New Moons are a known as initiations and new beginnings. They serve as extra potent portal for manifesting energies, planting new seeds of intention, and ridding ourselves of old toxic patterns and energy. As the New Moon grows towards the full moon, your goal or intention will grow as well, in hopes of seeing completion under the illumination of the full moon. In order to sanctify your intentions and send crystal clear messages to the Universe of what energy you are calling in for the next lunar cycle, it is crucial to ritualize this process to internalize and make a proper commitment towards one Self.
Here I've created an outline of a New Moon ritual for you! Step-by-step, breathe-by-breathe, on the way to waking dreams into realities.
Clear + Center your Self.
Take a soothing hot shower or bath to remove any lingering energies from the day. You can place a few drops in the shower of Lavender or Tea Tree essential oils for an extra sensual experience. Feeling nice and clean, do a light yoga practice that keeps you grounded, centered, and in the flow.
Sanctify your Space.
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Take the time to tidy-up your space - sweep, mop, make your bed - whatever you have to do to invoke an energetically clean and wholesome presence in your space. Light up some Palo Santo or Sage to purify your space. Walk around the room holding the intention of purification as you allow the smoke to permeate, make sure you get the high hidden corners! I enjoy invoking Lord Ganesha - remover of obstacles - as I sage my space chanting the mantra - Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.
Gather Sacred Supplies.
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Create your very own Sacred Alter. Find pictures of Loved Ones, or Enlightened Masters that invoke the highest energies of Love. Light a candle or some incense. Gather crystals that radiate high vibrations, sacred statues or figurines that have meaning to you, love letters, plants, tarot cards - anything that you truly LOVE and brings you back into your heart’s center. Make some yummy herbal tea. Grab a notebook and a pen.
Ground your Energy.
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Grab hold of a grounding stone or crystal and sit with your legs crossed on the floor. Straighten the spine and breathe in through the crown of your head sending a luminous white Light all the way down through your Crown Chakra into the Earth. CLICK HERE to ground your energies with my personalized guided grounding meditation.
Invoke and Affirm your Intentions.
Write down an affirmation that invokes the Highest possible Light, Love and Freedom into your manifesting intentions. Write something like “I invoke the Highest All-Powerful and Loving Energies to guide me towards my greatest potential.
Let it flow.
Take a deep breath and let your Heart flow - let your dreams spill onto your paper through words. You may not even know what you’re writing and that’s okay! In fact that’s good, it means it is coming from the Higher Self or intuition. When your done, read your brilliant and beautiful manifesto and FEEL what it is like to already have that, because it already is YOURS.
ACTION step.
Now for the manifestation… you may have written down your life’s work which could seem like a daunting task at first, so slow down and take baby steps. Write down 1 or 2 steps you could take TODAY to start the manifestation process. By moving forth with momentum, you are sending out the message to the Universe that you are committed.
If you are interested in Diving Deeper into your Intentions by exploring the inner realms of your subconscious mind - Check out my Tarot Healings for this particular lunar cycle.
If you are seeking intuitive guidance on how to create an organized plan of action, e-mail me and I would be happy to help you turn your dreams into realities! I use powerful tools of transformation like tarot, numerology, and astrology to give you deeper insight into potential subconscious blocks and your soul’s purpose!
You can reach me through any of these outlets: