Well I sold some of my ADA and bought 25,000 NCASH, some crazy steemian told me that ADA wasn't worth anymore than .33 - and it hasn't moved past that since he said that. The last time I didn't listen to the crazy steemian that told me explicitly in July 2017 that EOS would go down from $3.25, to .50 - and then and only then, would it moon, I lost out on hundreds of thousands of dollar, so not this time. Every nut job that says something on here has got to be right, right ? lol.
Still confused. Having paid well over $1.00 for ADA, how is it all of a sudden not worth more than .33 ?
Perhaps you might want to evaluate an ICO before plonking your cash in it. I suggest - https://medium.com/@pstehlik/evaluating-blockchain-projects-with-token-economy-canvas-908bc1bab6 but BTC is the safest because every other projects hinges piggy back on BTC giving it the value.