The opportunity to become a CPNS in 2018
Online registration guide Document prepared Before you register online with the intended agency, make sure you have prepared the documents needed to process the 2018 CPNS registration. Here are the documents. - Family card (KK) - Identity Card (KTP) - Diploma - Transcripts - Passport photos - Supplementary documents as per the intended agency
Conditions that must be known
The following are things you know before registering 2018 CPNS.
- Must go to the official website:
- Click "Announcement". Is a menu / button to find information related to the institution opened.
- Select the institution you want to view. A skilled agency is an institution whose registration has been opened or will be opened.
- Can only apply for one position in one type of formation.
- Click "Schedule and Requirements". A menu / button to see the schedule.
- Click "Helpdesk & Complaint". A menu / button for assistance and complaints.
- Click "FAQ". Is a menu / button to find the problem.
- Click "Call Center". Is a menu / button to contact the relevant registration agencies.
Registration procedure
Register to SSCN site
Click the "Registration" menu in the menu section.Open the official registration website CPNS at Entering the Population Identity Number (NIK) and Family Card Number (KK) or Head of Family NIK (NIK KK), email, password, security question 1 and 2, safety answer, and visible captcha code. (If you are unable to register due to NIK and KK data, please contact the Department of Population and Civil Registry in accordance with your ID Card Do not contact the agency or Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) as the National Selection Committee (Panselnas)).
- Click the "Register" button. (Make sure you are sure of the data entered because the data will be stored later can not be fixed or changed).
- The question "Are you sure you want to submit registration?" Click "OK" if your answer is "yes", click "Cancel" if your answer is "no".
- A notification page appears that your registration process to the SSCN site is successful.
- Click "Print registration information" to print the Account Information Card. (This card is a proof that you successfully registered to the SSCN site and saved the card properly).
- Click "Continue Login Registration" to move to the next form.
Login to the SSCN site (fill in the biodata)
- Open the official registration website CPNS at
- Click "Login" in the menu section.
- Enter the NIK and Passwors you have registered.
- Fill out the participant's biodata form consisting of:
- Name of diploma
- Birth place of diploma
- Date of birth of a diploma
Domicile address
- Province
- Regency / City
Phone number
- Name of ID
- Birth place of ID card
- Date of birth of ID card
- Religion
- Address ID
- Marital status
Mobile phone number
- Click "Save". (Make sure the data is complete)
- Click "Register" to continue the registration process of the intended agency.
List of Goal Institutions
- Go to SSCN registration form page.
- Select Formation Type according to the formation opened by the agency.
- Select the intended agency.
- Click "Check"
- Appears registration form. (If you want to change the type of formation and the intended agency, click "Register" to reset the type of formation and agency. If you do not register on the SSCN site, then you do not change the data because you can only click "Check" once.
- Choose the agency you are interested in or want to go to.
- Click "Ok" on the notification that appears.
- Fill out the registration form consisting of:
- Education
- Position
Work location
- Test location
- Name of University or School
- Date of diploma and year of graduation
- Accreditation of Higher Education
- Accreditation of study program
- High school accreditation
- GPA score (for college graduates), while the value of diploma (for high school graduates)
- Diploma number
- captcha code
Click "Sign Up". (You can only register in 1 position in 1 agency and 1 period
Show card Print Registration page.
SSCN application history
Each registration process you make as an applicant, you can see and check its status through the "History" menu. Click "Print" in the registration field used to reprint the Registration Card Click "Documents" to upload the document
Test card
The exam card is used as evidence to proceed to the next selection process. This card can be printed for applicants who pass verification. To print this card, you can click "Print" in the test column.
Delivery of registration file
After registering online, you will get a registration number. After that you can send the requirements files that have been determined by the agency to the institution that you follow.