I dont own one but have used one when working in catering. Its more for presentation. As for partial credit for the scoop, they would have got 100% if they got it right.
You are the third person that has said a metal flower. Its not metal.
I dont own one but have used one when working in catering. Its more for presentation. As for partial credit for the scoop, they would have got 100% if they got it right.
You are the third person that has said a metal flower. Its not metal.
lol - it's all good. :-)
Vinyl? - I still think it's a flower though - specifically a sunflower.
Lol, ill tell you now then that it is not a flower.
okay, lol. Is it vinyl, at least?
A vinyl cushion?
Nope not vinyl either.
I like how you are now only answering half the guess, lol.
I'll go back to thinking...
Lol sorry. Not a vinyl cushion but I thought I'd nake it easier and just say nothing vinyl lol.
lol - no, it's okay. Your game, your rules. I just hope you're laughing as much as all us guessers are!
I think you've poured water into a mould and frozen it... So, now it's a very pretty ice cube.