
you are the one missing the bigger picture sir...
in an educated society we let ideologies compete for logical superiority...
but somewhere along the line a hatred for the west and western values has taken root in the minds of children like you

are you also campaigning to exterminate Islam?? yes?

So you'd argue when Hitler convinced the German people to adopt his Nazi ideology they did so because of his logical superiority?

I did not argue any such thing and did not claim that populism resulted in the best outcomes... and i did not support national socialism in any way.

You are calling for shutting down others right to speech and violence towards other ideologies... that is more like a fascist than anything else said here

It wasnt "Hitler's" ideology

  • eugenics was practiced largely in many areas at that time including the US
  • National socialism was more akin to Communism , so why dont you throw around the name Stalin, Lenin and Mao Zedong while youre at it for creating the groundwork.
    of course you wont... because Hitler is a nice [badguy] name to compare people you dont agree with to

Sir, you are still dodging the question. Does violelence bring about peace?