Current price 91
price to follow 95
If it exceeds 95
1.Target 100
2.Target 114
3.Target 126
4. Target 135
Note: My own work analysis. It is not investment advice.
Şimdiki fiyatı 91
takip edilmesi gereken fiyat 95
95'i geçerse
1.hedefi 100
2.hedefi 114
3.hedefi 126
4.hedefi 135
Not: Kendi çalışma analizim. Yatırım tavsiyesi değildir.
The MACD DEMA indicator confirmed that the upward trend began on October 28th.
The DeMarker indicator started to rise, confirming that the buy limit was reached.
Today, it reached 101 and reached the 1st target.