Hello, dear friends, I love being able to be here again at Needleworkmonday, here I can express my strengths and mistakes in my work, where we all understand and support each other knowing everything that a sewing job entails, in my case it would be embroidery, Thank you for continuing with this community on HIVE, very happy since it is my first publication in this community on Hive :)
Here I bring you a totally different project and outside of what we normally do in the embroidery workshop, it is a large design, which first was going to be all blue but then it was decided to place colors but only soft tones (lilac, light pink, silver, green, coral) predominating the turquoise blue color, we take care of every detail in terms of color, stitch and directions, everything that respects the different objects used but that within the same composition achieve a single harmony.

The impression of seeing this design gives a feeling of happiness and well-being, just like the ideal tastes of my friend Tatiana, a client from Ukraine who loves embroidery, art and design.
All this design was made based on the tastes of Tatiana, giving her touches of knowledge in embroidery for two weeks we were seeing every detail of the design, previously in the Wilcom program.
All this design was elaborated and taken from different images, the feathers at first would be elaborated in a way but since the stitch was not going to be very shaped, I decided to take my time and elaborate a good feather with a plumetis stitch for sure , in each part of the feathers, each color and each shape, the idea was to see the feathers as if they were in the air in movement.

Taking into account that this type of stitch would be more threads and involves more time when embroidering, but we know that if we are going to do a good job, the idea is not to remove things to save material but also to add enough to make it look well-made. .
After taking the time to make each detail of the feathers well elaborated, we go to the strips of the feathers that should be turquoise blue and the balls and other ornaments go in different colors in a sauteed way in combination with the colors of the feathers .

If we have space we will place the stars, roses and tiny feathers as if they were falling in the air. The idea is that the jacket has an impression as if it was already bought embroidered, that the design covers even the seams, of course this is Tatiana's dream, I hope it is something not very easy to do, but nevertheless we will try as much as possible.
We will continue in Wilcom and we will make the dream catcher, which I remember at first was based on a style and then it was changed, we removed one of the rings to make the space look more free and it would say the impression of a lotus flower, these are very beautiful chosen shapes!

The flowers were originally only on one side, then we decided to place several bouquets of roses in different positions to create movement just like in the feathers. They were all blue, but in the end they were changed in combination Silver Gray with Blue Turquoise.
The leaves also changed their shapes and we made them a little more closed so that the bulging was visible in the plumetis stitch and it would be smooth and shiny !.
Then we noticed that something was missing at the top of the jacket between the two seams, there we decided to place a butterfly that in combination with the colors of the feathers gives a great feeling of colors without seeing saturation.
So we also color the branches that harmonize with the other butterflies and flowers, in addition to the golden stars that will go throughout our embroidery area.

Here I will share them with you and you will be able to see it in a simpler way, but the passion and affection that comes with carrying out a project like this takes a lot of time, love and patience.

This would be our guide to carry out the project, besides of course it must go with the prior approval of my friend.
Now guys we will go to the part that I wanted to do for more than 15 days, the detail is that we are in quarantine and I have not moved to work at home yet, we are making masks and other things in the workshop, so it has taken to work in a limited way, and that the situation does not help with respect to gasoline and other things that we are experiencing in the country, and that this type of project also helps us to stay out of all those problems and helps us to think now believe that we can go further in our branch of profession. Embroidery is also considered an art so today we see below.
We will see step by step how we have been developing our dream catcher in the ZGM industrial machine.
So we had our off-white levis jacket.

Here we will set the center down to place the frame away from the seam so that it reaches the seam as much as possible but this effect was not achieved so we will do it a little higher and fill with stars later. We will start with the feathers, since it is what goes under everything and it is our heaviest design with 51,000 stitches.

An embroidery of 1 hour and 40 and 1 minutes friends, it is the first time that I manage to create an embroidery that will take so long, in addition to the changes of colors, very exciting.
This was done on Thursday of last week, I kept wanting until today that I was able to carry out this other part of the project, I put the dream catcher ring on it.
This would be to measure the center of the feathers and look at the design of the computer so that it is well centered, we also place a small run stitch from one part where the hoop will go so as not to get lost when mounting the other design, that Tactic worked very well, since we could put our hoop in the right place, let's see:

So I carry my dream catcher project in embroidered jacket, I am very happy to do it and I want to share with you today, I hope you enjoy it

In the next needleworkmonday I will be showing the dream catcher ready with its flowers, I will be taking more photos ...
See you the other monday friends
This is such amazing work! I've gotten into embroidery a little bit myself.
Thank you very much and I am still working on it, you are going to love this world it is great;)
I do a lot of textile arts but I generally lean towards sewing and Knitting.
excellent it is a beautiful workmanship, among this textile world by design my life changed, now I also want to sew clothes :) it is great