In a mirrow is where we find a reflection of our appearances, but in a heart is were we find a reflection of our soul.
Nature Photography
7 years ago in #naturephotography by yoyo1234 (40)
- Past Payouts $0.96
- - Author $0.75
- - Curators $0.21
19 votes
- surpassinggoogle: $0.88
- arcange: $0.03
- emz89: $0.02
- ghemzheart: $0.01
- steemgigs: $0.01
- raphaelle: $0.00
- yoyo1234: $0.00
- rinajaz2011: $0.00
- godatsteem: $0.00
- jsquirms: $0.00
- gyandip: $0.00
- ranielbrianulan: $0.00
- rahul.stan: $0.00
- steem-untalented: $0.00
- superdavey: $0.00
- wagun001: $0.00
- keshawn: $0.00
- dmiton: $0.00
- raise-me-up: $0.00
Nice click