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RE: On a plane..

in #ned6 years ago

O-kay, so why flying to SF, flying from where to SF? Why just the selfie? Is there a big meeting coming up in SF? Is the fact that Microsoft is buying Git-hub going to be a cause of concern for Steem? Are there other open source repositories available to use? Even though Git-hub is open source, is there a possibility that since Microsoft is going to now be the owner of it that they own all the code that is currently available on Git-hub?

Is there going to be any current ramifications for STINC due to this purchase? We all saw what happened to IBM-Dos and PC-Dos back in the early days, Some of us still remember the Internet Explorer/Netscape scrape up? Is any one looking at moving from git-hub? and if so where?


Wowza, that's a lot of 'having some explaining to do' just for posting a pic. 🙊

But now that you posted it, I'm curious too. 🙈🙉

He has that worried look. It could be a serious look. I just thought I would ask, since it was just a picture, a chance to ask any thing kind of post. Him just saying here I am, what's on your mind kind of look.

I just thought I would ask, no one seemed to of mentioned it on any post about the purchase, so was just curious.