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RE: Re: Made in America Week; Why We Need to Close the Trade Deficit; My Random Grocery Store Find

in #new7 years ago (edited)

I agree. Sadly I think a lot of manufacturing jobs aren't going to be coming back from overseas, but that only means the US needs to develop new things to replace them. Check out this company I think you will appreciate it:


Thank you for sharing, those skinny high rise pants are tempting!

Although I can agree that our manufacturing likely won't return to what it once was, I do already see a push for the return of manufacturing coming back to the USA. And the lead time for my contractors seems to only ever grow longer as more service providers are not stepping up as local demand for their services grows.

It seems like there are actually a lot more foreigners taking the plunge to put big money into new factories than Americans. I think resources like Maker's Row will make it easier for small operations to get some skin in the game though.