Nav Coin Core 4.0.0 is a complete wallet rebuild that has been forked from Bitcoin 0.13. It has modernised Nav Coin’s core with lots of new features. The upgrade gives Nav Coin Core all the latest API commands which Bitcoin implements. This makes it compatible with more software and services than ever before.
In this video tutorial we will show you how to setup a Nav Coin Full Node Wallet. The Full Node Wallet is used to stake your Nav Coins. Nav Coin is a Proof of Stake coin with an annual 5% stake reward.
- Backup 3.x wallet.dat (0:24)
- Install Full Node Wallet (0:50)
- Add Navtech Servers (2:07)
- Unlock wallet for staking (3:35)
- Nav Coin transaction (4:02)
The first time you add coins to your Full Node wallet, a notification is shown that your coins are not mature. After 2 hours this message dissapears and your coins will start staking. You have to leave your wallet open and unlocked for staking.
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