There is quite a coincidence and interesting aspect to the Charlottesville attack scenario. The person that happened to coincidentally film the event and appear across all mainstream media channels (without those channels mentioning his credentials) was none other than the campaign manager of US Virginia representative Tom Perriello who happens to also coincidentally be one of the founders of Avaaz which played a major role in gathering support for a No Fly Zone in Libya and regime change in Syria.
It also appears that Brennan Gilmore who filmed the event and released it to the media worked for the US State Department in Africa directly on the Kony 2012 campaign which was a misleading propaganda campaign used to expand the presence of AFRICOM in Africa. Kony 2012 was also George Soros funded and Human Rights Watch was involved (another Soros funded organization) in promoting the campaign. The MSM interviewed former State Department agent Brennan Gilmore on numerous channels in the direct wake of the Charlottesville event but none of them mentioned his clear government connections.
Evidence of such is provided here:
~~~ embed:896434516260212737?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw& twitter metadata:YnJlbm5hbm1naWxtb3JlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2JyZW5uYW5tZ2lsbW9yZS9zdGF0dXMvODk2NDM0NTE2MjYwMjEyNzM3fA== ~~~
Additional 4 Chan info here related to the car and driver : (screenshots have been saved at the following Steemit link) -
The Outer Light You Tube channel has more on this interesting US State Department related development:
Some odd things about the event at Charlottesville
More on the connections between Brennan Gilmore and Soros funded initiative in Uganda
Proof George Soros was also involved in funding the Kony 2012 propaganda flick.
March 20, 2012
Another video of “Africans” begging the US to invade & occupy Africa.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Human Rights Watch (HRW) during the height of the Kony 2012 hysteria, dusted off one of its old propaganda videos titled, “Joseph Kony – LRA” uploaded on November of 2010, to try and capitalize on the attention Invisible Children raised earlier this month. However, the Kony 2012 campaign imploded just as fast with vast numbers of people pointing out the untenable narrative it attempted to peddle, and the fact that it served as nothing more than a pretext for an expanded US AFRICOM presence in Africa.
Both Human Rights Watch and Invisible Children are funded by Wall Street speculator, George Soros, through his Open Society Institute and the myriad of corporate-funded foundations it funnels money through. At least one foundation behind Invisible Children (.pdf, page 22), “Enough,” who is also involved in the George Clooney promotion of a US AFRICOM intervention in oil-rich Sudan, actually counts Human Rights Watch as a partner.
More at link above......
Wiki on Tom Perriello :
Wikipedia link also states that Tom Perriello works for the Center for American Progress, which is a Clinton/Podesta initiative used as a social media action platform, often to build support for regime change in foreign countries, and most recently in the USA in the post 2016 election environment.
Link to Avaaz Wiki page:
Regarding the actions of Avaaz in the regime change agenda's in Syria and Libya, please see the following Clarity of Signal post from 2016 :
A Guardian UK article from 2012 lays out the Avaaz role in Syrian government overthrow
Syria has certainly been risky. The group was quicker on the draw in responding to the first signs of the protest movement than most aid organisations, even than most media outlets that pride themselves in getting speedily to difficult places. To begin with, Avaaz sent a team of staff organisers to Lebanon after spotting the first signs of a nascent protest movement in Syria. Contact was then made with Syrian activists inside the country, and go-betweens recruited, notably Wissam Tarif, a highly respected Syrian pro-democracy leader who is widely consulted by journalists and senior western diplomats.
From there its involvement in the Syrian Arab spring drew it steadily further and further into the conflict. First off Avaaz sent in hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of communications equipment – satellite phones and internet connections known as BGANs – that gave the protesters a link to the outside world.
As with earlier Arab spring engagements in Tunisia and Libya, they realised that equipment alone was not enough: the protesters needed to know how to use it if they were to be effective. So Avaaz sent in trainers who could give grounding in how to use the satphones as well as basic training in citizen journalism.
More at link above.....
Proof of Soros direct involvement supporting fascist groups and producing MSM propaganda for conducting regime change in Ukraine:
Additional links highlighting the nefarious works of Avaaz and other Soros funded groups involved in global chaos:
The following links were produced by myself when I was a member of Jackpine Radicals in 2016:
Link to the now dissolved "Resolve" campaign (Invisible Children) conducted by US State Department/USAID/Soros to implement Kony 2012 agenda in central Africa:
Both Human Rights Watch and Invisible Children are funded by Wall Street speculator George Soros through his Open Society Institute and the myriad of corporate-funded foundations it funnels money through. At least one foundation behind Invisible Children (.pdf, page 22), "Enough," who is also involved in the George Clooney promotion of a US AFRICOM intervention in oil-rich Sudan, actually counts Human Rights Watch a partner.
Note also that George Clooney and George Soros have been actively involved in the White Helmets terrorists ruse in Syria - proof of such is here and at the Clarity of Signal site:
Additional Resolve article shows Clooney and actor Ben Affleck were also involved in Kony 2012 (Note Ben Affleck was also involved in promotion of White Helmets who are now proven to be terrorists attempting to conduct regime change in Syria:
Coincidentally once again, in the following RT article from 2012, George Soros seems to have predicted the events that are currently happening in the United States. He's quite the speculator.
Thus, what we have here is an amazing string of coincidences. It is quite astounding that the man who works directly for the US State Department and the main politicians and globalists who conduct overseas regime change war agenda's is the main person providing the first person video to the mainstream media regarding events in Charlottesville, Virginia. The fact that neither he nor the media chose not to disclose his position, speaks volumes. The Outer Light you tube channel link above explains that the US State Department has now attempted to delete pages that would expose this fact. All of this is quite say the least.
As usual, lots of dodgy things.
Yep.....lots of strange connections and now word is that the police were told to stand down and not attempt to disperse the protesters.
Folks are now asking where the word to stand down came from in the higher echelons, as this might have all been prevented if the police were allowed to do the job of keeping the groups apart in the first place.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Ok, now my question is why the two officers died in a helicopter crash... If they were the only helicopter in the sky, that means they were probably targetted to die. That way there isn't complete footage of the car incident huh?
Did they kill the two officers to help the guy record the whole thing???
This is a very good question. They may have needed the helo out of the way to pull off the whole event. For example, if it was orchestrated then they most likely would have had to switch the driver out after the incident. If a helo was in pursuit that may have been difficult to pull off. The following link has some 4Chan images of the car after the stop where it appears that a witness states that black SUV's were outside her home telling them to get back inside when the driver got out of the crashed car and a different person got in. These images raise additional questions. The images have been saved but the 4chan post is no longer available. The helo police would likely have seen this occur, had they lived.
Anything to downplay fascism.
I'm just looking for connections. I have no political affiliations on either side and see the whole system as corrupt. Fascism comes in all stripes and colors. If you check my posting history you will see that I expose all types of politicos and corrupt individuals. I strongly advocate against fascism and I stand for freedom of expression in all forms.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
great find. I think it is a fair conclusion that the Charlottesville "car attack" was yet another staged and fake propaganda video:
I'm grateful for blockchain tech to ensure this content's longevity. State Dept cameraman, the minivan idle for 5min, and the insanity of inviting alleged KKK to the rally make this event scream of either premeditated murder or premeditated manipulation.
Interesting how a 'news' organisation like Avaaz, was already in Syria to report on convenient narratives, to demonise the Syrian Government, but nowhere to be seen after the 'freedom fighter' terrorists completely took over the country and started the slaughter of the population.