On Buddhist holy days, Buddhists go to make merit at temples.

in #neoxian11 months ago

Hello, look, today is Buddhist Buddha's Day in Thailand. In rural areas in every region of the country, almost 90% will go to make merit at temples because it is considered a custom and tradition that has been passed down for a long time that every day we Buddhist monks go to make merit. At the temple, one of which includes me, I go to make merit every day. On weekdays that are not Buddhist holy days, I give alms in front of the house at 5:40 a.m. every day. If it's a Buddhist holy day, they'll go to the temple to make merit. It's a tradition in Thailand. During the Buddhist Lent festival, if it's a Buddhist holy day like this, there will be Buddhists who will go to observe precepts at the temple. On Buddhist holy nights, they'll pray and sit and meditate. Well, we will do this during Buddhist Lent, but if after Buddhist Lent ends, we will go to the temple normally. Let's take a look at the activities that we went to the temple today.

There aren't many activities on Buddhist holy days, my friend. We went to the temple and then we gave alms to monks. I took the glass out of the lion and put it in a bowl and placed it in front of the seat of the monk who was going to sit. There will be a syntax of The temple has arranged for us whether or not there is enough food on the table. The temple's grammar has arranged it for us. Then we sit and worship. When we're finished, we go home. There isn't much to it. I'll take this. Come tell your friends in this post about how people in the countryside live their lives. I would like to thank my friends very much for coming to view this post. Thank you. Thank you from my heart.