in #neoxian6 years ago
Authored by @udezee

the founder who created the city

Hello neoxian fans,

It's a new day, a fresh start to the week and I hope this article finds you well today as it brings good tidings, that aside, to hit the nail straight on the head; this post is aimed at creating a mirror for reflecting worthwhile activity/event/conversation that happens in the city of neoxian discord server between 8:00am - 8:00pm UTC time through the glass of words and pictures.

Neoxian city tribe is a steem SCOT tribe opened to general topic, it's a tribe that accepts all content on it's forum except plagiarized and spamming/abusive contents (like child porn, anti-neoxian posts). Since it's launch, the progress so far has been phenomenal, it can be compared to the developing psychomotor skills of a new born child, who crawls at first and later evolves to walking and later to running. The tribe of neoxian has enormously progressed to the running phase of growth, making strides in the tribe network. Creating resounding USE-CASE/UTILITY and SINK for the tribe's currency.

Tribe tag:


City mirror

The whole world needs to know in conciseness what transpires within the glorious walls of neoxian city in discord 'cause there's never a day of inactiveness in the city, because It's a city with amazing citizens who inspire moments worth capturing in words and pictures on the blockchain.

City summary

In the busiest hour of the day in the city, our amazing citizens brought up chat(s) about:

  • City founder shares a pro-tip on curating actifit post. He advice authors not use actifit image as the cover image on their proof of activity post, rather use a unique image. (risk: post will miss good curation on the tribe, post will be ignored).

  • City founder is tired of curating lazy posts on his tribe and reminds us of his new rule;

    Open your book, remember this?
    Ok guys, new rule. There are certain types of posts that are pretty "lazy", Actifit, Dlike, and Steem Hunt to name a few. All posts submitted for my giveaways need to have at least three well written paragraphs, and at least one unique picture. No more lazy posts guys.”

  • A citizen was impressed with how city tribe founder curates and asks a question on how he curates an author daily, here's his reply to the question;


    at least once or twice a day, I still do "free range" voting, where i just go out and vote on the general public (now in the city though). Also I'm always doing that with the neoxiancity account.” I don't have any set number of vote that i give to one person per day, on a good day, like if someone wins my giveaway, and does #post-promotion ...and maybe they just get lucky with my free range voting, they could even get three votes from me a day...that's rare though.

  • Great news: poloniex getting Steem re-enabled on their exchange gets a citizen excited.

  • A citizen makes a burn post and will send S.E and steem rewards of the post to @null.

  • Discussion on splinterlands/steemmonsters between citizens; sharing battle experience, tourneys, DEC(s), card sales, quests and rewards .

  • Some citizens are ecstatic with the neoxag market trading activity and joins the wagon to pump the price to 0.08STEEM/NEOXAG.

  • Citizens recount the day BURL(a loyal citizen) was used as a name for one of the bank of neoxian daily contract.

  • Another tribe founder in the city shares with us, that he's very close to get his S.E tokens pair with EOS token on newdex.

  • @mango-juice is demoted for negligence on his job for the city but later gets reinstated for his contribution to the guild of neoxian.

  • Propaganda at its finest, as one of Osama bin laden family is killed on 09/11/19.

  • Delegation spree of NEOXAG stake by generous ackza to some citizen peeps.

  • Immaculate-fire gets insecure with afrin chats with atnazo and receives a godly advice from city founder to "stop trying too hard, to hang back and let her come to him"

  • SBI initiative incites suspicious of doubts in the city.

  • Scammers who are comment farming on the tribe gets forum muted and will never earn another neoxag on the platform. Also citizens are implored to join the fight against city tribe scammers by reporting their abuse.

Giveaway and winners

Neoxian city is full of generous citizens, people who love the art of giving wholeheartedly. Everyday in the city, we have cheerful givers and fantastic winners. Below are prizes that was given out for the day.


  • “Open to all Citizen. The winner will get my 100% vote. All other city rules apply. Participate ONLY if you have a post with neoxian tag which is not upvoted by me yet. You will get votes from bala-ag, bala-pal, bala-leo, bala-sports, bala-photo, bala-gg, bala-ccc and bala-spt if you have appropriate tag in your post.” — (initiator: bala41288/ winner: axeman)

  • “Open to citizens or above, if the winner has worked on the city job in the last week (or done something for the city outside of an official job), they win my 100% vote.” — (initiator: neoxian/ winner: burlarj)

  • “Open to all citizens. Winner will receive 100% updoot from reiki-ag. All city rules apply.
    Much Reiki Love!.” — (initiator: thereikiforest/ winner: khan.dayyanz)

  • “Open to citizens or above, the candidate with the highest mee6 level shall be selected as winner, if same level, the first is selected. The winner receives a 80% vote, 100% if sharp.” — (initiator: neoxian/ winner: bala41288)

  • “Open to all citizen Winner Will get 1 SBI share..” — ( initiator: khan.dayyanz/ winner: bala41288"cancelled")

  • “Open to all citizens first listed winner will receive 100% vote. Second winner will win level 2 Delwyn Dragonscale” — (initiator: xawi/ winner: axeman/afolwalex )

  • “Open to citizens or above, the winner should be someone who brought up or chatted about an interesting Idea, sharps get 100% vote + bonus votes, otherwise it's 80%.Be sure to point out where that conversation happened. Ideas > Events > People” — (initiator: neoxian/ winner: ferrate)


  • Seven giveaways for the day and the winners were: (axeman(2), burlarj, khan.dayyanz, bala41288(2 minus 1), afolwalex, ferrate).


TimeBuying and selling transactions
12:08am@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1235 NEOXAG at 0.036638 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 835.12488 NEOXAG at 0.036638 STEEM/NEOXAG
12:46am@bitcoinflood has place a sell order of 184 NEOXAG at 0.03230 STEEM/NEOXAG@cryptopie has place a sell order of 300.81282767 NEOXAG at 0.058 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 5000 NEOXAG at 0.03211 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 650.87571 NEOXAG at 0.03570 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a sell order of 254 NEOXAG at 0.03569999 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:11am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 254 NEOXAG at 0.03569999 STEEM/NEOXAG@schubes has place a sell order of 58.3477 NEOXAG at 0.03211 STEEM/NEOXAG@funtraveller has place a sell order of 5.98044536 NEOXAG at 0.03211 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 5000 NEOXAG at 0.0321111 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:26am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.03218 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:36am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.03212 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:00am@ilovecanada has place a sell order of 42 NEOXAG at 0.03212 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 947.45712 NEOXAG at 0.0366388 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:50am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.032121 STEEM/NEOXAG
3:02am@organduo has place a sell order of 275.48163854 NEOXAG at 0.032121 STEEM/NEOXAG@organduo.neoxag has place a sell order of 126.50832803 NEOXAG at 0.032121 STEEM/NEOXAG@ifoundthissong has place a buy order of 1122 NEOXAG at 0.03212001 STEEM/NEOXAG
3:18am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 5000 NEOXAG at 0.0321212 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 2500 NEOXAG at 0.03630 STEEM/NEOXAG
3:31am@mawahab has place a sell order of 491 NEOXAG at .03212 STEEM/NEOXAG@sleepingcowboy has place a buy order of 3 NEOXAG at 0.03630 STEEM/NEOXAG
3:54am@culgin has place a buy order of 1680 NEOXAG at 0.0325 STEEM/NEOXAG@tradekorea has place a buy order of 1200 NEOXAG at 0.0321201 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1500 NEOXAG at 0.0321201 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:12am@rechotels has place a buy order of 114 NEOXAG at 0.03250001 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 2000 NEOXAG at 0.0345011 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:33am@pvinny69 has place a buy order of 19 NEOXAG at 0.3207 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:51am@pvinny69 has place a buy order of 68 NEOXAG at 0.03664 STEEM/NEOXAG
5:18am@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1680 NEOXAG at 0.03250 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1122 NEOXAG at 0.03212001 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 3000 NEOXAG at 0.03510 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a sell order of 205 NEOXAG at 0.03509999 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:22am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 10000 NEOXAG at 0.032121 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:35am@dylanhobalart has place a buy order of 50 NEOXAG at 0.032124 STEEM/NEOXAG@dylanhobalart has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.02207 STEEM/NEOXAG@dylanhobalart has place a buy order of 50 NEOXAG at 0.032125 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:43am@dylanhobalart has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.03411 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.03411 STEEM/NEOXAG@neobooster has place a sell order of 100 NEOXAG at 0.03411 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:48am@dylanhobalart has place a buy order of 600 NEOXAG at 0.03510 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 644 NEOXAG at 0.03509999 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a buy order of 502 NEOXAG at 0.03212001 STEEM/NEOXAG
7:12am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 490 NEOXAG at 0.04000 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.04 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.045 STEEM/NEOXAG
7:26am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.05000 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 800 NEOXAG at 0.05 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.05 STEEM/NEOXAG
7:31am@anikys3reasure has place a sell order of 538 NEOXAG at 0.06 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 512.95374336 NEOXAG at 0.05900 STEEM/NEOXAG
7:31am@anikys3reasure has place a buy order of 100 NEOXAG at 0.06660 STEEM/NEOXAG@anikys3reasure has place a buy order of 250 NEOXAG at 0.05 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:16am@ackza has place a buy order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.03216 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 100 NEOXAG at 0.05783 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 100 NEOXAG at 0.056 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:22am@ackza has place a buy order of 1335.17 NEOXAG at 0.05784 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a buy order of 501 NEOXAG at 0.03215001 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 154.01110000 NEOXAG at 0.05783 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 232.00000000 NEOXAG at 0.05799 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 2000 NEOXAG at 0.07124 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:25am@ikrahch has place a sell order of 1400 NEOXAG at 0.5682 STEEM/NEOXAG@ajks has place a sell order of 1137 NEOXAG at 0.07 STEEM/NEOXAG@anikys3reasure has place a buy order of 35 NEOXAG at 0.05810 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:26am@ikrahch has place a sell order of 1400 NEOXAG at 0.05682 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 251.11245 NEOXAG at 0.06345 STEEM/NEOXAG@anikys3reasure has place a sell order of 32 NEOXAG at 0.05912 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:32am@acidyo has place a sell order of 99.343 NEOXAG at 0.054 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1050 NEOXAG at 0.06010 STEEM/NEOXAG@ajks has place a sell order of 700 NEOXAG at 0.052161 STEEM/NEOXAG
10:04am@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 1500 NEOXAG at 0.0322 STEEM/NEOXAG@ifoundthissong has place a buy order of 439 NEOXAG at 0.03217001 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:19am@bala41288 has place a sell order of 2500 NEOXAG at 0.07 STEEM/NEOXAG@pixelfan has place a buy order of 600 NEOXAG at 0.0325 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:39am@bala41288 has place a sell order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.065 STEEM/NEOXAG@news-today has place a sell order of 556 NEOXAG at 0.042 STEEM/NEOXAG@bala41288 has place a sell order of 50 NEOXAG at 1 STEEM/NEOXAG@ausbitbank has place a sell order of 24 NEOXAG at 0.03250 STEEM/NEOXAG@ifoundthissong has place a buy order of 1255 NEOXAG at 0.03220001 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:54am@ackza has place a buy order of 556 NEOXAG at 0.04200 STEEM/NEOXAG@discernente has place a buy order of 25.41325802 NEOXAG at 0.03250001 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a buy order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.03220001 STEEM/NEOXAG
12:00pm@ackza has place a buy order of 115 NEOXAG at 0.05199 STEEM/NEOXAG@pixelfan has place a buy order of 576 NEOXAG at 0.0326 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 914 NEOXAG at 0.05199 STEEM/NEOXAG@ackza has place a buy order of 102.12 NEOXAG at 0.05200 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 700 NEOXAG at 0.052161 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:01pm@ovronil has place a buy order of 932 NEOXAG at 0.03261 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:29pm@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 9000 NEOXAG at 0.0330 STEEM/NEOXAG
1:54pm@ifoundthissong has place a buy order of 558 NEOXAG at 0.03300001 STEEM/NEOXAG@tradekorea has place a buy order of 2500 NEOXAG at 0.0340 STEEM/NEOXAG@tradekorea has place a sell order of 1025.11 NEOXAG at 0.06420 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a buy order of 474 NEOXAG at 0.03400001 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:03pm@ikrahch has place a sell order of 545 NEOXAG at 0.05682 STEEM/NEOXAG@vote4u has place a buy order of 1098 NEOXAG at 0.05682 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:22pm@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 1850 NEOXAG at 0.06250 STEEM/NEOXAG@mango-juice has place a sell order of 239.638 NEOXAG at .062499 STEEM/NEOXAG@nain has place a sell order of 489 NEOXAG at 0.06 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:33pm@anroja has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.035 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 450 NEOXAG at 0.059999 STEEM/NEOXAG
2:44pm@blazing has place a sell order of 108.12497172 NEOXAG at 0.059999 STEEM/NEOXAG@salvao has place a sell order of 17 NEOXAG at 0.0598 STEEM/NEOXAG@blazing has place a sell order of 169.424 NEOXAG at 0.05999 STEEM/NEOXAG
3:44pm@tonimontana has place a buy order of 125 NEOXAG at 0.03500 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:18pm@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 320 NEOXAG at 0.05980 STEEM/NEOXAG@ovronil has place a buy order of 864 NEOXAG at 0.0351 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:32om@bien has place a sell order of 182.43229738 NEOXAG at 0.03510001 STEEM/NEOXAG@bitcoinflood has place a sell order of 900 NEOXAG at 0.0623 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:38pm@anroja has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.0351001 STEEM/NEOXAG@cetb2008 has place a sell order of 300 NEOXAG at 0.0351 STEEM/NEOXAG@ovronil has place a buy order of 544 NEOXAG at .035101 STEEM/NEOXAG@ovronil has place a buy order of 544 NEOXAG at .035101 STEEM/NEOXAG
4:45pm@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 4000 NEOXAG at 0.03520 STEEM/NEOXAG@news-today has place a sell order of 169 NEOXAG at 0.062 STEEM/NEOXAG@anroja.zzan has place a sell order of 173 NEOXAG at 0.0623 STEEM/NEOXAG
5:02pm@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 4000 NEOXAG at 0.03261 STEEM/NEOXAG@r2cornell has place a buy order of 17.30000000 NEOXAG at 0.03520 STEEM/NEOXAG@ikrah-ag has place a sell order of 1700 NEOXAG at 0.0632 STEEM/NEOXAG@ikrahch has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.024 STEEM/NEOXAG
5:12pm@catsmakekittens has place a buy order of 20000 NEOXAG at 0.03262 STEEM/NEOXAG@ayas has place a buy order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.03511 STEEM/NEOXAG
5:22pm@anroja has place a buy order of 1000 NEOXAG at 0.035111 STEEM/NEOXAG@tonimontana has place a buy order of 124 NEOXAG at 0.03511 STEEM/NEOXAG@themarkymark has place a sell order of 40.35502062 NEOXAG at 0.06 STEEM/NEOXAG@afolemmax9 has place a sell order of 639.21078154 NEOXAG at 0.03511 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 3999.9999 NEOXAG at 0.06099999 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 3999.9999 NEOXAG at 0.06099999 STEEM/NEOXAG
5:37pm@pixelfan has place a buy order of 550 NEOXAG at 0.03550 STEEM/NEOXAG@anroja has place a sell order of 136 NEOXAG at 0.06 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a sell order of 2000 NEOXAG at 0.05540 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:03pm@ayas has place a sell order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.05000 STEEM/NEOXAG@ayas has place a sell order of 500 NEOXAG at 0.04998 STEEM/NEOXAG@legendary1 has place a sell order of 550 NEOXAG at 0.03550 STEEM/NEOXAG@bee-commerce has place a buy order of 300 NEOXAG at 0.04998 STEEM/NEOXAG
6:13pm@amico has place a buy order of 4000 NEOXAG at 0.03511999 STEEM/NEOXAG@ayas has place a buy order of 550 NEOXAG at 0.03511 STEEM/NEOXAG@ayas has place a buy order of 450 NEOXAG at 0.03512 STEEM/NEOXAG
8:380m@bitcoinflood has place a sell order of 753 NEOXAG at 0.03511 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a buy order of 464 NEOXAG at 0.03474899 STEEM/NEOXAG@news-today has place a sell order of 291 NEOXAG at 0.035 STEEM/NEOXAG
9:26pm@tarazkp has place a sell order of 92.96199191 NEOXAG at 0.035111 STEEM/NEOXAG@ayas has place a buy order of 1097 NEOXAG at 0.03263 STEEM/NEOXAG
9:38pm@ovronil has place a sell order of 866.84 NEOXAG at .0550 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:13pm@anroja has place a sell order of 765 NEOXAG at 0.0549999 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:45pm@cryptkeeper17 has place a sell order of 39 NEOXAG at 0.03511001 STEEM/NEOXAG@cryptkeeper17 has place a sell order of 20.54335593 NEOXAG at 0.035111 STEEM/NEOXAG@cryptkeeper17 has place a sell order of 39 NEOXAG at 0.03511001 STEEM/NEOXAG
11:51pm@ifoundthissong has place a sell order of 150.8 NEOXAG at 0.05499999 STEEM/NEOXAG@cryptkeeper17 has place a sell order of 8.7 NEOXAG at 0.03475 STEEM/NEOXAG@rechotels has place a sell order of 10.36832591 NEOXAG at 0.05499999 STEEM/NEOXAG

Active citizens for the day

  • thereikiforest, raymondspeaks™, ackza, anikys3reasure, zaku, bearbear613, gerber, bala41288, adeyemoy2, xawi, atnazo, axeman, cryptopie, iKrah, khan.dayyanz, burlarj, reazuliqbal, mango-juice, ferrate, afolwalex, gingbabida, aamirijaz, ironshield, agr8buzz, rehan12, ifeoluwa88, udezee, achatainga, swedishdragon, shoemanchu.



That's all for today, I am inviting you to visit our city: Click on this icon to enter 👉 imageedit_25_4507760003.gif Though some used to call it Discord channel — but we(citizens) call it our city.


cover image: art by @legendchew neoxian tribe info concept by @zaku banner design by @camiloferrua author: @udezee



Honored to be mentioned. It’s a fun city... always active!


You have received 5 NEOXAG gift from @udezee!

Please check your wallet.
To know more about our tip bot read Neoxian City Tip Bot Announcement Post
To know more about our tribe read this post
To view or trade NEOXAG go to

Thanks for the inside news. 😊 And for the mention. Hahaha! 😊😁

!neoxag 5

Oh! Thank you for your generosity @udezee. 😊


You have received 5 NEOXAG gift from @udezee!

Please check your wallet.
To know more about our tip bot read Neoxian City Tip Bot Announcement Post
To know more about our tribe read this post
To view or trade NEOXAG go to

That was a lot of Neoxag,awesome work sir more power for neoxag..God Bless!

!neoxag 5


You have received 5 NEOXAG gift from @udezee!

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To know more about our tribe read this post
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Congratulations @neoxian-city! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 500 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 1000 upvotes.

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Still love these! It's also good ammo for the spectacle haha

!neoxag 5

Thank you sir! :)


You have received 5 NEOXAG gift from @udezee!

Please check your wallet.
To know more about our tip bot read Neoxian City Tip Bot Announcement Post
To know more about our tribe read this post
To view or trade NEOXAG go to

To learn more.This post earned a total payout of 5.654$ and 4.251$ worth of author reward which was liquified using @likwid.