Fight the stress, here is help,really simple, are you ready?.

in #new7 years ago

stress foods.jpg

" Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is a good start when life’s particularly stressful." Don't you agree?.

Ok, this is a good start to stress off.

Here we go and it works for me too, so don't think that you are alone on this ok?.

There are these kinds of superfoods out there, really!... that provide you with the energy and nutrition that your body needs to keep stress in check and or take it stress out.

The Super Foods Are :

This vegetable, which is high in folic acid, can help level out your mood in just one meal. Folic acid and vitamin B are key players in producing serotonin, a chemical that gets you into a good mood. So keep asparagus on your grocery list at all times.

Eat Beef:
Beef’s high levels of iron, zinc and B vitamins not only help get you into a good mood, but help you stay there as well. Don't stress over the high cost of beef you can just use ground beef if you like.

One of the best things to calm stress down for a number of people is raising or planting a garden. Ok, don't stress it, a garden can be a 5 gallon bucket where you just plant a set of petunias, so there you go, a garden don't have to be big if that's what you are afraid of. Growing a garden can relief a lot of stress very quickly.

Drink Milk every day if you Can:
Milk really does a body good, I know because I drink a lot of that liquid. Milk as the world knows is full of calcium, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins B2 and B12, it helps strengthen the bones and promotes healthy cell regeneration.

Mixed it in with a healthy whole-grain cereal choice in the morning, low-fat milk is a great way to start your day and arm yourself to do battle with the stressors that await you.

Cottage cheese:
Cottage cheese is also another great dairy choice, and when coupled with a fruit that’s high in vitamin C, it helps the body battle free radicals that run rampant during your most stressed periods.

Try this recipe:

In a bowl with cottage cheese, add honey( what ever you like ) ,a good pinch of cinnamon, slices of cucumber and pineapple.

Wow ...this shit is so awesome when you get this combination into your mouth. Try is you'll like it.


Almonds are also an awesome choice and I love them. When it comes to arming yourself against stress almost are the best , so I say.

They’re high in magnesium, zinc, as well as vitamins B2, C, and E and unsaturated fats, all which are great warriors against free radicals, which have been shown to cause cancers and heart disease.

Final hint or tip:

Stay away from the EX.....just kidding,,,

Thanks, Steemit world....