I read your post and thought, this is kind of fun, then I was killing myself laughing throughout all the comments!! I love what we'll do here :)
Ok, here it goes:
In Canada, a definite 3. My husband 10+ :) BUT, in Mexico, it's an entirely different story, for two reasons. The tp is way thinner here, and you only have to wipe once with three squares to realize the literal mess you are in! The other reason is that their plumbing infrastructure is still based on a population of 10,000, now it's about 500,000, so most throw their pee paper in the garbage, some really gross people throw their poo paper in the garbage too., Ewww I know. We don't, fyi. So, here, it's anyone's guess haha
Irrational Fear: Clowns. Hate them. They terrify me. Funny when I was a kid, the flower Tiger Lily terrified me, so I get your Sun Flower thing!
This is going to sound really bad, but it's the truth, and it's definitely something I would never ever ask. But, I often wonder what someone in a wheelchair is sexually capable of doing :) Ok, maybe not "often", but I have wondered it lol
You asked @bengy!
3 seems to be the most common answer, I'm hoping I didn't prime people for that answer! 10+ is pretty impressive though, I think my oldest daughter had the same....
Ah ha , I knew sunflowers were evil! Clowns are also crazy evil. Something about the forced grin?
Now you have me wondering about the wheelchair bound people. Surely it would be possible, just not in the chair... I think... And they do tend to have much stronger arms...
You didn't prime me for the number 3 @bengy! Funny enough, I went and "pretended" and grabbed paper without thinking i the bathroom just to see because I had no idea how many I used hahaha
Oh ya, clowns, the forced, creepy grin!
I'm sorry that I put it in your head, because trust me, it's not leaving now :) I think it might be possible in the chair, but lol, stronger arms...that's so bad, and so funny😎
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