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RE: Needlework Monday - My most difficult crochet project!

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago (edited)

I had to google 'frogging'. What a revelation! I've done HEAPS of frogging without ever knowing that's what it's called.

I was also interested that you mentioned 'blocking'. I sort of knew, intellectually, what that meant, but have never done it. I looked up a couple of explanations and should probably do it. I think my new yoga strap could benefit.

Apart from learning all that interesting terminology, the doily looks nothing short of magnificent!


I had never heard of frogging until I joined a few crochet groups on FB. They all use that term. I admit, it does fit.
Blocking a doily can be a pain, but it is usually necessary with thread. I wet it, then pin it to a foam tile, then spray with starch and let it dry. It looks totally different when blocked..and much better.
Thank you very much for the compliment! 😀