At what age did you have your first kiss?
My 1st kiss was d best memorial day ever, it was @ my friend birthday wf my crush @ 13yrs
What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
Oh my God! Sachet water
What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.
Hmmmmmm, a surprised birthday gathering with my friends
Ladies: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
like seriously, I would rather go without make up for three days
Guys: Which would you rather go without? A comb or a wristwatch?
Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
Trust me, my ideal man must be good looking, tall, chocolate in complexion, God
fearing, fashionista.
What would you do with one million naira.
Ooh!my goodness,A million, I will go into full time agriculture business like planting of tomato then distributing it to companies that produces tomato paste and ketch up
Would you love to get married to a virgin?
What are u are saying, of course YES.
Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.
guys- @gprince, @dickiebash, @denji ladies- @emem, oyinoza, @camilus
Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.
I really can't go a day without PRAYER because I believe that is the only way I talk to my GOD with Bible in my hands to make the devil suck and have sex with hell
What virtue do you think is your greatest?
Fashionista like me
Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRON BACK and CENTER
hmmmmm.... Its bringing your originality in steemit community
One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1
it simple, I learnt past is like your shadow it follows you around
I nominate @dickiebash @gprincet what age did you have your first kiss?
My 1st kiss was d best memorial day ever, it was @ my friend birthday wf my crush @ 13yrs
What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
Oh my God! Sachet water
What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.
Hmmmmmm, a surprised birthday gathering with my friends
Ladies: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
like seriously, I would rather go without make up for three days
Guys: Which would you rather go without? A comb or a wristwatch?
Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
Trust me, my ideal man must be good looking, tall, chocolate in complexion, God
fearing, fashionista.
What would you do with one million naira.
Ooh!my goodness,A million, I will go into full time agriculture business like planting of tomato then distributing it to companies that produces tomato paste and ketch up
Would you love to get married to a virgin?
What are u are saying, of course YES.
Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.
guys- @gprince, @dickiebash, @denji ladies- @emem, @oyinoza, @camilus
Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.
I really can't go a day without PRAYER because I believe that is the only way I talk to my GOD with Bible in my hands to make who doesn't love me suck and have sex with the devil in Hell
What virtue do you think is your greatest?
Fashionista like me
Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRON BACK and CENTER
hmmmmm.... Its bringing your originality to steemit community
One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1
it simple, I learnt past is like your shadow it follows you around
I nominate @dickiebash @gprince
All thanks to @mimy for this contest
U look beautiful
Thanks dear
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