You'll be seeing these guys in your neighborhood soon.
Got guns? Wanna keep 'em?
Don't keep them where they can be taken from you by Nazi style armed raids conducted to confiscate guns. It's already happening, and Seattle started it. No charges. No threats. Not someone who wasn't legally allowed to possess the firearm seized by police.
They are just taking the guns, and worrying about due process later.
Sound familiar?
Forget the guns. I want that ORV. Fuck traffic jams on the freeway. Kick her into 4wd and hammer down.
You had a unique childhood and so did I. We lived not far from the Mexican border. Otilio DeAngelo was a "wetback" who worked for us. We paid him $5/day plus room and board. My dad worked all the time so Otilio was my surrogate father. He had 5 kids of his own in Mexico and he sent money back to them from the states. He'd work about 5 or 6 months and then go back home to spend the rest of the year with his family. He missed his kids so he'd play with me, wheel me around in the wheel barrow and teach me Spanish. I loved that guy.
One of the things we did that was fun was hide from helicopters. He was an illegal and when military copters flew low overhead we'd hide. I don't know if he was serious or just playing, but whenever I see a military copter today, I feel threatened, not safe. Right now I'm living under a military flyway. Fighter jets scream overhead, fully loaded choppers fly low through the arroyos and groups of Osprey STOL troop carriers cruise high overhead on their way to training in the local desert. All that firepower just makes me want to hide. If those guys have guns then I want one too.
Like the Mexicans said when guns became illegal in Mexico, "If you take away our guns, how will we protect ourselves from the government?"
I think Sr. Angelo taught you rightly.
One day when my kids and I were just getting home from hunting, a military chopper came and hovered over the truck, about 50 feet up. Made a fierce racket. Could see the guys looking down at us.
I clambered out, and so did the boys. The guys in the chopper didn't say anything, or make any signs I could see. They just hovered there for more than a minute.
Well, nothing for it. We needed to get the firearms cleaned up, so I grabbed my double barrel shotgun, and told the boys to get their rifles.
Wouldn't you know it, those guys in the chopper decided to be somewhere else right away.
Dunno to this day what they wanted.
Relevance: I Lost All My Guns In A "Tragic Boating Accident"!!
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
is it true...??
Not quite, they still have "reasons" for the gun grabs.
Its not like they through out the second amendment wholesale.
They just increased the list of who is not allowed to own guns in Washington.
Now it includes people who are scary looking and may use those guns
Rhetoric isn't due process, and being disliked by your neighbors isn't probable cause. Pretending the Second Amendment is still the law doesn't make it so.
This is a naked gun grab with the flimsiest of excuses.
I am confident this will accelerate at an astounding rate.