Monthly challenge: Embroidery. Final update

in #new8 years ago (edited)

This challenge is about stop quitting. For 28 days I had to embroid 1 hour a day, because I quit many times just before the finish line. And it almost happened at my first challenge!

After embroiding for 7 hours in the last 3 days it was time to quit with 20 minutes left on my challenge. My eye contacts were dried out and I was bored of all the embroiding. I thought: "Fuck those last 20 minutes." But the next day I was like: "No, I have to do those 20 minutes, because it's haunting me allready and this is what the challenge is about." So I picked it up again and I finished it at the 29th day.

As I just wrote I had to catch up on the hours that I skipped the days before. You think 1 hour a day is very easy, but if you skip 1 hour, you have to do 2 hours the next day, and so on.
Since 4 months I have eye contacts and the problem with those is that they dry out at the end of the day, so I can't see really sharp in the very evening. When playing the piano or watching TV that isn't a problem, but when you have to focus on where to pince the needle, it a lot of times I couldn't embroid anymore because my eyes wouldn't let me. To be honest, that was the only problem I had for finishing this project.

Yes, I started a new job, which drained a lot of energy and made me feel tired at the end of the day. And yes, I skipped some hours because I was going to friends and/or play boardgames with my friends. But those weren't the reasons for almost failing on this challenge, it was the eye contacts!
With some relaxing music it was okay to do some embroiding, and the great part is that you can see the progress right in front of you. Two of my friends picked up embroiding too after I started mine, so it can be contagious ;-)
To finish this project, I need many, many hours more. It looks like I didn't do much in all those hours but when you zoom in on the pictures you will notice there is about 7 "shades of grey" between black and white, and I had to count all the time. The green part went pretty quick but the right cow was very tough with the counting.

Below you will find my hourly progress.

Tomorrow I will post my next challenge, which I started allready on the first of this month.

Please post your suggestions for a new challenge and maybe I will pick it up!
Any advice is welcome!

P.S. My friend @poeticsnake will teach you how to doodle. Because of her I gave it a try and this is the result.



I am so proud that you did not stop! I already look forward to see your new project going. Please, promise me to hold back no details about how frustrated you will get! :D
Really great job!