ALIS Closedβ 発表イベント この記事はβ以前だよ。ALIS Closed β announcement event This article is before β.

in #newbie7 years ago (edited)









CMO 水澤

Contents [非表示にする]

1 ALISがやりたいこと
1.1 1.信頼性の高い記事を増やすこと。
1.2 2.仮想通貨、トークンエコノミーの利用のされ方の良い事例となること。
2 ICOや仮想通貨の規制について 河合
3 ICOについての講演者の私見

サイバーエージェントコイン 代表 卜部(うらべ)



ICOや仮想通貨の規制について 河合






司会 藤本

安 日本はビットコイン大国なのでICOも大きくなるチャンスがある。規制をどうするかである。

CAコインの人 エンターテイメント向けの仮想通貨とは言え、まだ決まっていることは少ない。

コミュニティーの盛り上がり方が大切。 ALISは既に盛り上がりが見えて凄い。株主と企業の関係とも違う。

安 みんなで作っていくという感覚が大切。今までは企業がこうしますと出していくのが大切だったが、これからはコミュニティーと一緒に、こうしようと決めていくのが大切。


河合 ICOは上の世代は新聞の情報だけで、ICO詐欺とか単純な思い込みがある。ICOにチャンスを見出す世代は、実際に良い使い方を見せていかないと世の中はなかなか変わっていかない。

河合 ICOは アメリカや中国は日本よりさらに厳しいが、最大の問題は厳しくてもレギュレーションが明確ならやりようがある。


安 英語力がないことが原因 ヨーロッパに行くとレギュレーションはっきりしないなか やった人がいると、その情報が広がり、どんどんICOをやるようになる。




第三 安



社会関係資本 ここがこれらか伸びる。


価値主義  価値と報酬の関係

自立経済圏 ALIS 人


株式会社  ユーザー 従業員 投資家 株主利益の最大化


投資家 従業員 ユーザー 3者が共通の利益に向かって動ける。


既に 500記事投稿されている。読み始めると止まらないほど面白い記事がすでに増えている。






投銭機能をALIS外でも使えるようにする APIを実装する。トークンの流動性、使われる規模が価値を決めるから。




イベントには、VALU, Steemit, 等、既にサービスが開始されているトークンエコノミー系サービスに登録している人達、仮想通貨、ブロックチェーン分野で知られた方々が多く参加していた。










The major meaning of this event is that it is the most prominent event in the ICO project in Japan.

Many people with a deep understanding of the token economy were gathering at the venue.

ALIS collects 430 million yen in ICO just before ICO regulation becomes strict in 2017.

While the emphasis has been placed on getting advertisement revenue from the reliability of the articles as it is represented by affiliate so far, as far as the net media is represented by affiliate, if you write good articles, highly reliable articles I am aiming for revenue-generating media.

The content of the event below.


I would like you to enjoy this event


Contents [to hide]

1 What ALIS Does
1.1 1. To increase reliable articles.
1.2 2. To be a good example of how virtual currency, token economy is used.
2 Regarding the control of ICO and virtual currency Kawai
3 Personal opinion of the speaker about ICO
What ALIS wants to do

  1. To increase reliable articles.
  2. To be a good example of how virtual currency, token economy is used.
    It was also introduced that the community has already been up and there is a movement to support ALIS, like overseas, including overseas, to support ALIS.

Cyber ​​Agent Coin Representative

The virtual currency exchange will give up, we will publish the cyber agent coin in 2019 and create it including the provision of entertainment which can not be provided in legal currency.

Experts familiar with legal regulations

Regarding ICO and virtual currency regulation Kawai
The number of companies wanting to apply for exchanges from abroad is increasing in Japan, but registration review is delayed and it is in trouble.

In the background, as Japan quickly made the regulation of the virtual currency, there are many needs for wanting to develop business in a place with regulation.

Private opinion of ICO speakers
I think that some aspects that must be handled as financial products by all means come out.

Since technological innovation is fast and law is not obvious, voluntary regulation of a strange disease is important.

Efforts to places where the regulation is not currently decided at the FSA's virtual currency exchanges and other research institutes are important, but it will be necessary to consider the above situation.

2 copies

Moderator Fujimoto

Ahn As Japan is a bit coin power country, there is a chance for ICO to become larger. It is how to control regulation.

Although it is a virtual currency for CA coin human entertainment, it is rare that it is decided yet.

How exciting the community is important. ALIS is already amazing as we can see excitement. The relationship between shareholders and companies is also different.

Sense It is important to have a sense that everyone makes it. Until now it was important for companies to do so, but from now on it is important to decide to do this with the community.

Mr. Fujimoto is good at summarizing each opinion and partitioning.

Kawai ICO is the upper generation only information of newspaper, ICO fraud and simple thought. For generations who find opportunities in ICO, the world does not change unless it actually shows good usage.

Kawai ICO is more severe than the United States and China in Japan, but even if the biggest problem is severe regulation may be clear.

In Japan, there are many unknown points at present, and well-known lawyers also have different views.

Because of the absence of anxiety English ability When you go to Europe Regulation If you do not understand, someone who did it will spread the information and become more and more ICO.

It is a big problem that it is hard for block chain engineers to proceed while interacting with foreign countries.

The relationship with the community is very different from the relationship with the shareholders.

Once the ICO regulation is decided, I hope it will be ready for immediate preparation. People or friends who buy it

Third Ann

Company capital

net worth

Social capital This is how these grow.

New Business Development Method

Relationship between value principle value and compensation

Independent economic zone ALIS person

until now

User Employee Investor Maximize Shareholder Earnings

Token economy

Investor Employee 3 users can move toward common interests.

Roadmap to realization

Already 500 articles have been posted. Articles that are more interesting than before can not stop as you start reading.

Buy tokens for private articles

Article request by token

Evaluation logic

Attach bonus tokens in three stages according to their reliability.

Token Power Consignment System

Implement an API that enables you to use the transaction function outside of ALIS. Because the liquidity of the token and the scale used determine the value.

Write articles, evaluate articles, raise token worth, try hard on these three

It is going to be the era when there was someone who would go on doing everyone else than planning from now on.

My opinion

Many people known in the field of virtual currency and block chain were participating in the event, such as VALU, Steemit, etc. who are already registered in the token economy system service which has already started service.

Money was actually gathered at ICO, the project advanced, and it was the first time that such an event was held in Japan. There are about 300 participants.

It was doubtful that the technical commentary on the ALIS service itself was bought at all.

Currently beta version ALIS service is similar to Steemit, but it is unknown whether contents are not block chained, it seems not to be so, so it remains unclear as it is not explained.

However, technology is only a factor in token economy. This kind of event is held, CEO Saku himself, at two light drinking party, drinking a drink with a clear eyes at the entrance, greeting each person carefully at the exit at the end of the meeting, just impression Not only was it good but he seemed to emerge as thinking that making the good community and trusting it the most important.

Knowing that, being able to collect such people, at least in Japan dominates Steemit soon. (ALIS is inspired by Steemit)

It seems that 500 articles have already been posted by this day.

In addition, we are also planning to provide an API to extend the function of copying content to other media than ALIS.

ALIS founding members are strongly thoughtful of the token economy, and ALIS is positioned as the first step of their means of realization, and it is also communicated that they will continue to make the next one according to circumstances It was.

Token economy system services have increased, but as a user I want to raise my own value It will be top priority, so consider balancing each service or concentrate on a certain service efficiently Whether you decide to use it or try it variously with progress, I felt that the circumstances in which you can not see the correct answer are coming further in advance.


