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RE: Your Faves Probably Suck

in #neoxian5 years ago

Haha. I struggle with writing a reply to you.

On one hand I absolutely reject the idea that identity is Political. When I move past the Political stuff and discover the human beings behind the left/right claptrap then it turns out we're not that too much dissimilar at all. We all have stories to tell. And also as a person that continually reflects on his own behaviour I completely understand how difficult achieving that mindset can be - I tend to give others lots of grace.

Yet on the other hand I completely agree with you that you should absolutely do, think, be what you want to be. If you want to circle yourself in all these people that are like you say compassionate and empowering then it should be up to you to do that! More power to you for deciding that.

So I guess all in all - you do you! Which you are doing, and awesome :)