Eldest, Chapters 49-52

in #neoxian3 months ago

Chapters read:

  • In A Starry Glade
  • Landfall
  • Teirm
  • Jeod Longshanks

Although I find the elves a bit strange this time around, overall they are pretty cool still. While it wasn't only the elves but also Saphira, Glaedr, and I guess the spirit of the dragons as a whole, it was still really awesome that they all helped heal Eragon's awful scar that pained him and enhance his physical abilities as a Rider and magic user. I could feel Eragon's relief and excitement. Eragon went through all that training not only as mostly an average human but a CRIPPLED one at that. Now Eragon has officially been upgraded. I bet all that struggle will make him that much better of a hero with these newfound upgrades. Exciting stuff, love it.

The last three chapters of the four I read came from Roran's point of view. While Eragon's challenges have been pretty intense and challenging, I can't help but sympathize more with Roran. Eragon's life is definitely hard but he also has a lot of support and privileges. Of course I do believe Eragon's life has been hard and he has a TON of pressure on him, just in comparison to Roran, Roran's life has been utter chaos and he's been living in the real world with zero aid of magic whatsoever. On top of Roran's eighty-seven different problems, Roran has to mill about Alagaesia, supporting an entire town while being WANTED by Galbatorix himself. A hefty reward for finding Roran too. It's a wonder how he's kept a shred of sanity throughout all of this. Yeah, safe to say I relate to Roran a bunch.

These chapters finally start to see some overlap with Eragon and Roran's epic journeys when Roran meets with Jeod in Terim. Remembering how Brom and Eragon spent time there was bittersweet. When Roran met with Jeod, I immediately could tell that Jeod had a massive hunch he knew something fishy was happening. I felt like Jeod was reading Roran like a book. The meeting ends when Jeod finally has a realization and RECOGNIZES Roran!! So exciting!! Small world even in Alagaesia.

Jeod Longshanks


Man, Eldest is getting better and better. My hands can sense the end of the book approaching and GOSH what an interesting feeling. I am pushing to finish soon. A lot of thoughts rushing through my mind as I get closer to the end. A lot of bittersweet feelings. Ton of nostalgia. But I will save some of those thoughts for when I finish.