Hello readers
Yes comments sometimes can pay but best of all they also keep thing going and help to keep steemers motivated.
Thanks for all the comments guys and I upvoted you all untill I got below 20% steem :)
Just done a steem topup.
So guys if your new and see something you think is cool or know some good info about the subject, Do thake the time to comment. Maybe one day you will become a steem whale.
A good tip is to post some blogs about things you are doing or things you know lots about or just funny things, music and art is also really cool to show off here. If you are taking photo's be sure to do a hand written name tag in the photos where possible, Just so people here can be 100% sure you are genuine. I do where I can and think it's a good tip.
Reading peoples full blogs before making a comment is a good idea, It's no good leaving a comment that makes no sense! Take the time to leave a cool genuine and in touch with the blog comment. If you do start a blog be sure to comment back to everyone that takes the time to read and get involved :)
I hope this helps some of you out there and any pro's please feel free to leave any tips you find would help new users.
Thanks for reading and feel free to follow for a follow.
This story i did a few hours back turned out to be magic, I did a blog about me fixing a retro big muff pedal for my buddy that was broke and fixed it :) only to find out a few hours later how rare it is ad how it's worth over £500, My buddy was over the moon, I got a good buzz from fixing his pedal and doing the blog. Enjoy and let me know what you think? Thanks
do you have any amazing blogs you would like to share? Please post links in the comments.
I'm commenting right no to see if I earn from it. LoL. Let's see if this comment earns.
Yep! Helpful posts like these should help bring in new people, especially when they are learning the ropes. Things can be complex at first
Thanks buddy :) I hope so and I have already got a few UK users to join up this week and will get more in time, I think steemit will be big soon. "bigger" than it is already.
Yup. In a few years, maybe in one year, these will be the golden days! But right now, if it gets too big, too fast that works against us I think. Here's a blog by a really cool guy on here : https://steemit.com/@whatamidoing
Thanks for sharing, I'm just checking out now.
I agree with most of your post here. One thing though is that sometimes people write way more than I intend to read. But I can skim it and sometimes I feel like I got enough of it to comment. But I wont usually comment on something just some random crap to say I commented lol.
Edit - Also I don't let my vote power get below 80% because then my upvotes pay less than 2 cents lol.
Thats is a good point, To much info might cause that if its not intresting or helpful or just to long :) Thanks, I hope this helps a few new users out. I did a blog today to show how in 7 days my first payment was $90 that was a few hours ago, It's now over $100 :) I'm really pleased and shocked about this result. I will update week 2 next week.
Looking forward to seeing that progress.
booom :)
Thanks brother to guide us :)