To amass any kind of genuine following, you have to have some kind of a SKILL, that would be of value to people.
This one thing is by far the best way for you to start generating good leads for whatever business you happen to be in.
If you happen to be in Network Marketing, then there is another important element of the "jigsaw", without which, you will be FOREVER spinning your wheels.
You need to GENUINELY be interested in building connections with people, even with someone, who doesn't seem interested in what you have to offer.
You need to truly care about others...
If this isn't you, I can honestly tell you that the industry is probably not for you and to save you time, you would be better off doing something else.
I've only been in the industry for about 18 months right now (doing online marketing prior to this), and I can also see how CRUCIAL these 2 areas are.
Sometimes it's best to just switch off and have a "quick chat with yourself", so that you can figure out what you are really about and how the World can truly benefit from what you have to offer.
One you know, don't stop until you get there!
To Better Future,
Arthur Zablocki
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