A week in knitting | Beating the Stash 2 - Sorting Socks and Free Giveaway!

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago (edited)

When half-finished socks are taking over your life and news of a free Rowan Kidsilk Haze giveaway.

Just two of the culprits - top left: a soft hand painted yarn from Rowan; top right: a seduction when I visited a wool shop. It looks pretty, doesn't it, but wasn't so good knitted up.

Last week, I was hunting for some 2.5mm circular needles and came across no less than four sets of half finished socks. Socks were one of my earliest experiments with trying new things when I still slavishly followed patterns instead of adapting them to my own ideas. I wasn't satisfied with any of these socks - too much ribbing, too long in the leg, I discovered a dropped stitch fifty rows back, too soft a yarn etc etc etc.

The wool top right in the picture above, I took to Cyprus last year as my holiday knitting project. I was only carrying hand luggage on the plane, so had to buy needles there. Only double-pointed ones were available and the surface of them was rough - the wool snagged and tore on every row. And the colours were strange, the sock became more and more bilious green before my eyes. I left the needles behind and abandoned the sock to my stash cupboard.

Too much ribbing, too long in the leg - I wanted cute ankle socks. Maybe the wrong wool?

I was detemined something must be done. You remember @kimmac's Elf Socks? They inspired me to get going, and seemed perfect for the wool that had given me so much trouble. I spent the week unravelling socks and swatches, gently washing and rolling in towels, laying small skeins to dry in the airing cupboard before rewinding into balls. Very satisfying!

on the left, cute ankle socks with short ribbing; on the right, elf socks with a garter band.

If you've been following my progress in the #runningproject, you'll know that I injured myself in Week 2 and have been in recovery mode since - this knitting project was the perfect companion to that. Have a look at the Winter Wonderland we are currently enjoying.

Next Week: A Free Draw for Rowan Kidsilk Haze

Rowan Kidsilk Haze is a mohair and silk lace yarn. Two balls (50g) is enough to knit a scarf - see this post

How to enter

The competition will run from Monday 26 March until midnight (GMT) on Saturday 31 March. The winner will be announced on Monday 2 April.
Create a #needleworkmonday post during the competition dates and add a link in the comments of the competition post.
Your post must include:

  • at least one picture or video or podcast and
  • at least 100 words.

In addition, to qualify for entry, you must post positive feedback or support in the comments on two other #needleworkmonday posts published during the competition time. Everyone who qualifies will be entered into a draw for the prize (the prizewinner will be drawn by me). Thanks to @crosheille for working out the details.

That's #needleworkmonday for you!


Your sock are so beautiful! Heee...that's not something I say every day. The yarns are so luxurious and beautifu, too! You are making me want hand-knitted socks. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Thank you - and to you! I do have a dream that I only wear hand-knitted socks and even make sets to go with specific outfits; they can be repaired so, theoretically, they should last for years haha!

PS Gentle Reminder: SteemCampUK is on Saturday 7 April in Birmingham. You can find out more by following @steemcampuk and book your tickets through this post.

Now how can I keep this at the top of the comments?

I can see why you stashed the unfinished socks. The wool is too nice to just give up on! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Thank you. They are lovely yarns, aren't they? It's just a matter of finding the right pattern and style for each yarn.

Wonderful post @shanibeer! I am so glad you found a way to work out those socks and get the ones made that you really wanted! So great to hear @kimmac has inspired you with her elf socks!! 😃👌🏽 I love the colors of both yarns!!

I am so sorry to hear of your injury and I hope you have a speedy recovery.

No problem at all, it was my pleasure assisting you in the giveaway of this Beautiful yarn! I did want to mention that you may want to check the days and dates. April 2nd is on a Monday and April 4th is on a Wednesday...😉

I’m looking forward to entering next week!! Thank you!! 💕

Haha, thanks for pointing out I'd put the wrong dates, I've edited now! One good thing is that I've missed the weekend that the clocks change here - that would have confused me even more 😳

Lol!!! 😄No problem at all! I gotta look out for my fellow crafters!! 😉 Glad you got it fixed! 👍🏽

The socks you're making look gorgeous! I'm looking foward to seing them finished!

Thank you. I am already feeling a great sense of achievement!

Hi @shanibeer, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Fiber Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Mondays for Coffee Hour at 3pm EDT in the Steemit Fiberartists on Discord.

That's great fun, thank you!

unraveling, washing, winding.... I think I would have burned everything and then started to cry! Ok, while writing this I notice, your solution is better than mine 😁
I have never tried to knit socks, firstly because I am not good with dpns and secondly I so dislike to do the same thing twice. (therefore I love top-down sweater... the only risk is, that I only knit one sleeve :-D)
I hope you get well soon and I have to check your post to see what happened. I send you healing beams from Germany 💕

Normally, I would dislike those kind of tasks, but when your creative energy is low, it is very soothing. I avoid double pointed needles, too many opportunities to stab yourself. I use circular needles and the magic loop method. Someone on here is very clever and knits both socks at the same time (I can't work out the mechanics of that) which would be ideal. As it is, at least each one can be done in a week, before I have time to lose interest 😎 Thank you for the healing beams, I am basking 😊

Hope you get better fast!

Are you making the elf socks for yourself? Or for elves?

Hehe, thank you, I am making them for myself ... although for elves would be faster!