Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Idle Questions)

in #newbiegames7 years ago (edited)


We (or at least I hope I'm not alone) can all have these idle thoughts and questions, sometimes known as shower thoughts. Many people find the shower and the relaxation of the warm running water to be a great place to drift off and let their idle curiosity wander, others use the space as their own personal karaoke theatre.

I'm more the thinking type of person in the shower, and my wife tells me that I can spend ages in there just idling thinking, and then coming out with some bizarre question.

Often, these are questions that I wouldn't anyone in real life or in a conversation, as some of them are a bit strange. However, other times, I can be lost in thought about some deep topic, that will flee my mind after I get out.

So, this week I have a couple of questions and a question to ask if you had a question that you wouldn't ask in real life but would perhaps do so in the relative anonymity of Steemit! It is a nice lighter departure from the previous weeks, just to mix it up a bit... and to indulge my curiousity!

My 3 idle questions!


1. What do you think the optimum number of sheets for each bum wipe is?

As a father of two young girls (one who is still in nappies), I spend a disturbing amount of time thinking about poop, and how best to clean it... Which led me to my own questions for myself, how many sheets of toilet paper from the toilet roll is optimum? In the past week or so, I've come up with the idea that 3 is the ideal amount, 2 is definitely too little and 4 or more is waaay to much. So, what do you think the optimum number of sheets for wiping bums is?

Also, as an aside, I was surprised that there are hi-res images on Unsplash of toilet paper....


2. What thing are you irrationally scared of?

Sunflowers... I come from a land where pretty much everything is trying to kill you, so I have a completely RATIONAL fear of critters trying to poison me or kill me.

However, Sunflowers give me the creeps. It it that they look like they have a million eyes? Is it the hairy stalk? Is it that a field of them looks like the beginning of a horror movie? Who knows....

3. What is a completely idle question that you might have wanted ask?

I'm sure (I hope) that we all have fleeting questions that we just don't dare as adults to ask in real life or in public, due to the fear of being ridiculed or shamed. As kids, we would just blurt them out and it would be no problem, but we lost that gift (for better or worse!) as grown-ups. So, in the relative anonymity of Steemit, ask away!


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer the 3 questions that I posed above!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!). If you upvote yourself, I will match you with a free downvote!
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).

Last week's winners

Last week paid out 1.234 SBD and 0.842 STEEM, so I will make it 3 shares.

Congratulations to:




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Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

  1. I'd say 4 sheets for me. I don't like 3 because it's an odd number. So regardless if it's a double fly or triple fly, I'd still get 4 sheets. But depending on what comes out though. If I feel like it's sticky, then I'd get 6 sheets. I might need a few more so I'd get 4 sheets in the next round.

  2. Irrational fear: Being in a lift by myself, especially in the hospital. I'm scared that a patient in their hospital gown carrying or dragging their drip with them might use the lift, and I have this thought that maybe this patient is actually no longer a patient, that maybe I'm seeing a ghost. I'm also scared that when I am by myself I stay right in front of the lift buttons, and I focus on the floor so I don't have to see anything. I try not focus on my peripheral vision, too.

  3. Idle question: Do you ever wonder what goes on in your pets' head when they look at you? And if they do, what could they be thinking?

Ah, yes adapting to the situation! I do that by deciding wether to fold and keep using or getting rid of it immediately!

Wow! That is a great irrational fear! I'm never going to a hospital ever again!

Yep, I don't have pets... but I do wonder what is going on inside my kid's heads....

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

I am laughing so hard!!!!!!!! honestly!!!!! oh my gosh
so so so so hard LOL

  1. what? please stop counting. this is not the depression. toilet paper is in abundance. we dont' want anything to get on our hands. germs are scary. so..... wrap your hand in a mitten of TP and wipe once. flush. next mitten. wipe again. flush.

basically - you want to be one sheet less than clogging the toilet.

easy! done. next????

  1. your sunflower thing had me CACKLING. i mean - absolutely cackling hahahahahahaahahaa

spiders. get real. they can wrap their tiny fast little legs around your whole arm and then eat you. yes they are less than an inch big. SO????
what if they get in your hair? what then?????

  1. why is it that @bengy deprives me of laughter (at my jokes)? no... but.. really. he knows that i'm pretty hilarious. so....... hmmmmmm. i think everyone needs to know this answer.

Glad you liked the contest!

Are you serious, that you wrap your hand in toilet paper! That is bizarrely crazy! A toilet paper mitten... the mind boggles!

Growing up in Australia, spiders don't bug me too much... You have to aggravate them for them to go for you... but Sunflowers, they are pure evil!

Hey, you are starting a urban myth! I'm sure that I'm laughed at your jokes at least once!

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. Well it all depends on the thickness of the paper and whether or not you fold it. If I've got some good TP I just need two and I fold because my wiping precision is out of this world. But if it's thinner stuff, well, as much as it needs not to tear.

  2. I'm scared of cleaning glass objects. I don't really know if that's irrational. I had a friend growing up who was legitimately terrified of bananas, though. His brother told me that once and I didn't believe him, so the next time I saw him I threw a banana at him. He screamed, fell off the couch, and didn't talk to me for a week.

  3. I guess if I had to ask an idle question it would be how many hours do you think you've slept in your life. It takes some thinking and some math but I think that's why it's fun. It can probably really make people question their math skills and/or the reality of how much time they've spent in bed.

Two! You are a dangerous person living on the edge of disaster!

I can't stop laughing at the thought of someone being scared of bananas! That's completely crazy!

Hmmm, I just thought about the time sleeping...

If you want to laugh go to youtube and look up the guy afraid of peaches on a talk show. It's priceless

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. I would say 2 sheets is optimum, but it depends on the quality of the TP you buy too. :-)
  2. Blood draws, I am irrationally afraid of them on a very deep level. I can turn interesting colors.
  3. How is posting on steempress working for you? Do you get good upvotes that way?

2 sheets! Another person that lives on the edge! For some reason, I'm completely fascinated by having my blood taken. I've only had to do it a couple of times, but I just can't stop watching it!

Steempress is fine, I use it mostly so I have a copy of the posts. Apparently, there is an issue of older posts not displaying on the Condensers, and this has been a known issue for over a year. Upvotes come and go, they aren't regular or guaranteed. I don't think I have seen one for a few days.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

1 ) Three is a good number. If you watched Schoolhouse Rock or Curious George, you know that three is a magic number. If it's a magic number, it must be useful in our analysis of bum-wiping mechanisms. We'll call the appropriate number of sheets used on average three. However, we all know that the experience of bum wiping can be different from day to day. Did you just have two servings of your grandma's special homemade mac n' cheese? You might not need to use any sheets. Morning after a long night of drinking? 14 or 15 sheets might be your best bet. Adapt to your scenario accordingly.

2 ) Irrational fear: the bathroom in the garage at my pad. Might as well keep the subject on poop, right? I can't get comfortable enough to squeeze one out when I feel like I'm surrounded by a horde of creepy-crawlies. What am I to do if I come in contact with a spider mid-business? You know what I'm to do - run out of the restroom screaming with my pants still down.

3 ) Most people believe dinosaurs existed at one point, but how many believe they will exist... again? If we can 3D print a human heart, we can 3D print fucking dinosaurs, right??

LOL!!!! Such funny replies!

I totally agree with 3, it is something that I've been toying around with this last week... not going higher than 6 or lower than 1 (gross...).

Outdoor toilets... definitely not a place where you can relax and just let things flow....

It would be a dead dinosaur? Until some fool figures out how to reanimate one...

I wonder if I'd rather have a dead or a live dinosaur... Definitely depends on the type of dino. Brontosaurus: Gigantic, eats vegetables. Sure, I'll take it live. Pterodactyl: Terrifying, would eat me and the vultures that were waiting around for my inevitable demise. I'd prefer it dead, thanks.

We do have chickens, which are dinosaur relatives...

hahaha re the dinosaurs. However, although yes, you can print one out, could you make it live?

We'll print its processes... Circulatory and nervous system intact. Science knows no boundaries

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. I would go three to four, but being the only male in the house now, the rest of the population obviously disagree with me. I have come to the conclusion that it is their belief the perfect amount is whatever it takes to prevent the next flush from happening.

  2. This one has me a bit baffled, I developed a habit of running straight at my fears. Afraid of heights, so I decide to go rock climbing and repelling. All I can come up with is fear of failing which I do all the time, fear of looking stupid which I usually excel at, or maybe fear of being afraid of something.

  3. Going to hit that first question that came to mine with the toilet paper... Why use a bidet, you're still going to have to wipe your butt and now you need a towel and not just toilet paper. It's kind of funny both words are french derived....

Oh, I completely understand the clogged toilet problem... Sometimes, there is just so much paper in there that it is almost out the bowl...

There are Japanese bidets (well at one of the hotels that I stayed at), that blasts (wafts) warm air up your bum to dry you out after the washing! It's pretty weird, I wasn't game enough to try... but I'm going back in later in the year, maybe this time I'll be brave!

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. 6 sheets at least - more if it is poor quality T.P.
  2. Notifications - I always have to clear them of my phone. Even if I know the email is spam, or the message is unimportant, I have to delete it or read it so there is no notification there. I guess not really an irrational fear, more like an annoyance.
  3. Why is it that people will get angry and impatient at having to wait 2 minutes in a queue at a supermarket, but will accept without question lengthy delays at other services like doctors, government departments etc? Have a bit of patience people, and for goodness sake don't take it out on the checkout operator. It's not their fault there is a queue, they turned up for their shift.

Oh a, getting angry at someone who just doing their best is really bad... My wife used to work in retail, and people could just be horrible!

I notice the patience thing in traffic. People getting stuck in intersections, holding up the next wave of cars, changing lanes to get one car ahead, whilst slowing down traffic everywhere behind them...

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

For question 1. I do not have the experience to answer on toilet paper, I have had the displeasure of changing a diaper.

On one particular occasion. I was minding the baby for two hours, My Sisters kid still a baby no walking or talking yet. but the crying starts. Me, I'm going to be the cool guy at this point pick up the little chap and start to rock him, but DAYUM! that wall of bang that hits me when I picked him up, If I had that smell stuck in my pants I would be crying too.

So keeping my cool, I can handle this, I put the baby on the chair. Using my smarts, I even put a towel down under the baby. Soon as they feel the cold, they gonna pee, nuh, that wasn't going to happen to me.

All pre-pared, I have all the baby stuff in the bag beside me, creams, powder, wipes, tissue, cotton, clean diaper's, I'm set, Okay, this is not going to the hell do you open these dayum things, I look to the bag, Ah! a scissors. I carry on and cut at the side of the diaper. one side done, then too, Then oh feck, I need a bucket here too, As soon as that air escaped, a spacesuit would not of helped it would of cracked the screen on the helmet.
I turn my head to the right and my eyes to the left, Somehow thinking, If I turn my head just that little bit, I will avoid the Tsunami of your sorry now rising from such a bundle of cuteness. I take the diaper from the front and use its interior to wipe the first fold the diaper and place it aside, like I had seen mom's do before, so far so good, the moist wipes things I used to clean then, Possibly 4 at a times, I remember thinking I should of used marigolds. I get the baby cleaned up the fragrant air has become breathable again. and I reach to get a new diaper, Cool as a cucumber I pick the baby's ankles and raise them up to slide the new Diaper under.

Then it happens
The little shit done another shit as I held his ankles up. this thing shot out like it came from a tube, It looked like they had being feeding the kid on mushy peas and custard. and FECK! the bang was back again with a vengeance.

Okay WTF can I do now. I need to clean his butt again I can't let his legs down, cause the towel is full of all sorts of I don't know. I reach to grab a few more cleansing wipes things and one comes out. Its empty, the last wipey thing I got one wipey thing to clean this. It did not go far.
There is a pillow cover on the side of the arm chair so I decide I will use that to clean his butt, After manoeuvring. the dirty towel out and placing a second pillow cover under the baby. A glance out the window, and they were walking toward the door. I went to open the door let them in, He's on the chair his diaper needs finishing was the reply "How was he?"

Question 2. Women, It might be best not to go into why.

Question 3. I have not come to a question I can not ask, At times I ask questions which I believe I already have the answers to, Just to hear an opinion, Or maybe I feel someone else around might not have understood,

Wow, epic poop story! So far, with our two daughters we've not had any disaster stories, but I have heard a few, mostly involving boys...

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. I actually also agree with the number 3 for this one. Three sheets is perfect for blowing your nose too (folded in half once.) Same for wiping your bum. If you need more, you can always grab another 3 sheets.
    (And yes, 3 is a magic number!)

  2. Irrational fear...
    Using the phone! I hate, hate, hate calling people. I will clean the bathroom with a toothbrush first!

  3. Question... Questions are hard to ask before you figure out what you want to ask...
    How about - where is a place you've always wanted to visit and haven't yet... or a place you have and want to return to?

I knew it! I was talking about this with my wife, and she insists it is 4. Plus, a rant about why the hell am I even thinking about that!!! So far, the early exit poll, seems to support 3!

Phone, I don't have a fear of using it... until I came to the Netherlands, now the thought of using it and trying to carry a conversation in Dutch has made me scared....

Canberra or Perth... I would love to go back and live there... or the Moon, or Antartica (visiting, not living there...)

Okay - yes, I think that 3 is the magic number, but in your situation, the answer has to be 4. ;-)

Yeah, I totally get you on the Dutch. When I first moved to Britain, I'd get these telemarketer calls who spoke in such a strong accent that if I didn't know pretty quickly what they were talking about, I had no clue!

I'd love to visit Sweden (I have cousins who live there) and Norway. I'd love to get back to Iceland again and/or Scotland.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. Where i hail from, we use water to wash our bums after pooing but if the only option left for me is to use toilet tissues, i think 4 will be reasonable. I'll wipe with the first one, and still wipe with the second one, definitely there will still be little shit around the bum, so i'll clean the whole region with the third tissue paper and clean completely with the fourth one.

  2. Really seeing a spirit or ghost in my dream could make me shiver. I may not be able to sleep alone for a while until i get over it.

  3. Where does God reside?

Again, more people use water than I expect! Seeing a ghost in my dreams, that would definitely give me the creeps when I woke up and it would also make me nog keen to get back to sleep!

Do you have some mail that you need to post to God?

Lol, not really but one can always go to him when you have this nostalgic feeling that you belong somewhere(a source)..

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. I would go with soap and water. But since our office doesn't have bidets, I say depending on the necessity. If a great amount of effort will be needed to clean, I'd start with six. Then go down to 4 if the first batch wiped it clean, then down to three then two.

  2. I have an irrational fear of frogs. I know we should all be afraid of the poisonous ones. But me, I'm afraid of any kind of frogs. Even seeing pictures of it gives me goosebumps. A friend of mine gave me a kiddie book about frogs as a gift for April fools. I threw the book as soon as I saw the pictures. My friends (the same set of friends) even made me cry when they put a frog on the pool while I was swimming.

  3. I have a two year old toddler and I always wonder what she's thinking of when she's quiet. Is she thinking about her next feeding time? Is she worries I might give her another set of carrots for lunch? Does she really like the toys I give her or does she just see it as another object to smack and destroy?

Frogs are little creepy, is it the sliminess? But I have to really agree with try to figure out what the toddlers are thinking. Our youngest is 1.5 and not really using words all the time. Their faces show a lot, but it is easy to accidentally project our thoughts into reading faces...

I think it is the sliminess. Then the fear of the sound they make came next. I know I need to overcome this fear because my daughter might think it's normal to be afraid of frogs if she sees it on her mother, right? Little by little, I am trying to get over this fear. LOL.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

Hmm... These are interesting questions, here are my responses:

  1. I'd never really counted how much I used, so I can't answer this honestly. But I find it funny that the Western World generally follows the 3-rule while the Asian World generally follows the 5-rule. So I think that your impression with three is inspired on an unconscious level by the 3-rule.
  2. I don't know what I am irrationally afraid off, but I do get these sudden twitches whenever I get cold gusts of air to blow on me (anywhere on the body). So maybe I have an unconscious fear of cold gusts, especially whenever it doesn't make sense for them to exist. I dunno, maybe because I don't consciously fear cold air in the Winter yet unconsciously I think some bad shit is going to happen. I dunno.
  3. When and why did humans adopted figurative language as a part of their overall language? While nowadays it makes sense, you probably wonder that because of how crazy translations can get between languages.

I didn't realise there was a rough link to culture! How interesting! Cold shivers, isn't there a saying that someone is walking on your grave?

Idioms, the bane of my speaking in Dutch... I never understand what people mean, only what they say exactly... I have no ear for the idioms in my non native language!

Funny that I remembered that cultural factoid, amazing how the mind remembers things like that. Anywho, probably going to keep that in mind whenever I feel a gust of cold air. And yeah, idioms are quite scary to just hear - they are the language's own inside joke before inside jokes were a thing.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

This is cool and I never thought that someone also think and ask some weird stuff. Haha. Here's mine.

1. What do you think the optimum number of sheets for each bum wipe is?

Ans. Actually, as a Filipino, sheets of papers would't work, as we preferr water instead. But at work, not all toilets do have bidet to use. So I don't have a choice but to use tissues. But I use interfolded napkins since I don't like rolling and I used about 16 sheets of it. And if only a roll of tissues are available I use 4 sheets folded, and 8 of those. Lol, pardon me, I don't want to touch slime on my bum, if you know what I mean.Lol

2. What thing are you irrationally scared of?

Ans. Well, every night on my sleep, especially when on vacation my fear is..

Warning: This will sounds disgusting.

But I fear a rat enter my mouth while I am unconscious and live in my stomach without my knowledge. Rrrrrr. Just thinking about it make me shiver, and sure I will be having a hard time to sleep again tonight tonight thinking about. oh myyy! Why did you remind of this?

3. What is a completely idle question that you might have wanted ask?

Ans. I am sorry for pet lovers, I don't have anything against you and your pets but, how can you withstand the fur and smell of pets inside your home, especially beside you on your bed while sleeping.

Thanks @bengy.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

That's interesting, I didn't realise that water was more widely adopted than I thought!

Omg! Is it possible for a rat to get into your mouth? I know insects do, and that statistically, we all eat a share then in our sleep! But a rat!

I know right! Imagine sleeping with an open mouth. Then this evil rat silently enters through our mouth. ewwwww!! I can't believe I am saying this.

Jaja !!!! Tales respuestas divertidas!

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con 3, es algo con lo que he estado jugando esta semana pasada ... no superando los 6 o menos de 1 (bruto ...).

Baños al aire libre ... definitivamente no es un lugar donde pueda relajarse y dejar que las cosas fluyan ...

Sería un dinosaurio muerto? Hasta que un tonto descubra cómo reanimar uno. Saludos amigo @bengy

I'm afraid that I needed to translate, so I hope I understood right!

Glad that you started experimenting! It's the sort of thing that we do unconsciously and it is nice to suddenly be aware and question!

Outdoor baths (or nude one), I thought would be difficult to relax in, but I tried one a few years ago and it was really nice. Maybe it helped that I didn't wear my glasses, and do I couldn't really see too much!

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

I read your post and thought, this is kind of fun, then I was killing myself laughing throughout all the comments!! I love what we'll do here :)

Ok, here it goes:

  1. In Canada, a definite 3. My husband 10+ :) BUT, in Mexico, it's an entirely different story, for two reasons. The tp is way thinner here, and you only have to wipe once with three squares to realize the literal mess you are in! The other reason is that their plumbing infrastructure is still based on a population of 10,000, now it's about 500,000, so most throw their pee paper in the garbage, some really gross people throw their poo paper in the garbage too., Ewww I know. We don't, fyi. So, here, it's anyone's guess haha

  2. Irrational Fear: Clowns. Hate them. They terrify me. Funny when I was a kid, the flower Tiger Lily terrified me, so I get your Sun Flower thing!

  3. This is going to sound really bad, but it's the truth, and it's definitely something I would never ever ask. But, I often wonder what someone in a wheelchair is sexually capable of doing :) Ok, maybe not "often", but I have wondered it lol

You asked @bengy!

3 seems to be the most common answer, I'm hoping I didn't prime people for that answer! 10+ is pretty impressive though, I think my oldest daughter had the same....

Ah ha , I knew sunflowers were evil! Clowns are also crazy evil. Something about the forced grin?

Now you have me wondering about the wheelchair bound people. Surely it would be possible, just not in the chair... I think... And they do tend to have much stronger arms...

You didn't prime me for the number 3 @bengy! Funny enough, I went and "pretended" and grabbed paper without thinking i the bathroom just to see because I had no idea how many I used hahaha

Oh ya, clowns, the forced, creepy grin!

I'm sorry that I put it in your head, because trust me, it's not leaving now :) I think it might be possible in the chair, but lol, stronger arms...that's so bad, and so funny😎

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. If you must wipe - then 3 is the right number. But personally, I think that paper is always lacking in effectiveness - always leaves something behind. So, my vote is for water. There are handy little sprayers that can be installed and used for superior cleanliness. A good diet helps as well - nothing sticks. Now, one thing i found fascinating is when you have a compost toilet with no water in sight, there are about 30 plants I found on a list which have nice soft leaves big enough to do the job. No trees need to be killed in the process or bleach used to pollute our waterways. Yay!!
  2. I am s sad that you have a fear of sunflowers as I look out over my sunflower garden :( . For me, it is a fear of the dark. I don't like to come home to an empty dark house by myself and if I would have to do one of those dare things where you spend the night alone in a museum or a hunted house - I would die.
  3. Hmm. That is a good question. Here is the thing. At this point in my life, I don't give a darn what people think and if I don't know something and need to know - I'll ask. We are all experts in something and completely clueless about other things and I am holding on strong to the conviction that there is no shame in asking. Mind you, that wasn't that way for much of my life but there are some perks that come along with age 👵

I always see those bidets at hotels... but even in the privacy of my own room, I can't bring myself to use them! Maybe, I will give it a go next time. After all, what could possibly go wrong!

I like the dark, I find it to be a great peaceful place. Although, I do give myself a jump if I turn the corner and see my reflection, or something on a coat stand...

Haha, great gif! Of course it is best to ask, but there are still things that we don't ask! Like, I'm not sure I would ask my work colleagues about the toilet paper thing! That said, my wife said it was a stupid question, and now she is really thinking about it alot!

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. Two sheets for me, I'm a risk taker, but it depends on the quality of the toilet paper. Some of the public toilet ones are so thin that they expect you to use at least 2 sheets by default.

  2. Kids under the age of 8, they have so many question and I don't have the kids skill to answer them. I'm scared that the answers I provide is not up the the kids standard and will create more questions.

  3. My idle question is that, why some people will try and save $1 for lunch everyday but will not hesitate to spend $1000 on a discounted robot vacuum cleaner, which they don't really need.

Wow, you are the riskiest of all the answers so far. I tried with 2 and I'm not sure it is right for me... I also tried 1, and I'm never doing that again!

Kid's always have follow up questions! My kids, I could answer them with a completely nonsense answer or a completely scientific rational answer, and they would still find something to ask about... sometimes it is even relevant to the original question!

Have you tried a robot vacuum!!!! It's the best! But then I don't like skimping on lunch either... I save in other places...

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. What do you think the optimum number of sheets for each bum wipe is?

I can't believe what I am reading ... three sheets .. optimum ...... NO WAY ... walking into a bathroom and then seeing a roll with only 3 sheets left will leave me scared shitless ( Pun Intended ) I have no clue the optimum amount but it has to be at least double that. So I will go with 6.

What thing are you irrationally scared of?

While most ( or allot ) of people are scared of death, I am not. I am scared of aging. Not just growing old but aging in general. Its a natural process that most don't give much thought to until the point comes that they are already old. I on the other hand ( and I am sure some others ) think about it more then I should and always have for as long as I can remember.

What is a completely idle question that you might have wanted ask?

I don't have one ... I usually say just about anything I want as long as its not rude or hurtful to someone. This includes any questions I might have.

I think I was a bit unclear. 3 per wipe! Not 3 total! I would also freak out if there was a roll with only 3 sheets!

Do you mean getting frailer and slower as you (we) age? I don't feel it yet, but I am scared that I will start to think slower...

Frailer ... Slower ... looks .. and everything else that comes with it. We don't feel it a its a low process .. until one day we wake up and are like ... dang I look / have gotten old.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

Congratulations to @theironfelix, @tryskele & @karinxxl on your prizes from last week.

Now on to the questions

1 - Is there truly an optimum amount? It really depends a lot on what exactly you need to clean up. The aftermath of a questionable vindaloo will use a lot more than a "teflon don" where you have to check the bowl to make sure you actually did something. Also, as a srcuncher, I probably use more than folders.

2 - I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Some of my Mother's old doll collection are a bit creepy though - maybe from watching too many "Chucky" movies as a youngster.

3 - Why is American football, called football, when the ball rarely touches anyone's foot?

Technically speaking, rugby was officially called "rugby football"- just like "soccer" was shortened from "association football" - and rugby has just about as much to do with the foot as American football... Not that that answers the original question, but when researching further, the question becomes more (rather than less) muddled.

Thanks! That was pretty interesting!

Ha ha, teflon don! I haven't heard that for ages!

Okay, yes, old porcelain dolls are definitely creepy... And now you have got me thinking about football...

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

Ugh!! Let me just say... toilet paper. Toilet paper usage is up there with my largest Familial Pet Peeves. I think the optimal amount of sheets is three. Wipe, fold, wipe, fold, wipe, drop into the loo. My son thinks half the roll is optimal. And I'm pretty certain my partner does too. I buy King-Sized 4-ply toilet paper! Half the roll is not necessary!

~waves arms around like a crazy person~

And irrational fears... I have a thing with mirrors. In the dark. I am certain that there will be something scary in there looking back at me if I dare peep into the reflections. Something behind me. A ghost, an alien, a murderer, I don't know, but there's going to be something there and as a result I can't peer into those things unless there's a light on. :) Apparently I'm not alone with that irrational fear though and reflective surfaces have been a "thing" with humans for a long time.

As for my idle questions... I am quite at ease with asking ridiculous questions. I see nothing wrong with asking people about their toilet paper habits, if they just did a poop, did they read a book while on the pooper, how can they do that? Did their butt get sore sitting there for so long? LOL. Apparently I am shameless.

Most of my Idle Thinking In The Shower Time leads to story ideas :) or just raging about my day and thank God I can have a peaceful shower for 5 silent minutes, oh no, I can hear the boy getting into the fridge again, arrghh, peaceful shower averted. :D

My oldest daughter seems to use half the roll each time as well. She still leaves the door open, we are trying to get her to stop doing that...

Oh, mirrors in the dark are terrifying! I also have the same feeling, that something is in there.. Usually my own reflection, but still...

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

  1. I have an ostomy so poop is a common topic in my life and even more so with little man as like yours is still in nappies. I think the optimum number for him is three babywipes. Me it varies greatly on thickness of output and which ostomy appliance I'm using as the outlet changes up and csn be frustrating.

  2. Enclosed spaces, I think this started when I spent years in the toilet before getting my ostomy. To this day I hate closing the toilet door. Although am learning that little people are fascinated by the going ons in there and if I ever want any privacy I'm going to have to get over that.

  3. I'm generally full of random idle questions, so much so that @shai-hulud often asks what am I on, but do you think I can think of one now. Haha. I'll have to come back and finish this when it pops into my head. 😁

My daughter still leaves the toilet door open, and we are trying to train that out of her... But yes, the toilet is really the safe peaceful temporary haven away from the kiddies!

haha, I still leave it open to this day most of the time, obviously not when in other peoples houses but at home, my hubby has just got used to it. My number 3. I always wanted to know why time seemed to move faster the older you got, I answered it in my latest post, other random things I often ask is why things are called as such and what would happen if they had called it something different, would our perception of that item be different.

In Physics, there is an interesting problem about the swapping of man-made definitions and whether or not that would create the same or a different universe. CPT and CP invariance (or Lorenz violations). The idea that, if you swapped the charges, space co-ordinates and time direction, then you should get exactly the same physical laws.... or NOT?

Haha, that's pretty awesome. Ny hubby does a alphabet adventures series sometimes that explains the origins of words, whats super interesting is that some initially meant the opposite of what we used them for these days. Language is a complicated thing.

Oh yes, that is part of my particular music specialisation. The idea that words and their meanings have changed over the centuries is the example I give to help people realise that music has done the same. This, the way that music is played by regular, professional (non specialist) orchestras and musicians is very much a modern take on the original. Often with completely different intentions from the original intent!

@bengy I saw two cellos live and they were fantastic, we saw them on you tube once and I was in awe of the awesomeness so as soon as I heard they were coming to Perth I got us tickets. Not sure if that is completely off topic lol but I feel that it may no be lol.

hahahaha only you would say "thickness of output" :)

@lynncoyle1 hahaha, well I live in the world of babies and poop both his and mine, the joy of being an ostomate lol.

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

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I put it in the #contest-general room (idioms)

Thanks, did I put it in the wrong room? Sorry about that!

No you put it in the right room I just put it in the #contest-general for more access :)

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BTW where did you get the UP-goat resteem follow image. I have a friend that would fit perfectly. @stacyalan

@ryivhnn did them for me! I love them!

We all have really random questions. But....sheets of toilet paper?! Seriously? That is hilarious! I'm sorry you have an irrational fear of sunflowers, they are my favourite flower. Because I am goat mad AND this is such a good post; you get my upGOAT

Thanks, feel free to join the contest!

Thanks but I am still scratching my head over number 3.....

Take your time, there is a week!

The winners of the SBI contest and the new round "Idioms" can be found here:

All this chatter about toilets and kids, etc...
I have few hard-and-fast rules about my house when it comes to "don't do this"... Some of those include no sharp knives and no glasses directly in the sink until you're ready to wash.

In the bathroom, it's no glass for the sink area (I've seen them broken before as kids drop it into the sink) and the toilet lid must be closed!

Feng shui, of course, teaches you to keep plugs closed in order to keep money from going down the drain. While living in England, I found this to be literally true!

English bathrooms are quite small, of course (like most features in their homes) - often without good cabinetry, etc, to keep things tidied and out of sight. I had invested in these shelves that parked over the toilet - great!

One day, one of the kids managed to knock the container of toothbrushes over - they all fell in the toilet! So, it was an emergency hike (I wasn't driving at the time) the mile into town to get new ones. Get home... During the course of the afternoon/evening, the NEW toothbrushes also get knocked into the toilet!!!
GRRR! As they hadn't been used and the toilet was clean, I took them downstairs and poured a kettle of boiling water over them to sterilize them. (This bent the toothbrushes slightly.)

I've also had to fish kittens out of the toilet before.

So yes, keep that lid down! (This also solves the male/female argument about leaving the seat up/down - it's just closed for both!)

Ahhhh I wish my wife would obey the no knives and glasses in the sink... It drives me nuts, it is just asking for trouble... Of course, I'm not the one that cuts themselves...

Ah ha, great story about the toilet and the toothbrushes... although, as I've read more and more stories about the suspension and travel of toilet particles in air... I'm glad we have the toilet in a different room!

I was washing dishes for my mother and she kept putting her food processor blades directly in the sink too - almost got sliced once! At least it was "almost."

Some of the posher (and older) houses in England do that - have the WC separate from the other rooms, but these days, most do not. My husband was reading the other day about how closing the lid before flushing can help avoid the particles in the air - but he has yet to follow through, lol. I'd give a lot for a bidet, but those basically don't exist in the US, and even in the UK, it is in the realm of the older/posher house.

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