Engineer.Ai (NAYA) ICO Review — Ai-Powered Ecosystem Lets Anyone Create Software

in #naya6 years ago (edited)

Engineer.aI trading platform is a complex method that allows to simplify work on exchange, and minimize losses in case of unsuccessful trades. Engineer.aI creates the necessary conditions for transparency, convenience and simplicity with minimal risks for traders. Fast and affordable crypto-currency deposit/withdrawals increases the likelihood of its introduction into everyday life by reducing the barriers to entering cryptology. With the Engineer.aI trading platform risks associated with trading are decreasing, allowing tradersto save finances in case of errors. In this document you will be acquainted with the features of the Engineer.aI trading platform.


Engineer.aI is a blockchain and AI-powered ecosystem that helps anyone create bespoke software, faster, more cost-effective, and with a higher success rate than the current consultation model. 

Project building, management, and distributed payments are all managed by our ecosystem development team is established and experienced with an existing network of 26,000 engineers, 3,200 clients, $23 million in platform revenue, and 150 percent year on year growth. Pivoting to a blockchain and AI-driven model will industrialize our process and allow us scale globally and achieve our key goals. 

An outline (algorithm) for what would have been the first piece of software was written by Ada Lovelace in the 19th century, for the planned Analytical Engine. However, neither the Analytical Engine nor any software for it were ever created. 

The first theory about software—prior to creation of computers as we know them today—was proposed by Alan Turing in his 1935 essay On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem (decision problem). 

This eventually led to the creation of the academic fields of computer science and software engineering. Both fields study software and its creation. Computer science is the theoretical study of computer and software (Turing's essay is an example of computer science), where as software engineering is the application of engineering and development of software. 

However, prior to 1946, software was not yet the programs stored in the memory of stored-program digital computers, as we now understand it. The first electronic computing devices were instead rewired in order to "reprogram" them 

 ABOUT ENGINEER.AI launch forms a decentralized platform using an artificial mind, where almost anyone can simply and unconsciously develop software for their entrepreneurial activities in a couple of steps without the skill of programming and knowledge of codes. 

 The introduction of such software, which is personally developed by the manager of the business manager, takes into account all aspects and subtleties of their organization, processes large amounts of information and uses them effectively, lowers the price policy of human labor discipline, causes defective product stocks, modifies with improved conditions for employees. 

 Ecosystem engineering and technical artificial intelligence works in an extremely elementary algorithm: the customer inevitably needs to pay for the first deposit of NAYA tokens first, the transaction is carried out with the support of contractual agreements for extraction of necessary minerals, which will help to find the desired final end or compensation, then runs to the workload and selects the necessary ones blocks for your software supply, and the final final end is checked by uncontrolled and uncontrollable professionals.

 All operations will be carried out using their personal internal token NAYA, and for each software plan an individual mental contract will be born. The digital token helps to reduce commission fees, unlike traditionally accepted master masters, the price for almost one-second subtracts intermediary conductors in the form of banking and electronic payment constructional orders, preserves all data in absolute confidentiality.

 As for the prospects of this idea, this team already has a network of 26,000 engineering masters, 3,200 buyers and 23 million revenue. bucks, it allows us to conclude about a large experimental experiment and a worthy solid foundation of the project. The introduction of technical means of blockchain and artificially made intelligence will allow to increase the total number of customers and to conduct global scaling. 

  • Clients use the drag-and-drop interface to create ideas. They pay NAYA tokens every week to start work.
  • AI builds a project by selecting a component from an existing building block.
  • A builder card with details of atomic level is assigned to delivery personnel confirmed with score.
  • Several independent stake partners will validate the deliverables.
  • Successful projects automatically release funds escrowed by the smart contract of the block chain.
  • Hosting and maintenance are managed by AI & Cloud. Costs are automatically arbitrarily chosen.

 Our mission’s development team has been established and experienced with 26,000 engineers, 3,200 clients, platform revenues of $ 23 million and existing networks with an annual growth rate of 150%. Pivoting to block chains and AI driven models will make the process industrialize, expand globally and achieve key goals

The Problem

  • Outdated delivery process & broken trust

The number of small businesses creating bespoke software is higher than ever. But outsourcing software development has only a 9% success rate, with three main risks 

  • Time and cost

 Most customers are unable to describe the specifics of their product. This leads to weeks and months outlining what is expected and raising costs without transparency. 

  • Delivery doubts

 Developers are forced to work on weak or vague specs, reducing their ability to deliver a project, leading to renegotiation risks and high failure rates. 

  •   Payment conflicts

 Vague project specifications lead to payment disputes. Vendors worry that they will not receive accurate payments and clients fear escalating costs to meet their original plans. 

The Solution

  •   Transparent transactions & optimized processes

Engineer.aI is a blockchain and AI-powered ecosystem that helps anyone create bespoke software, faster, more cost-effective, and with a higher success rate than the current consultation model. 

  •  Faster & leaner

Creators won’t require any technical knowledge to realize their projects. AI will match their idea with suitable components and development teams. 

  •  Streamlined & guaranteed

Duplicate work is eliminated as existing components are used, rather than re-built. Costs are reduced and timelines shortened, allowing more focus on bespoke elements. 

  •  Managed & trusted

Every stage is managed by smart contract removing payment risks and ensuring on time, on budget delivery.

The NAYA Token 

 The NAYA Trust Platform reduces risk through a multi-stakeholder delivery model where performance is aligned and secured by utilizing a delegated proof of stake model. NAYA is a ERC-20 token used on the distributed payment network for clients and contributors. 

 Everyone must be staked in on time, quality and specification.
Every part of the delivery process needs multi-stakeholder approval.
Everyone is comfortable getting paid.
All delivery stakeholders should have a verified history 

The Token Sale is an already established platform for building bespoke software. The funds raised from the Token sale will enable further development of the platform and the realization of major client and project milestones.’s development team is already established and experienced with a proven track record of delivery. 



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WALLET : 0x1A5a015f3896b0362d13Df360F6d2745EFedAD6c