Needlework Monday - SBD Giveaway Winners Announced!- Crocheted Baby Blanket Update!


Wowsers!!!! I don’t know about you but I am still overwhelmed from reading all of the wonderful entries last week! We had such a great time sharing with the Steemit world why we love #NeedleWorkMonday, the people who inspire us and why others should join us every Monday!

I didn’t call this a competition but rather a challenge. There was no way I could have judged those entries. Each one was special and written straight from the hearts of the needleworkers and that’s just something you can’t put a place on. Instead @crystalize used a random number generator to pick the receivers of the SBD. The winners are as follows:

Congratulations to each of you that had their name drawn!! Please check your wallets because your SBD is there!! 😃

Thank you to all of you that participated with wonderful write ups! I hope you had just as much fun as I did!!


Baby Blanket Update!


I am thrilled to report I am finished crocheting the blanket and am now working on the edging!! Whooo Hooo!! Finally!! I am so glad I went with @elew’s advice to crochet over my ends instead of sewing all of them in. It would have taken ages to get that done because there were tons of them if you remember...

I kept the knots on them to make sure the blanket does not unravel. Once I wash it that should help seal those ends in for good keeping them from peaking out.

For the edging I first did a round of single crochet over the entire blanket (3 sc in each corner). Then for round two I chained 3, skipped the next stitch and slip stitched into the next. I have two more sides to do before it’s completed. I’ll then show you the blanket in it’s entirety.


Stay tuned for’Crochet with CroSheille’ Episode #4 for next weeks #NeedleWorkMonday!! Thanks for reading :D










Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


My God, what a beautiful surprise, I was casually doing my post this week for needleworkmonday and I got this super surprise, thank you very much, thank you very much to your community, thank you for existing in my life, may God bless you and I fill them with much health to continue acdelante together, in this wonderful world called steemit.

Muy feliz por tu logro... Yupi. Saludos

I’m so glad you loved the surprise win!! 😃 You are very welcome, we appreciate your participation in the community~ 💕

Wow! Am so happy I found you last I have a home here in Steemit . Thanks to @anjkara

Well we are glad you found us too!! Welcome!! I look forward to you sharing your work with us? What type of needlework do you do?

Thanks @anjkara! 😊

You're welcome. Always happy to round up more crocheters :D



So many artsy mamas, what a beautiful project. I hope you're feeling ok and take care yourself. We're excited to see the little baby, I'm going to have to say advance hello!

Yes there are soooo many here on Steemit, it’s truly inspiring!

Thank you, I am resting well and getting ready :) I’m looking forward to introducing her to you all~

Yaaay! Congratulations to all of the winners! Thank you @crosheille, for writing up the announcement post and gifting the winners in this wonderful challenge! Your blanket is adorable and I'm still firm in my conviction that all those colors look magical together! Great job!

Yes it was so much fun and I enjoyed doing this!!! Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!

Yay thanks so much! I’m so glad it’s almost completed :D

Yay! the blanket is looking great @crosheille... I will stay tuned to get news 🌺

Thank you very much! ☺️🌸

Congrats to all!! And congrats @crosheille on the finished baby blanket!! Nice!

Thank you!!! 😉

Thank you so much @crosheille for doing this challenge! I'm glad I was one of the winners :)

Your baby blanket is lovely! I like the way the edging turned out. You're getting it done just in time, too!❤️

You are very welcome!! I really enjoyed doing it! 😊

Thank you! I wanted a simple edging, besides I don’t have the time to get fancy anyway lol! Yes I’ll be finished in time for her arrival~

Congratulations to the winners!

@crosheille the blanket looks awesome!

Thank you!!’ 😃😘

A big congrats to our winners!, I count it a privilege and so much fun and a bit of a task tho , because I had to really dig deep to see more than what I knew about some people I wrote about. It made me learn more about others and even those I didnt even know of

Also crocheting the ends turned out nice, I like the out look although the sewing in method I dunno how that was gonna look anyway. Wow we are so ready for this baby! 😀 Reading others post was also fun. More Grace @crosheille and @crystalize thanks for your graciousness😘😘

Yes the challenge did encourage you to dig a little deeper and really think about those good qualities of other needleworkers. You are very welcome ~

Thank you so much! I am very pleased with the outcome of the blanket but most of all glad it’s almost completed!! ☺️

Congratulations to all the winners!! Great job!
And the edging on your blanket looks gorgeous, @crosheille!! Done just in time! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Thank you!!!! I’m so glad I’m finally doing the edging. I wanted a simple but pretty one, I’m glad you like it~ 💕

well that sure was a nice give away :)

While the Baby Blanket looks really nice and beautiful by the way !

Thanks @rehan12! It was a fun one!!

I really appreciate the compliment :)

Wow wow, I'm so happy to find my name on the list! I've just written this week's post and started seeing posts on #needleworkmonday then ... What a nice surprise in the end of the day (in Germany) and for a new week. I wish I can continue contributing to the community. Happy #needleworkmonday :)

Haaaa well I’m glad you enjoyed the surprise win!!! We really appreciate your participation in this community! Enjoy! 😉

Oh! to be honest, I did not expect at all. Thank you very much for your attention to me !!!!! I congratulate the other girls who received prizes !!! when I read the posts for this contest, I saw that everyone found for themselves someone whose work inspires him; there are already groups of girls collected according to their common interests. it's very good since we can share with each other, who has similar directions in needlework, their ideas, misses and successes. Cynthia, you're done! you still almost finished it! Hurrah Hurrah!!!!!

You are very welcome!! Yes it is really nice to be connected to those of like interests!!! I really LOVE this community and can’t imagine not having you all to share with every week!! ❤️

Yay!! I’m so excited to be nearing the end of this blanket!!! Looking forward to starting a new project soon!!! 😊

it's very interesting what exactly you plan to do after finishing work on the plaid :)

I plan on making her a few more baby items!!!! 😃

Yea!! Congrats to the winner! I love the way the blanket is coming along. It's going to be so lovely!! I can't wait to see the final product. I have to figure out what to post about next week now that I've finished my current project.... Maybe your next post will include a newborn model...although I'm still holding out for June 11!!!

Thank you! I look forward to showing you all the finished product. It’s funny you say that because I was thinking of waiting to show you all after she gets here and wrap her in it...I think you just confirmed that for me!! 😃😉 There is a guessing bid pool going on in the Steemitmamas should check it out and enter your date!!! No one has picked that day yet. 👍🏽

Oh yes you are finished with Gwen’s quilt...what will you do next???!!!

Congratulations to all winners - but then again I see us all as winners for being part of this wonderful community 😄 I think your challenge last week was a little masterpiece @crosheille, bringing us closer by making us consider our sources of inspiration 😁

I couldn’t agree more @lil-mich!! That’s how I see this community, we are all winners sharing each of our strengths, weaknesses and uniqueness as we encourage each other. That’s what I love about it so much, we each bring something to the table to love~ ❤️☺️ I’m so glad the challenge went so well and everyone enjoyed it!!! 😊🤗 Thank you~ 😘

Congratulations to all the winners. Let the magic of life follow and enjoy with us. Greetings.

Thank you!!!

Sorry for commenting tuesday morning I was very busy on monday. 😥Congratulations to the winners and happy #needleworkmonday

Thank you @amigurumi! No apologies, I understand that it’s not always going to be possible to post and comment all on Monday. It’s taking me a few days now to get to everyone since I’ve been so busy ;)

That's so beautiful @crosheille. I love how you've detailed the how-to in terms of hiding those loose ends.

SBD Giveaway! What a lovely thing to do. It's great to see such a vibrant community of crafters growing here.


Thank you very much!

It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed doing it! It is really exciting to see!! Thank you~ 😊

Congrats on your finished blanket, and congrats to all the winners!!!

Thank you so much!! ☺️

yey!! Thank you so much!More power for you @crosheille keep inspiring us :-)

It’s my pleasure and joy to do!! I am so overwhelmed at the love and participation of this community ~ 😊💕 You all inspire me!!

Congrats to all the winners!

Woo hoo! finally, I am glad the blanket is now reaching the final stage, ready to welcome the baby. Oh, by the way, when it is due?

Yes Whooo Hooo! Lol!!! 😄 I am soooo glad it’s almost completed! Thank you~

The baby is due June 13th but I think she will arrive early ;). I’ll keep you all posted!!! 😃

Aw, of course we cannot wait to see the finished blanket and the baby.... 😊👶👶


It's good to find a space where many people like me love croche

We’re glad to have you here with us!!! 😉

Congrats to all winners and that baby blanket looks gorgeous 😍

Thank you so much @alimamasstory!! I look forward to sharing pictures with her wrapped all in it lol!!! 😁

I think you should check out this girl

this is going to impress you

Thanks for the link! Oh yes I am very familiar with her. She already posts for #NeedleWorkMonday! She does great work! 😃😉

Thanks for the support~ 😊