Experience Points or XP for short is a rewards incentive and digital currency combined to a single blockchain designed to reward gamers, students, people positively contributing to society and providing a universal high street currency.
After going through all of their about pages on the website I started to be more and more convinced that this was definitely the altcoin for me. Other perks that I later discovered after looking through their website were things like being able to mine XP coins while using my own internet browser, meaning I could earn coins while letting this run on a tab and not pay attention to it, the only downside to this is that you will have to leave your computer on a lot just to be able to mine but if you just leave it running while your on your computer you can still get some coins out of it. If that wasn't enough you can also see that under the get tab on the XP website also has a section called faucet that actually gives you free XP coins(ranging 5 to 20 XP coins) every 24 hours, meaning you will have to wait a whole 12 hours before you try and get more coins from the faucet. The cherry on the pie is also how you can stake your coins after 24hrs of receiving them from your wallet though this process is more like trying to win the lottery, though this process wont produce coins for you right away I would definitely recommend something you do while you are on your computer since its essentially like getting free lotto tickets to the lottery and who doesn't like free stuff right. The last great thing about this coin is that you can utilize it to exchange it for actual gamer gifts such as steam or psn gift cards, there is also some choices for Japan such as the previously stated things,as well as itunes, and nintendo gift cards.
If by now your thinking that you also want to start getting involved with this altcoin here are the steps that I would suggest you go with:
The reason as to why I'm writting about this crypto coin is because out of all of the altcoins(other crypto coins) that I currently own, I feel like this coin is the coin that I personally can get behind because of my hobbies and lifestyle. For one I like to play video games every once in a while, so that automatically where this coin caught my attention. I first learned about this coin from a friend who likes to have a diverse portfolio and is always looking for new altcoins to buy. He messaged me that he had found an altcoin that was below a dollar per coin in value, meaning you can get a lot of this coin for anywhere as little as $5 to $20, I do want to say that if you do decide to buy some of this coin to just only invest what you believe your willing to lose(which should be the way you should look at all cryptocurrency), and that it looked like they were trying to do something for gamers, "this sounds like my type of coin" was my initial thoughts. So after my friend sent me the website where I could checkout for myself what this altcoin was all about.(https://www.xpcoin.io/)
1)Download a wallet(the three choices includes web,desktop, and paper. Personally I went with desktop just because that's what I found to be my liking plus I felt like it was the most secure choice and definitely encrypt it with a phrase that you make sure you don't forget.)
2)Buy some XP coins on any of the following markets, though I would definitely recommend getting some free coins from the faucet first:
Currently XP is available for exchange on these four markets: coinexchange, tradeSATOSHI, Cryptobridge, and Coinhouse.
3)Mine with the web mining and repeat the process of getting free coins from the faucet every 24 hours, just make sure that your wallet is open for mining or else your won't receive the coins.
4)Make sure you always make it a habit to open your wallet to allow for your coins to stake when you get on your computer so your chances increase of getting more coins.
https://www.xpcoin.io/faq/ (Just in case you have some questions on how to do things)
Overall I am definitely holding this coin for a while I do think that it will gain some traction in the future because of what they are trying to accomplish but just keep in mind that it is a young coin that still has to grow as you can find evidence on their webpage. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask
This cryptocurrency definitely got some hype recently, but now it is failing to recover in my opinion, not sure if I will invest! It also has a huge supply which I don't really like!
I wish you all the best.
Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other!