Needlework Monday - ‘Project NICU Warmth’ Reminder - An Important Announcement for our Monday Group!



Community Project Reminder

This is a Reminder of our First Community Project for #NeedleworkMonday! For the whole month of January I have challenged our group to make a minimum of five preemie hats for the NICU of your choice. Please choose a hospital in your area that participates in receiving these donations. You can crochet, knit, sew or do no-sew hats. Any other craft skill that you can use to make these hats are welcome.

If you missed my first initial post on this please view it HERE. I explain where my inspiration to do this came from. On the last Monday in January (29th), we will all post a picture of the hats we made to send to the hospitals.



You will also find the guidelines for making these hats and how to send them off as well as a pattern in my previous post. I want to thank @kimbolo86, @snooway, @hopehuggs, and @redbone for being ready and willing to participate in this project. I look forward to seeing all of the hats that are created for such a needed cause. These hats are always needed for these babies and it brightens families hearts when they receive such love for their fighting babies. Once again please view my first initial post for more details! If you want to join in please respond in the reply section below, thank you~

Important Announcement

As Founder of our #NeedleworkMonday weekly initiative and as Sponsor over our group projects and activities I am delighted to say our group is growing tremendously!!! We have more and more crafters joining us to share their creations every Monday. With that said I know I will need some help keeping things organized and making sure everyone feels welcome as well as putting together our community events.

Today I am officially announcing @crystalize as Co-Sponsor of our #NeedleworkMonday group! She has stepped up and has done a Wonderful job promoting our group as well as inviting so many crafters to come onboard. She is currently sponsoring our first contest for a group logo! Yes soon we will all be able to add an official #NeedleworkMonday logo to all of our Monday posts. If you haven’t checked out the contest please head on over to check out some of the entries we have already received and support and Resteem the post for others to see! You can view her post HERE!

Together @crystalize and I will continue to bring fun ideas and opportunities to the group. She and I can both be reached on Discord as well as on Steem Chat. If you ever have any questions, concerns or ideas please feel free to reach out to either one of us. This is all of our group and we encourage you to bring any ideas or suggestions you may have to us!

Thank you so much for all of your participation every week! It’s been such a delight being apart of such a talented group! 💕



Those little hats are adorable. I know my wife has been working on a project for some time now. @ironshield

Thank you @ironshield! I enjoyed your wife’s first #NeedleworkMonday post :)

definitely a good project because I remember my daughter born 3 pounds and was in the nicu for a while now she's 10 years old thanks God and nicu project.

Thank you so much for your support @moyse! Yes Glory be to God for sparing your daughter’s life! This project is very dear for me because I witnessed the need for it firsthand.

This is such an inspirational project, @crosheille! I have asked another chochet-fan to join Steemit just so she can participate in this wonderful charitable event. She will likely appear today as @alwaysthebryde. Come for the charity event, stay for the community!

Many thanks again for the honor of serving as co-chair for team #NeedlweworkMonday. We are already having a blast and it will only get better!!!

Thank you, @crosheille for organizing this great event and group!

I made it! Thank you @crystalize for the invite! What a wonderful event and what a beautiful opportunity. Time to get out my hook!

Yaaay! So glad you made it, @alwaysthebryde! Woot! We have another #NeedleworkMonday member. Please be sure to go look at and vote on your favorite logo for our group. The contest ends this Saturday. Thanks and a very warm welcome. We look forward to seeing your goodies! Vote for favorite art here:

Welcome aboard @alwaysthebryde! I am so glad that @crystalize told you about our group and our current community project! Looking forward to seeing the hats you make! Thank you so much for your interest and willingness to join in!!! Yay!! 🤗😃

Thank you so much @crystalize!! I really appreciate your support and efforts. I couldn’t think of anyone more qualified :D Oh it’s gonna be a fun journey ahead of us!!!

Thank you so much for inviting another crocheter to join or community event! I am so delighted at what we all can achieve together!

I am very glad that our group is finding more and more support and participants! I thank for its creation @crosheille!
Я очень рада, что наша группа находит все больше поддержки и участников! Благодарю за ее создание.

I am very glad too @inna-yatsuk!!! It’s a lot of fun meeting new crafters and having them share on Monday’s!! I’m looking for what’s to come and our group to continue growing!! It was my pleasure, I’m so glad we all have a place to share together :)

That's what I want to say. I'm very interested to see the creative work of different people from various countries. It's much more fascinating than watching it on TV for example, and here there is live communication and exchange of experience and opinion. And even more so if there is a community like this that you created. This is generally wonderful!)) I apologize for my English.
Вот что хочу сказать. Мне очень интересно посмотреть на творческие работы разных людей из разнообразных стран. Это намного увлекательней, чем например посмотреть это все по телевизору, а тут идет живое общение и обмен опытом и мнением. А тем более если есть такое сообщество как это, которое вы создали. Это вообще замечательно!))Прошу прощения за мой английский.

I agree! I love that we can share and collaborate our different art skills with people from all across the country. That’s so true, we have live communication right before us and it’s a lot of fun! I’m so glad you are enjoying this community :) No apologies, I understand your English quite well. 😊😉

This is an awesome project. I wish I had the time to make a few of these hats...

Thank you so much @cecicastor! I wish you had the time to join us as well~

This is so cool! Our church does it all year round, especially getting the "teens" involved. It teaches, not preaches AND they learn a new skill! Win-win!

I love what you are doiing! tip!

Thank you so much @dswigle!!! This project is very dear to me. Yes I love that it gets the teens involved, that’s Awesome!!! Kudos to your church for doing this year round!!!!

Thank you so much for the tip!!

WOW!!! That is one worth wild project. I wish I had the time to help out with it. Sadly I don't have the time.@originalworks

Thank you so much for your support! I know, Time is so short these days. I wish everyone had the time to participate.

I love this project, I will ask my local hospital and community if hats are needed, or anything else for that matter = D I have shared the post and will mention to any other knitters/crocheters = D

Thank you so very much!! I hope you are able to participate! Thank you for sharing this info with others! 😉

Hi @crosheille! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

This is a nice project

Thank you very much @kendrick1! If you know anyone that would be interested in participating please feel free to share the link with them, thank you~

Yea! I can't wait to see all the little baby hats!! And so cool to have a co-sponsor! :) Amazing job. Can't wait to see the logo.

Thank you @apanamamama! It was getting challenging managing everything by myself and trying to invite more crafters is very time consuming. @crystalize has been such a blessing to our group! I’m so excited about our Monday sharing growing and doing more together. I can’t wait to see which logo wins too!! Yay! 😃

Yea! :) Exciting times!