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RE: Netflix Review: Wild Wild Country

in #netflix3 years ago

You've delivered a great review, this is my own.

I do feel for the 50 residents of the small town, I like quiet too, but if I remember correctly the organization gave them the opportunity to sell their property if they wanted to leave. I mean, the cult tried to be civilized the way I see it, and put aside the governement charges they really did everything legally.

I don't think 6 hours was too long, I think it wasn't long enough. I would had liked to hear the perspective from a few of the children who were part of the commune.

The producers do a masterful job of presenting the material as objectively as possible. Watching Wild Wild Country is somewhat of a rollercoaster, as it is very difficult to choose whose side you are on, and any choice you make is likely to change several times as you move through the story.

I agree! Though I would add that the habit of seeking which side to be on is one that we should all try to study and break away from.