere in Africa.

So like the post says..... I'm happy to connect with friendly folks. Have enough seriousness offline. :D

drops mic

and that's how its done! boom! lol ... great story behind it :) Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

Haha.... Thanks man. Great contest. Cheers

My profile picture is a Standing Liberty Quarter Dollar (USA). Why? I have been collecting American coins for almost 40 years and I think it was the most beautiful coin that circulated in USA. It was minted from 1916 till 1930 and it was 90% silver. As an old numismatist, nothing better than a beautiful coin as my profile picture.

I am a big buyer of silver so I think your hobby is not only fun but will also continue to be quite profitable ;) ... I'm sure you already know that though :P ... Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I chose this picture because I think it sums me up fairly well. I try not to analyze why where what how when to live life, I like to jump in and try new things regardless of the risk, to a certain degree of course :)
The photo was taken at Xel-Ha park by Playa Del Carmen Mexico. I was there in February to get away from the Canadian winter and absorb some vitamin D. Highly recommend any and all of the excursions by xcaret, they are extremely professional and amazing opportunities for fun!
I've shared other pics and written more about this adventure here:

wow... that looks awesome! And I love your attitude about jumping into life! That's how I've lived my life for many years and I wouldn't change a thing! Great photo... Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

In San Antonio Texas we have a couple weeks of FIESTA. There are two Kings selected to raise money for charity. King Antonio and El Rey Feo (the ugly king) and each King has a Court. I was the Treasurer for Rey Feo LXIII. We were at a Mariachi Party, when our photographer handed me this sombrero and I threw it on. This photo was taken in 2011, and my mamma loved it. She passed in March of 2013 at 92 years old. I chose my profile picture because it reminds me of my mamma. This picture is so fun, I put it on my credit card. When I pay with that card, the server always asks me to sing! 😎

That is a very fun picture and it is very noticeable ... It fits your username beautifully! And its always a good thing to think of your mamma! :) Thanks for sharing your story and entering the contest!

In the photo our family, my wife and children. We have different hobbies, which we tell about in our blog. We came to Steemit with YouTube, where we have three channels. The atmosphere of Steemit we like. I already doubt that I like it more, shoot a video, or take pictures and write articles))) Welcome to visit us! @barski 10562981_361272210689333_8188038523323471565_n.jpg

Mine was taken in my office, i was working in the office and decided to take a nap, then i took the picture.
My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge

Thanks @gracefavour.
You’re looking really good in the picture. Was it before or after the nap? ;0)

haha, it was before the nap which turned to continuous selfies Thank you so much @simplymike

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