Gifu is coming to Hive Engine

in #neoxianyesterday

we're coming.png

You heard that right..

.. Our bsc project is coming to hive-engine where you can buy and sell our awesome @gifu tokens. We're just in the middle of setting it all up as we speak.

So what does that mean for you?

Well, if you don't already know, our gifu project is a meme token with a large twist. It actually has utility. So it's kind of like a memetility token.

The utility of our gifu project is that you can buy our gif tokens and use them to purchase your own gif set. Like, gif's for projects.

What does that mean? Well, it's something like the gif set we made for ourselves:


See that gif right there? Well, it has over 26,000 views and it's only a few weeks old. And that's nowhere near the most popular one. The most popular one has close to a Million views.

Yeah, we specialise in this stuff! Look:


So if you're a long standing project on hive engine (or just hive in general) you can join the wave -- we've already snagged a few utility buyers for projects so far, so there will be an initial demand right off the start.

Or, you can buy as just a bag holder and ride the wave.

But you're a Bsc project? How?

Well, we'll be connecting hive engine to our bsc token and we'll be managing the liquidity, so you will be able to send tokens out to bsc, and send tokens back in from bsc.

Of course we'll work around to that and that will be a little while after initial listing -- one thing is for sure, we will have it all detailed on an announcement post with all the details and numbers and whitepaper to boot.

Are you a thriving Hive project?

Basically, if you want a custom set of gifs done for your project that will have an immense reach -- yes, we have the stats to back up our words:


Then pop in and see and we'll see if we can work something out.

But why order some?

Well, gif's are all the rage now. Big brands all have their own gifs to spread awareness and unconscious thought. When you're using a branded gif then you're unknowingly spreading brand awareness -- even if your intention is something else.

Like this Nike one here:


They all do it, they're all competing. So why can't you? Even if you want to tell us to take our project and:

See what I did there? Hah. Telling you to get lost, but also increasing brand awareness.


TL;DR Gifu coming to hive engine soon - custom gifs available once token listed. Or you can just buy us on bsc now and get ahead of the game:

Contract address on bsc: 0xe67bd421a9b5da1055d5bac24ae9063bbf4bf751

Peace out everyone!


Can you folks come up with a gift set for spreading awareness about mental health, therapy etc...

I know @stickupboys accepts payments in gifu, dunno if he does freebies though

lol we do accept Gifu but do not do freebies anymore

Fine i get my crypto wallet ready

That's pretty cool. I know I bought some, but I can't remember how many. I will have to look at my wallet sometime to see.

So cool! I think it’s good for Hive projects to have a custom or Gifs for their community 👍

Sweet, I already have a big bag on bsc but hive engine is more accessible so I will be buying small chunks every day 🎉


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(3/10) tipped @brofund