Thank you for the invite to participate in "Neoxian City Photo Challenge!" This will be my first time in participating in your contest still photography is one of my favorite photography hobbies it's something most people would like as it's got to be easier then chasing a butterfly around especially when they don't want to 🤣
My first photo here is my a law book that belongs to the company i work for been bored at work one day i just happen to be fooling around on my desk and come up with this.

Next is at a friends dinner party here is some nice olive garlic bread for you 🐱

And my last photo is my coin collection that hopefully will be worth a fortune some day 👀

Category : #neoxianphotochallenge hosted by NEOXIAN CITY PHOTO CHALLENGE.

My first photo here is my a law book that belongs to the company i work for been bored at work one day i just happen to be fooling around on my desk and come up with this.
Next is at a friends dinner party here is some nice olive garlic bread for you 🐱
And my last photo is my coin collection that hopefully will be worth a fortune some day 👀
Category : #neoxianphotochallenge hosted by NEOXIAN CITY PHOTO CHALLENGE.
Oh my... are you a Stacker too, @hangin? Beautiful photos!!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I do love my silver and old coins i am not crazy chasing it but if i see some thing i like i will take it home 😀
Thank you @pixresteemer :)