Many steemit members are in a state of bitter disappointment because of lack of making it like those that are featured on trending pages –even though most thought that they will make top money the 1st week they sign up on steemit. In reality, however, life is not all that rosy and steemit is not a get quick HYIP scheme – therefore, to succeed you should remove that mindset and aim to acquire that rare jam which can lead you to success at steemit. Here are some few points
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Steem power: steem power is that tool that will change the playing field for you: the crème de la crème -if and only if you have patience and work hard towards it. Reason is that it gives you a big stake in the future of social media (steemit) , a big share in author rewards (upvoting your posts) , curation rewards (upvoting other people posts) , flagging scammers/ spammers and ability to make big money via delegating your steem power and or supporting a great cause through your upvotes or delegation. Moreover, you still get interest payments for holding steem power and help in adding value to the steem ecosystem-a win win for all. How do you acquire steem power? The easiest way is to buy steem and power up (if you have the money) and or blog smart on steemit , earn steem and power up your steem ( you can always power down some steem if you need the money ).
Patience: Patience is a great virtue to have if you want to succeed in life. Therefore, focus on the fun part of this great platform ( not trending and hot pages) , take out time , learn the way things are done here and build your followers through prudent commenting and engaging with steemit communities (avoid follow for follow or vote for vote scams), joining challenges and asking successful people questions. After building a good followers on steemit , then you start blogging on the topics you are good at (use relevant tages-5 max) . All these might take few weeks or months- however the good thing is that you will surely reach the promise land if you try.
Do you agree? Send in your comments and or suggestions - resteem and upvote in order to send in your support.
Click here and read my former post: Lol, I don’t know about you, however I am a happy steemian : A weekend Fun
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This is an awesome advise for new members and in fact all members who want to succeed here. As a young lady who is new here, I will certainly follow these constructive advises which in return will lead to my success here. Steem power and patience are indeed keys to success here at steemit...thanks and you have my 100% upvote.
Good point, thanks a lot for your good comments and more success to you
I would like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform;Hey @charles1 , this is helpful article to all newbies on this platform.
Why You Should Upvote Comments!!!!
I've noticed alot of people doesnt reward their followers, and their commenters on here.
It's a shame.
When someone takes the time to not only read your post but to leave a comment. Even throwing your small vote their way does a lot of great things...
They are More Likely To Follow You
I'm not saying you should upvote every single comment you get. I try and look for those that I feel provide value to the post. When they see that you upvoted their comment and they will be rewarded as a result. This encourages them to follow you; Then you'll have a regular on your post!
You can grow your followers so that they can grow you;
If they choose to keep their Steem in their account, They may power it up. If you continuously are upvoting their great comments, then they will steadily grow overtime. Their vote will be worth even more, and they'll be able to upvote you, The upvotes you gave them helps them grow, so they have more power on the platform.
You posted the same complete comment on my former posts...pls stop spamming and save your reputation
great tip! I wasn't sure what up voting for comments did, but I agree that if someone has taken the time to read and comment on a good post the token of appreciation sounds helpful.
thanks. and for that I will upvote you too lol
Good point however it depends on the type of comments. When @gangas is copying and pasting the same comments in all posts (he did in my former post) then do not wonder why his/her reputation went down to 2 and will soon enter in the minus range if he/she does not stop spamming.
what ? people do that? ok...ill have to look out for that too.
Yes they do....they copy and paste the same comments 100´s of times inpeople posts to get upvotes..most make more money through comments than writing a post.
People do really underestimate the power of quality comments. Besides that I can generate up-vote from people who does not follow you and have decent Steem Power, it is a good way to build a healthy group of followers.
But it takes time, hard work and like you wrote: patience. But it have to genuine comments.
Very well said. However, it's tough to keep plugging at it day after day only to be ignored. Even relevant blogs seem to go by with no viewership, while a lot of superficial content gets a lot of traction.

I rather have 100 genuine followers than 1000 follow-you-follow-me followers. The first part is really interested and are open for interaction. The second groups in only interested in quantity. They just don't care if you post or not, and are only willing to up-vote if your post earn enough so that they can profit via the curation rewards!
I've only been here less than two months and I have the feeling that the followers I have are exctly the follow-you-follow-me type.
Oh well, I'll keep at it, let's see how it goes.
Thanks for making the distinction among followers.
Well said...I agree . More success to you
Oh did my message yesterday abut how do i sign up for dmania!?what key do i need to use other then my master key !? Thanks , im having hard time doing it ! Or can I post on their without signing up and still make money !?👍👍👍
Great post @charles1 ! full of awesome advice for new members or anyone to just have patience ! Anything worth having takes time and patience + dedication . the best you give is to just have fun and enjoy blogging , meeting new people from all around the world , soon enough you build up a following ! Keep up the great work !! 👍👍👍😀💙
I love this mindset, and I agree with you about patience as it's the best tool for success.
Thanks for this helpful info :)
Hi charles..
Well written.. The big issue caused by people who take others to this platfrm.. They told them and represent it as it ll create a huge money in 1st month.. But its not true.. Hard work needed here.. I spent 6 or 7 hrs continuous here in reading then commenting and building good communication relations.. Its not easy not at all.. Everythinh took time to settle.. But its also true that newbies like me disappointed when they see their hard work of 6 or 7 hrs earn gew pennies but many other single pic containing posts earn hundreds.. I wrote a story in 5 hrs earned 50sbd and it was my good luck that it earned.. And another simple post of a 60rp steemian with a pic earned 100 plus sbd.. This thing frustrated me in start but after sometime it was fine.. Now i feeks better after analysis as all others those earning well were on the same stage as me.. Once i was frustrated and a steemian with 70 rp told me that in 1st 6 months he only earned 1sbd.. This thing have me courage and now i am happy here
once i was frustrated and a steemian with 70 rp told me that in 1st 6 months he only earned 1sbd.. This thing have me courage and now i am happy here
that is the truth!!!! many people earned pennies the 1st few months and gave up, later came back and learnt how things are done here...patience , hardwork and smart blogging plus almighty steem power are the keys...see my older posts for more tips.Ok thanx i ll see them surely
Hi Charles, thanks for the post . Yes, i totally agree with all you said . Tho, it's not easy for newbies like us but just as you said, we need to be patient and keep striving till we reach the desired goal.
For now, all I do is , simply comment on good articles. I'm also trying to double that by commenting more and also build relationships.
Thanks once again.
Welcome dearie. You are really starting well...which is shown on your reputation due to your good comments receiving some upvotes. More success to you.
Thank you for posting this article. My account was finally verified today after a long waiting period so this is my first actual comment on a post.
What worries me a little about steemit as a very new user is that it seems like there are far more content creators than consumers currently. This leads to a lot of people that “talk AT one another” promoting their own content in an effort to get noticed and increase their own power, which can make it easy for new users that have great content to get overlooked.
Hopefully this will change with increased mainstream platform adoption and more content consumers entering the space.
Either way, I am very excited about this platform and I hope it does well, and hopefully it will get easier for noob content creators to hit the ground running in the future.
Welcome to steemit and take out time to read my older posts for tips on how to succeed here. Steemit is all abour blogging smart so learn 1st before blogging
I Love it when truth is been Told, as a newbie my experience here on steemit Has taught me to be patience in life and that nothing good comes easy, here for you to make head way consistency and hard work should be the watch guard. I have learnt alot and i hope to keep learning from you @charles1. thanks alot
Good point indeed, and more success to you.
I am a very new and fresh candidate for me this advice were just the key of success patience steem power and good community is no doubt the success key if we have a good community here success is always promised and thanks for always upvoting my comments as your posts are always so advising and educative feel blessed to have you. Love and great post till dateTrue said Sir @charles1
Welcome and I wish you more success.
I have actually been looking for shortcuts to that promised land but this post has changed my mind. Thank you, I'll put in the work, build myself by learning everything possible and I believe I'll get there. Thanks again.
Welcome my dear one. See my older posts for more tips.
Great info for newbies like me. I am trying out your suggestions. My intentions are really to help others help themselves....
Thank you kindly
@nomadicwonders you are welcome. Pls take out time and read my older posts for more tips on how to succeed here. I wish you success.
@charles1 definitely will check it out :)
I absolutely agree. Patience is a very important virtue to have, it can help you reach your goal and definitely an important trait to have if you're a crypto trader and trading in the most volatile market in the planet. Anyways, I've gone off topic. Like most of the successful people here in Steemit we should slowly start building our account and be patient, extremely patient. The community will reward our efforts eventually. Thanks for the great advise. I wish you more success.
Good points ...I agree
Looking at your profile I can see you have over 15,000 posts which - I would imagine - includes a fair chunk of comments on other people's blogs - is this right? If so, this is great proof that the patient strategy of commenting and engaging works :)
Wow you are good in investigating the truth. When I started I commented almost 1 month on other people posts built 1K+ real followers in 1 month before I started real blogging thus used the time to learn and know people here.
Proof it works! Thanks for the inspiration and guidance.
Excellent points! You can give yourself a huge headstart by putting some of your own cash into steem power, if you are able. I would definitely recommend this method. Also, having a lot of friends or followers you can bring over from fb, youtube or istagram to name a few, will also help.
It is possible to start with nothing though, you will meed patience and practice! Not all of us have written much online before and it will take a while to build up a good following and to write good posts!
Thanks for sharing! :)
I agree with you...good points indeed, thanks
I am just starting in the steem world, I think that every fruit to be harvested in order to obtain it. So I think it is here, we must have patience and perseverance to reach the proposed goal. Not everything is easy, you have to work to achieve it. we only need those who already have time and experience in this platform, give us their support to continue. Thanks for your advice.
Good points indeed, thanks
A long term strategy with patience is the key as you stated. I started with Steemit three weeks ago. My strategy has been tweaked so many times that its totally new. The more I engage the more I learn. The more I learn the more I tweak my strategy.
I read the post and the comments insuring a quality post and my understanding of the content . quality should not be understated. My own quality is an on going process.
The financial aspect I have put off to a later date. Currently I mostly comment and with success , build a following of support and friends. Reputation is the second thing I work on.
I look forward to replies instead of upvotes.
I keep my exceptions / goals low. I like to call it realistic. Its to easy to fall into a state of bitter disappointment. My current three month goal is 100 each SP, reputation and followers.
Thank you for the post it keeps me grounded
Welcome to steemit , I am sure that you will be a success here especially as you´ve decided to learn and blog smart. More success to you
Thank you.
You keep blogging and I'll keep tweaking my strategy .
I'll follow you up the ladder of success
Sincerely i got what i have been looking for, which is "how do i become big steemian, I even suggested to my introducer about buying steem to power up, which he adviced against andhe never upvoted any of my post, but tonight as I came across this wonderful post, i am starting to new reasoning towards my journey through steemit, patience and having a geniue followers.... I love this!!
100% upvote and i will resteem it. Thank you.
We newbies need this kind of things,advices sometimes, it's very cool of you and a lot of people in this community to encourage new users like us.
Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips...I wish you success.
Thank you for making this post. You know when i first heard about steemit and the users of it get paid in crypto, i think it just another get rich quick scheme but i found great community here to learn more about crypto and other things.
Point..I agree.
Completely agree with your words dear friend @ charles1. the success is not in the corner as a stop to board a bus, you have to work hard for it, the passion, the perseverance you have to be on your agenda as a priority.
I wish you a wonderful week
I agree with you my dear one...keep up the good work
Great advice. Patience is huge on Steemit. Much of the patience required is also taking the time to gradually learn all the remarkable nuances and flexibility of the platform. It takes months to fully understand, and opens up more and more opportunities.
Great!!! I agree with you.
You make some good points. I will admit I am one of those complainers. I will read some stuff and say to myself "how has that gotten so many upvotes?" I have been hesitant to purchase Steem Power though. I kind of wanted to be able to say I made it on my own. It is hard to keep putting out what I feel is quality material and only get a couple of dollars for it though. Once again great info in your post. Thank you. -@bozz
Welcome and more success to you.
Thank you for this advices. I am new in steemit and I think this is helpful for me and everyone else who is new in steemit
welcome and more success to you
Yeah I fully agree! A lot of people come here thinking they'll milk it in a few weeks and then will get away with piles of steem... however when they keep getting zero returns, they become disappointed and eventually they abandon the platform.
Obviously there are other problems like... try to get to trending page in your category if your rep is below 55... well you can try, but it's not gonna happen... or try to flag a spammy account, that keeps posting cut'n'paste pics and gets huge rewards for that.
But if you keep posting quality stuff, I believe you stand a chance in the long run!
Good points , thanks for your comment
@charles1 Patience is key when it comes to any success. :) Best wishes to you always. - @splendorhub
I agree with you my dear @splendorhub
“Avoidance won’t help. Face your demons.”
Pls elaborate
u need to give time to everything... ur hard work will show up later... If u cant run walk... i u cant walk, crawl.. but the thing is keep moving... Newbies usually gets demotivated after a while... its for all of them.. Do it ..
Good point indeed, thanks.
Six months ago my upvote was worth less than a penny. But daily posting, a rarely read blog, and daily comments within three months my upvote was worth a penny. From there it went to just my two cents and now its three cents. Why this is important is it is a demonstration of the compounding value of Powering Up at every occasion.
Yes compounding value of power up (total steem power), current percentage of voting power plus increase in steem price-all reflects on your voting power
patience is a key but one fact is that is really hard to break through of that quantity of posts.
Correct hence why you have to build your own followers..remember that people sign up daily. That is my strategy.
Point, I wish you more success
you are right! it is not that much fun in the begging if you dont have followers or people who support you but you need to earn that with good quality content in the niche you choose :)thanks for your post
Good points...
I see that this platform can take us far, but as you say you have to be constant and patient, here we go
Point, I agree with you
This is good advice and everyone needs to take it because it is the right way to build value for yourself on the platform. My own experience is that I try and post at least one good article every day on a variety of topics. I am slowly but steadily building up followers but not many comments or upvotes. I hope to increase both in the future but the key is to keep going.
Point, thanks for your comment
a good article, Steemit is simply not for those who want to get rich overnight, here everyone has to earn it
Your opinion is very good, because in steemit need time process, until true science and investment right and without fraud @charles, I like you
This post will help a lot, thanks for sharing.
a very interesting post!!
upvote me.. okay
Am so glad you brought out this point. I would like you to help me, there are some posts I read about and wish to resteem but do not know the procedures. Can you please give me a hint on it. Am just two weeks new in steemit. Thanks .
Hi Resteeming is easy. Right next to the reply at the bottom of each article you will see what looks like a turning arrow. If you click this it will ask you are you sure. If you click yes, it will resteem to your followers. Good luck.
Good teacher ...keep it up
Nice Post!
what is nice about the post?
Advice for new comers.
The Steem power is really a way to make it big on Steemit, I just learnt about it few days ago. It is not just gathering your SBD or Steem in your account. Try and powerup and when you upvote people's post you get a curation fee. You can also upvote your own comments.
Patience is the key to all business. Every businessman or woman knows you have to have patience to succeed and also persistence.
Good points indeed, thanks
Pennies make dollars signs of the times many would rather throw away pennies than count them.
???? elaborate pls
solid post! power up!!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our DiscordYou got a 3.28% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @charles1! #abuse channel.
If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.
Stop spamming with your comments. You can send this message on wallet or even dont send like Upme.
We send a comment when we vote.
I'm also brand new to steemit. I think the fact that steemit requires patience and quality content is one of the things that appeals to me. I think it requires you to do you own thing, rather than obsess over likes which is such an easy trap with instagram, facebook etc. I'm excited for the challenge/opportunity that steemit offers.
Welcome to steemit @ambermayormaynot good point indeed. I am sure that you will be a great success here especially if you work my older posts for more tips. Success to you.
Much of what is done here is nearly exactly or relates very closely to blogging. You need patience - the most valuable raw material for building a successful network business. It takes patience to build a community and followers. It takes a lot of patience to find out what you are best at (Your Niche). It surely takes patience to even write a truly unique, quality content.
Because of impatience, many people on this platform and in life stopped before they started. Many people believe that time is money but fail to realize that patience is measured with time. You can see the relationship. So if you are not ready to create time for any project and allow it to run its due cause, you are not patient. And when you lack patience and time, MONEY WILL ELUDE YOU TOO
good post, I like your post ..
if you like my post please give upvote, resteem &follow me.
thank you, keep on steemit.I need your support please visit my blog
A genuine advice to follow. I am trying to comment and engage with the community. I am being patient and let's see where it lands.
Hello everyone. ...
Sir this is most informative post for me and all of the new members of steemit. Thank you sir for supporting us as a new members here and if you seniors continue your affections on us in future we all will definitely be succeeded.
Sir @charles1 your post are always very useful for us. Thanks
I find this article very interesting, i feels like you are talking specifically to me because am still a newbie and i was expecting the kind of magical flip to success but with this post i'm open to new expectations. Thank you!@charles1