Planning A New York weekend?

in #new8 years ago (edited)

Save time and money by going here and avoiding here

New York city is incredibly fast paced and vibrant city. There are an endless amount of things to do and places to see. It would be impossible to cover everything in a weekend. I have compiled the top places to visit and just as important the places not bother going to.

Here are the list of top places to visit.

Statue of liberty
The reasons are that it symbolizes freedom and democracy. When ever I hear that someone has visited new York one of the first things they are asked is weather they visited this monument.

Be aware that to visit you must register weeks in advance due to very strict security.

Be there for the 9 am tour if possible or you may end up spending a couple hours in lime waiting to get on the fairy.

Empire state building
If you plan on seeing the NYC skyline from extraordinary heights this popular grand old buildings the place to do it from.

Central park
This world famous place is a great way to de-stress from the hustle and bustle of NYC urban life.

Times Square
a visual and auditory buffet that is in the heart of New York. Just walk down 3rd, 4th or 5th ave and make sure your head is on a swivel or else you are going to miss all the walks of life and 50 foot over the top electronic advertising. It's so crazy that they have stands in the middle of the street where you can people watch.

Natural museum
I try to limit myself to one museum per city. Out of the ones that New York had to offer the Natural museum was the one I choose

A broadway show
Seeing a show in it's birthplace has something special of it's own.

New York Yankees game.

NYC shopping
An incredible selection of the latest styles in humongous stores along 5th and 8th ave.
Also Woodbury outlet mall just an hour's drive with deep discounts

places that are worth missing out on.....

Ellis island
I understand that the first immigrants were processed here doesn't seem appealing enough to spend my valuable time at. The statue of liberty is the hands down better choice.

Wall st
For someone like me seeing the worlds financial engine at work is awesome. However for most people this place won't be so appealing ...why?

I've been traveling to many U.S. Cities in the last few years and I've discovered that I've spent a lot of time visiting museums. The problems is that they pretty much are the same. If you plan on visiting the Natural museum take a pass on MOMA

9th ave
Only one street away from 8th ave but it feels worlds apart. Ninth ave is a rough looking and the poverty is all around you. When i was there I thought there was a possibility of being mugged.

The reason I was on 9th is that there is an awesome electronics store called B&H on this street.
Its a must see for gadget junkies just keep your eyes open when you are walking back to your place with your goodies.

Chrysler building
Choose the most popular of the tall buildings when time is of the Essene. Seeing a birds eye view from one tall building to the next is not much different

Everyone has different likes and dislikes. With this article I was hoping to provide a guideline and some tips or warning with each place.

Having fun is the most important thing and the next time you visit NYC follow my tips and you can save time and mine as well


Nice list - have you been to all of these places?

I went to New York two years ago. I missed out on the Statue of Liberty because I didn't know I had to register early to get in. There is so much to see I can't wait to go again.