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in #new3 years ago


Pre-Code horror comics from the ’50s were amazing!

Horror comic books reached a peak in the late 1940s through the mid-1950s,
when concern over the content and the imposition of the self-censorship
Comics Code Authority contributed to the demise of many titles and the toning
down of others. In 1954, Dr. Fredric Wertham published Seduction of the Innocent,
a tome that claimed horror, crime, and other comics were a direct cause of
juvenile delinquency.

Modern comics and comic companies play safe. They rely on name recognition and
brand loyalty to drive sales. No new Ideas and the combination of virtue signaling
and politics have stunted the growth and imagination of both creators and customers.
My goal is to show people that it has not always been this way. There are years of
back issues and long-forgotten publications to enjoy. I have been inspired by
horror comics for years and my artwork and comics are influenced by the original

The images and writing have been enhanced and converted to black and white
presented for you so that it is more readable and enjoyable. A smaller format that
better captures the art, is more portable for easy reading.

A little bonus too!
A sneak peeks at a section of the second issue of DEADANOMICON…

Grab it here.