Purple shirt for lady// Camisa morada para dama

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago


Do you know how to make a shirt easily and quickly? In this post we teach you step by step how to do it. This time the shirt is for my sister @xeliram, who asked me to make her a nice and comfortable shirt. Join me to watch this tutorial.

The materials used were the following: rulers, scissors, tape measure, pins, chalk, cloth, and model shirt.

Los materiales utilizados fueron los siguientes: reglas, tijera, cinta métrica, alfileres, tiza, tela y camisa modelo.¿Sabes cómo hacer una camisa de forma fácil y rápida? En el presente post te enseñamos paso a paso como hacerlo. En esta ocasión la camisa es para mi hermana @xeliram, quien me pidió que le realizara una camisa linda y cómoda. Acompáñenme a ver este tutorial.


We begin by folding the fabric and on this we place the model shirt also folded in half and taking the back area as the first cut. We take the chalk and mark the entire contour, in the area of ​​the arms you can use the ruler to make a well-defined cut. Then the front part is removed, in the same way as the previous one.

Iniciamos doblando la tela y sobre esta colocamos la camisa modelo doblada también a la mitad y tomando como primer corte el área de la espalda. Tomamos la tiza y marcamos todo el contorno, en el área de los brazos puedes usar la regla para realizar un corte bien definido. Luego se saca la parte delantera, de la misma manera que la anterior.


Later we remove the neck, for this a long thick strip must be removed. In the part of the sides we cost diagonally.

Later we remove the neck, for this a long thick strip must be removed. In the part of the sides we cost diagonally.


Then we cut the sleeves, taking out two pieces of this

Luego cortamos las mangas, sacando dos piezas de esta.


We begin to sew and join all the pieces, we start by joining the part of the shoulders, then we join the piece of the sleeves and this is sewn with the contour of the arms. We join the area of ​​the sides. Finally we join the neck and we roll on the bottom of the shirt.

Comenzamos a coser y unir todas las piezas, iniciamos uniendo la parte de los hombros, luego unimos la pieza de las mangas y esta se cose con el contorno de los brazos. Unimos el área de los costados. Por ultimo unimos el cuello y tomamos ruedo en la parte inferior de la camisa.



Gracias por la elaboración de mi camisa, te quedo muy linda.

A la orden, que bueno que te gusto

Beautiful shirt and a big hurray for making it for your sister. I am much to afraid while sewing :-DDD I guess I always need a paper pattern and a good explanation or I sew crazy stuff that fits nobody.

Greetings @neumannsalva, thanks for your comment. With this technique of wearing a shirt made as a model is easier, I also find it difficult to use paper patterns.

Sometimes I have come to untie garments, to be able to clearly visualize how to cut and sew.