concerts ... photos taken (by me, yes...) on the day of ..., there and back again, might not necessarily show moving pictures of artists with sound, people explicit have been asked on the day if they would allow me to pic them and told it was for a website or blog, anyone sees themselves and thinks Ocrud! pls let me know
bad read/write sectors
(if it acts weird : - https://alleycat.be/indexphaser.php , that free thing seems to have cachingdaddy-issues sometimes)
writing a few scripts to scrape it and plagiarize myself unto steemit seems a bit O.T.T.
(c)1973-2150 : AlleyCat , ALLEYCAT : laying down the law on the decentralized blockchain that belongs to everyone as if my name was central authority and its all MINE!
no wait, that was other freaks ...
Fri Mar 13 02:00:02 UTC 2020
AntiFaHasher99e03f58f7517c8406df3bfd74c6c1a9d114ae977f422527d9dbe447184a03cd70f9edb762e8c9aaddba22cc43220e00c75e665d18c151af09441be4b3ef07f69d1268f8cedf199891777854aa4bb01caa0ae24e9f7f3e4b98dd4c9da1bc5577dd07e834a279a8f8036a4194d2d2d43c0ab84a8237a60c0478481bf401b8f44599e03f58f7517c8406df3bfd74c6c1a9d114ae977f422527d9dbe447184a03cd70f9edb762e8c9aaddba22cc43220e00c75e665d18c151af09441be4b3ef07f69d1268f8cedf199891777854aa4bb01caa0ae24e9f7f3e4b98dd4c9da1bc5577dd07e834a279a8f8036a4194d2d2d43c0ab84a8237a60c0478481bf401b8f445 #mediaofficials