0chain announces partnership with NEO!

in #neo7 years ago (edited)

In latest news!


~~~ embed:974869960269942784 (check twitter for the announcement) twitter metadata:aS93ZWJ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vaS93ZWIvc3RhdHVzLzk3NDg2OTk2MDI2OTk0Mjc4NCAoY2hlY2sgdHdpdHRlciBmb3IgdGhlIGFubm91bmNlbWVudCl8 ~~~

If anyone is interested in reading more - highly encourage you to check: https://medium.com/0chain/0chain-announces-partnership-with-neo-5aeb061718ca



DISCLAIMER: Everything stated here are my opinions and my research. Always invest with money you can afford to lose and do your own research - these are VERY risky investments. A lot of groups and people will misguide you so be sure you know what you are doing. Always remember all these investments can erode significantly in value as these are VERY volatile markets.