I didn't win, I was running for the US Senate in NC... I really had no chance but thought I would see what the process was like and see if I could shake things up. I was running as an anti-establishment candidate in a 2 party system, so the odds were definitely stacked against me... I was hoping to get to the debates and then my goal was to use that platform to spread the message... I didn't make it that far though, as my father died and it took the wind out of my sails, so I dropped out before the voting started.
Thanks for asking!
While I'm excited to hear you take part in something that important, I am deeply sorry to hear about your dad. If he was anything like you, he must have been a great man. And for him to have raised a son of your caliper speaks volumes of him. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I truly don't know how I will handle it when I lose my father. He is my mentor, my best friend, my father, and so much more. I was wondering, do you plan to run for office for anything in the future? Maybe a witness? 😁